Are you Rotella or Motul?

Mad Mike

Well-known member
Thought I’d give this new forum an opening discussion.
I jumped on the Rotella bandwagon a few oil changes ago.
I will need to see where it is being made as that might change my choice for the next oil change. Even thought I already have some purchased from the ******** south of us.
I've been a Rotella guy for a long, long time. But I see a most of it is made in the USA. So I guess I'll be switching to Motul! French company with manufacturing in various non USA locations.

Small beans? Futile? "The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." —Confucius

Edit: Ok, apparently Rotella in the Canadian market is made in Brockville (see the other oil thread happening right now), so I guess I'm still a Rotella guy after all then!
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What viscosity are you using?
I tried using the Rotella for a season or two and it was fine, but I did notice that shifting felt clunky near the end of the interval. With the 7100, I found that the shifting was still buttery smooth right to the end of interval. Also on long trips the bike still felt great with extending the oil change interval to 8-9k instead of the normal 6k I do.
T6 for a long time in many bikes. I would grab it in bulk when in the states. T6 keeps the engines nice and clean.
But as said above the motul did feel better in the shifts. $$ vs $$
Shell Advance 4T:
It's motorcycle specific and cheaper than Rotella. $16L regular price at Princess or Napa.

Does it have all the extra vitamins that Rotella has though, that small engines really like? The extra zinc/ZDDP in Rotella for example is well know to be of benefit to small engines like ours.
Shell Advance 4T:
It's motorcycle specific and cheaper than Rotella. $16L regular price at Princess or Napa.
I’ve never seen this. Thanks!

I tried Rotella a few times and the shifting was odd. Thought it was my expectations went to Castrol m/c dino oil felt good. Back to Rotella not great again.
Now using Liqui-Moly and shifting felt good again. Two seasons so far. So I vote NDP
Rotella T6 for years in all street and race bikes. Stocked up when Danté and I were in the States about a month ago. Will probably buy a couple more jugs at Canadian Tire with that promo. Thanks.
For all the Rotella users, 5w40 is on sale at Canadian Tire for $60/5L, plus a Shell rebate of $15/5L, plus whatever CT rewards you're enrolled in:

Great find.
I will pick up a jug or two as travelling to the USA for it is not an option right now.
I tried using the Rotella for a season or two and it was fine, but I did notice that shifting felt clunky near the end of the interval. With the 7100, I found that the shifting was still buttery smooth right to the end of interval. Also on long trips the bike still felt great with extending the oil change interval to 8-9k instead of the normal 6k I do.
T5 and T6 Rotella will be contaminated by blow by way before it loses viscosity.

I know a GL1800 and another ST1300 rider that go 24000km on T6. Both are over 250k on their bikes

I’ve started using Rotella T4 around 1980 and T5 a few years ago. Bikes, cars, pickups, atvs, boats…I drive my stuff to the end of its life… not a single failure that is oil related in 40 years.
I will pick up a jug or two as travelling to the USA for it is not an option right now.

It's not a great deal anyways - one must keep in mind that here in Canada Rotella typically comes in 5L jugs, but in the USA only 4L. I did the math on some jugs I bought at Walmart last fall while we were in the US and on a per litre basis, taking into consideration the smaller jugs, plus the exchange, the savings were very tiny.
It's not a great deal anyways - one must keep in mind that here in Canada Rotella typically comes in 5L jugs, but in the USA only 4L. I did the math on some jugs I bought at Walmart last fall while we were in the US and on a per litre basis, taking into consideration the smaller jugs, plus the exchange, the savings were very tiny.

In October, I bought a 3 pack (3 X 1 Gallon) via Amazon for $72.88 USD (incl. $5.40USD of NY Tax) which at the time converted to be $103.09 CAD.

3 US Gallon equates to 11.355 liters. So thats $9.08 CAD per liter.

A 5L Canadian jug at this price would be $45.40 CAD. While CT is selling it for $64.99 regular price and on sale right now for $49.99 (after mail in rebate)

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