Recent content by FitzR6

  1. FitzR6

    DVP / Don Mills

    RIP and condolences
  2. FitzR6

    Shops to buy tires

    +1 for Pete's
  3. FitzR6

    Rider killed

    geez man, RIP
  4. FitzR6

    I do not. What's your facebook?

    I do not. What's your facebook?
  5. FitzR6

    You still ride latenights? Looking for riding buddies.

    You still ride latenights? Looking for riding buddies.
  6. FitzR6

    Y u no clear your inbox?

    Y u no clear your inbox?
  7. FitzR6

    Hey cruisers, why dont u wave at my sportbike?

    Don't take it personal, because of arthritis their hands are taped onto handle bars :D
  8. FitzR6

    My dealings with MikeyMoto

    oh boy... OP, please respond...
  9. FitzR6

    Pulled over on HOV gardiner

    Good job getting up and standing up for your rights! Bob would be proud.
  10. FitzR6

    How fast do you go in HOV lane?

    I usually do about 6o km/h cause even though lane is clear seems like every other car of looking to cut into the HOV lane
  11. FitzR6

    Too many bikes on road to wave these days

    Don't sweat it, I'll wave to you man!
  12. FitzR6

    Bike cops riding formation

    That's exactly why I've noticed. See them everyday on my way in and out from work. It is nice having them keep the HOV lane clear for us though!
  13. FitzR6

    Head on collision with Fire truck

    wow what a lucky guy
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