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  • Hope your Alaska journey is going well... glad you decided to take the LE!!... thanks for the chat over tea... bought an 07 red busa... riding to key west (via blue ridge / deals gap / etc. etc) in July... gotta cross the border with you one of these days and get me one of those big ass chocolate bars :D
    Hey! I was looking for a place to give you a ++++++11111 for the great deal on the suit. Hopefully it will get the message out that you've got some great buys :). I wanna get out for a ride with ya when my skill level increases. LUV UR BIKE!!!
    Hey girl! It was great to finally meet you too!!!
    Did you ever find out where that smell was coming from?!?! LoL!
    Hey girl, Do you think Pete would have any gear I could borrow for Calabogie? I need an XS helmet and boots (woman's size 8).
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