Boat Rentals

Trying to get the survey done now. Found an accredited surveyor in Barrie who has impressed me with his willingness to help and answer questions, but we're at the mercy of the weather now...need at least 4-5 days above zero for the hull to completely thaw before it can be done, so that's going to be a challenge unless we get another thaw week like we had last week.
I was impressed with David Buchanan but think he's out of Orillia. That was years ago.
I was impressed with David Buchanan but think he's out of Orillia. That was years ago.

I did come across his website, but couldn't find an email address anywhere, only the "contact us" form which I never got back to - I was blasting out emails.

Fun fact: I emailed a total of 7 surveyors. To date I have received 3 responses, and I think one of them was an auto-responder telling me that they were away/unavailable. Not a peep from any of the remaining 4.

The fellow who responded first and has been most helpful and knowledgeable is getting the job. One other guy responded but was upfront about gassers not being his specialty vs diesel, so I respect that and will go with the gasser familiar guy instead, but at least he responded.
It’s such a seasonal job for a lot of guys , they just have no interest in climbing ladders and poking around freezing bilges . It’s pretty unprofessional to not respond one way or the other , but that’s also how a lot of these guys roll. Other sad reality is a few of these accredited certs are “ just join the organization “ . They have further training options and observed standards, but you paid your hundred bucks so your in. Different when you find a commercial surveyor that is licenced to do things like tugs , police boats , lake freighters . They are usually marine engineers , not just the guy that likes boats . I’m personally aquainted with four surveyors . I’m not recommending them to anybody that wants more than , cleared for insurance .

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Hemmingway’s famous fishing boat , Pilar, was also a Wheeler , very high quality and sea worthy boat . Unless you have a gilligan ….

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I always found it funny that the professor could make a radio out of coconuts but couldn’t fix the boat lol.
Filmed on a set in Hollywood someplace , in a couple episodes you can see the camera angle messes up and you see an apartment building off in the background. Nobody cared .
And yes , a bamboo bicycle to power a washing machine , but patching a boat , not so much lol

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Reminds me of this article I came across recently. There was 4 SS Minow's used during filming, someone got ahold of the only remaining one and restored it.

Back to the original topic, is there a boat BNB?

Houseboat rentals are pretty lame. I've seen some actual rental cruisers on the Rideau and while the lines were not bad in a retro way they were welded steel and the finish was about as bad as one could get.

I'd be tempted to lease a boat for a month or so and therefore the question.

I wouldn't expect it to be cheap but consider buying a boat, survey, insurance, paying the tax, mooring and then a year or so later waiting to sell and paying a commission to a broker.

If you could lease a boat for less than 20% of its value it's probably a better deal in the short term.

Competent skipper is a prerequisite
I've never seen any rental boats beyond either houseboats, pontoons, or small runabouts - I think there's a place in lakefield that does small runabouts (14'ish footers I'd say, 4 passengers) stuff for example. There's a place on Scugog that does pontoons. Lots of options out there aside from those 2 I'm sure.

Actual non-houseboat liveaboards? I've never seen it. Skill requirements are too high and a "come along with you for the weekend/week/month" skipper isn't viable on most boats unless the captain has separate living quarters where he/she can effectively disappear while the renters are enjoying the boat, and then there would be the additional costs of that...and finding a skipper who wants to do that. Damage possibilities are too high to rent anything big without a skipper, and it's just not viable really from a lot of other perspectives including insurance.

Rental houseboats are built like tanks and can take a beating and keep going, and they DO take a beating. Which is why someone with zero experience can go rent a 30, 40, 50 footer and go full YOLO. I'm not sure how the heck these companies maintain insurance though, one smack into Lloyd and Veronica's Carver 56 and blamo, $20K in damage or whatever.

I have seen AirB&B boats, but they are 100% a "the boat stays tied up to the slip and doesn't move, you don't even have the keys" type things. If that's what you're looking for, then they are out there on AirB&B and FB Marketplace I've seen in the past.
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I've never seen any rental boats beyond either houseboats, pontoons, or small runabouts - I think there's a place in lakefield that does small runabouts (14'ish footers I'd say, 4 passengers) stuff for example. There's a place on Scugog that does pontoons. Lots of options out there aside from those 2 I'm sure.

Actual non-houseboat liveaboards? I've never seen it. Skill requirements are too high and a "come along with you for the weekend/week skipper isn't viable on most boats unless the captain has separate living quarters where he/she can effectively disappear while the renters are enjoying the boat, and then there would be the additional costs of that (and finding a skipper who wants to do that), damage possibilities are too high to rent anything big without a skipper, and it's just not viable really from a lot of other perspectives including insurance.

Rental houseboats are built like tanks and can take a beating and keep going, and they DO take a beating. Which is why someone with zero experience can go rent a 30, 40, 50 footer and go full YOLO. I'm not sure how the heck these companies maintain insurance though, one smack into Lloyd and Veronica's Carver 56 and blamo, $20K in damage or whatever.

I have seen AirB&B boats, but they are 100% a "the boat stays tied up to the slip and doesn't move, you don't even have the keys" type things. If that's what you're looking for, then they are out there on AirB&B and FB Marketplace I've seen in the past.
When I was a kid we rented a 27' cabin cruiser on sturgeon and cruised the Trent Severn for a week. Iirc, the biggest worry the rental company had was the stove and the blower. Stove was there but a hard no on using it other than when docked. They'd lost a few boats to waves/stoves/inexperience.
You can charter 30-40-50ft boats all over the world , but almost all are sailboats or Catamarans , which will be under power 80% of the time. With or without a skipper. You can do the Caribbean with a PCOC card , unless your leaving from the US virgin Islands, then it has to be a Canboat NautiSavior ( formerly the Power Squadron) card , since that is the only one recognized by US coast guard . Most of the Med will want an RYA competency card. Which is British based but you can get it in Ontario, Dianne Reid runs a course here ( she nows works out of the rigging shoppe scarborough) . You can rent a canal boat in the UK and travel all over England with a 5 min orientation. Top speed is 5kts and they have huge wooden rub rails.... friend owns a time share in one, we are doing a pub tour in July, What could go wrong.
One of the boathouses at star Port collapsed. About 30 boats inside. Ouch.

It’s all repairable , but repair work of any sort is silly expensive right now

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It’s all repairable , but repair work of any sort is silly expensive right now

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Especially when you have 30 big boats at one location suspended over water and damaged. Starport raises them in their berths. I'm not sure how they get them off the sleepers and into a shop. Even finding a contractor to do the building demo and assume liability for damaging 30 expensive boats with at least 29 very anal owners will be a chore. I havent been there in a couple years but the last time I was at star port, the boats started at six figures with many seven figures.


It's apparently twice as bad. Some reports are saying two rows collapsed at starport. I'm not sure why. I don't think there was any precipitation today to add weight. Pitched roofs so puddles shouldn't be able to hunt for a weak spot. Maybe snow on one side let go and force/imbalanced load took out the legs?
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It wouldn’t take much , couple warmer days and the snow gets heavy in some places , near Sequin anyone that had a temporary car shelter now has a pancake .
Those boats over water will be a complete pain in the arse to move/ fix/ relocate . Most will probably loose this season .

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It's apparently twice as bad. Some reports are saying two rows collapsed at starport. I'm not sure why. I don't think there was any precipitation today to add weight. Pitched roofs so puddles shouldn't be able to hunt for a weak spot. Maybe snow on one side let go and force/imbalanced load took out the legs?
Thats our marina. Our boat is in the set of slips you see on the left in the picture above. There were two sets of slips that went down, 67 slips approx. 63 boats.

Friend's boat was in the collapsed set shown above.. his comment (among many) "I guess we don't need to buy a lock-pass this year" !!
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