My 2024 Motorcycle goals
1. Pick up the new bike this week and get it converted to a race bike for the 2024 season
2. Continue to grow the number of trails for the dirtbikes by adding at least 2 more thru the tree sections
3. Ride street more than I did in 2023 and sell 1 of the street bikes...
Very happy with the plugin hybrid Niro so far. No complaints on the local haul or long distance runs.
Kid has a Kia Sentos. Very happy with it 3 years in. 75 000 kms
I have to give a great review for Peak Oakville as well.
My shop is very close to them. I was a couple of hours into trying to get the new drive belt on the Polaris 800 Ranger with no luck.
I could not drive it the 400 metres to their shop obviously. 30 mins after my request for help the...
Just passed the 20 000 km mark yesterday with the KIA Niro plugin hybrid
1.8 litre/100 km average over the last 11 months
No idea on what my electrical cost has been as there are too many variables. All I can compare to is versus the Ford Focus that it replaced. A savings on about 1000...
Yep. My garage floor at home I did 26 years ago now. Kick stands etc
Just getting to the point when I should redo it but I stand and look at all the crap I would have to move to be able to repair and refresh....
1st goal post construction will be an epoxy floor coating
If I dont get it done next summer after the concrete cures....I will be looking at the bare concrete in 5 years thinking I should do the coating some day
Going insulated garage doors.
The track doors are coming off to replace steel shell and I want to heat part of it so the track doors are going.
Just did a budget for what I was planning (and with inputs here). A little too much $. Need to trim down my wish list a little.
4x4 posts with 2x4 supports on angles for walls
Dirt floor now. Was going to excavate and insulate the new concrete slab
Was just planning to enclose upper at 10 foot and leave it as an attic
Maybe 1 divider wall so split it 33% on the left unheated. Heat the 66% on the right.
Add a...
By my math
~$5000 for 3.5 fiberglass gets me under R8 and a 0.5 air gap (true 2x4 framing) or I have to fill it at more cost plus my labour and I would need to add more framing as the old shed has no 15 inch offset framing
~$16 000 for the closed cell foam at 4 inch and then misc other costs...
There are competing lines of thought.
Some advocate that closed cell spray foam does not need a vapour barrier. I do not subscribe to that thought.
In a cooler climate with heated indoor environment as the predominant element moisture intrusion into the building envelope from the inside is...
70 year old siding that has been beat up over the years with cattle, wagons and tractor buckets etc.
Your list almost matches with my thoughts. Most excellent.
I do industrial paint for a living....I will do the spray foam myself on this job.
Starting the plan to renovate an old tractor shed into a new heated garage
Shed was built in 1958
Dirt floor presently
Steel siding is showing its age. Going to strip it all off, insulate etc.
What features should I plan for?
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