New helicopters

Difficult to know what to make of this without a breakdown. Is this $134 million new money? How do we arrive at $26.8 million per H135? If that includes service contracts, over what period of time are we talking about? Are these additional helicopters, or will this make up the entire police helicopter fleet for the province?
Difficult to know what to make of this without a breakdown. Is this $134 million new money? How do we arrive at $26.8 million per H135? If that includes service contracts, over what period of time are we talking about? Are these additional helicopters, or will this make up the entire police helicopter fleet for the province?
Dougie loves the police, so they get to have these new toys.

"In a news release issued Monday, provincial officials said the helicopters would be used in instances of auto theft, carjackings, street racing and impaired driving". Sure they will.................. I can hardly wait to see how effective they are.

Cost is about US $6,100,000 + any special equipment they will need installed. Maybe $40M - $50M CAN in total.

I think (I hope) the $134M is a lifecycle cost for an extended period of time, but who knows as we always seem to get screwed over for these types of things.

Blue Thunder - Follow my leader.
When I heard the news I immediately thought of the WKRP in Cincinnati episode where Less Nessman, the multi time buckeye newshawk award winner did a traffic report while slapping his chest to imitate the sound of the (non-existent) WKRP traffic helicopter.

Couldn't find a clip, and I admit that it's a dated reference but I still laugh at it.

On a more serious take, the last few years we lived in Pickering we listened to the constant summer-night racket from the helicopter Durham shared with York. They weren't chasing car thieves, they were playing with a toy, complete with a searchlight.

I'm all for a properly resourced, properly trained, properly manned and ACCOUNTABLE police force but in my opinion this is just superfluous toys being thrown into the sandbox.
Grandparents lived on Queensgrove Rd. Spent a lot of time on the bluffs there.
So they're going to spend $1500 in fuel to catch one stunt rider/driver, who will get their charges dropped down in court to next to nothing. Makes sense.
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