Yard art


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I had a stupid idea today while sitting in my yard. I decided I would like to add some yard art, specifically a motorcycle. I will mount it on a post somehow so it cant be moved (stolen?) but can be sat on by future grandkids or drunken adults and not fall over. The idea is to have it look as rusty as possible (or make it look that way). Looking for something small and really cheap but as 'complete' as possible.

You know how hard it is to search for a dead rusty small 'complete' bike for close to free? Any ideas/suggestions/criticisms?

I've seen it done with old pickup trucks, tractors. So you're not alone in your thinking.
I'd check with scrap yards etc. to start.. Or put a post on Kijiji or FB marketplace that you are willing to take away a "junk" motorcycle and see if you get any bites.
I had a stupid idea today while sitting in my yard. I decided I would like to add some yard art, specifically a motorcycle. I will mount it on a post somehow so it cant be moved (stolen?) but can be sat on by future grandkids or drunken adults and not fall over. The idea is to have it look as rusty as possible (or make it look that way). Looking for something small and really cheap but as 'complete' as possible.

You know how hard it is to search for a dead rusty small 'complete' bike for close to free? Any ideas/suggestions/criticisms?

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In the garden, I used two old sprockets to make a crab shell, then chopped up an old motorcycle chain for legs, then cut up some open ended wrenches for claws and welded it all together. Now if my wife questions the excessive old motorcycle parts being hoarded, I'm just waiting for more inspiration.
It can be a slippery slope... one man's yard art is another man's clapped out El Camino on blocks.

I think the trick is to do it in a way you see what it came from but also that it is something different now. Like @Wingboy 's idea of a motorcycle wheel clock. Maybe use a motorcycle tank as the body of a metal art animal...
Here's an example on Hockley Valley Rd...


I think that bike's been moved around a few times since the photo, but I like it and it seems cool.
Quite a few "conversions" like that around here, Have some pics somewhere. Things rust and grow so quick here does not take long for the antique look to arrive.
motorcycle yard art search produces lots
I think the Harley riders have this all figured out. Might not be everyone's taste but I'm sure they are all over this.
Well...so much for that idea. Like a fool, I believed that the agreement that 'the outside is yours, the inside is mine' was still in effect. She had envisioned something like MacDoc's pic while I had something like mimico's in mind but 'landscaped'. It was going to be in the backyard by the way, not banjo'd in the front.
MC placement.PNG

The circled areas were my initial ideas but figured it would be moved around until the final resting place was decided. If you are wondering about the hydrant, it is also just yard art (with Not in Service tags). It is a real hydrant from 1957. It was on my parents front lawn where I grew up. It was the meeting spot for many things and the penalty box for our street hockey games. I happened to be visiting my parents when a crew showed up to replace it. I asked them what they were going to do with the old one. They said I could have it if I wanted. It has lots of memories so I took it and that is where it sits, for now (probably permanently, it is friggin heavy!!).
I started a thread like this a while back showing the bike planted in my garden. It was titled Motorcycle Yard Art I think. Maybe a mod can link to it.
Tire is off, ready to plastidip flat black. Clock is coming from Amazon.Also need a brake disc. No idea how I'm going to mount it on the wall. Any ideas?
Tire is off, ready to plastidip flat black. Clock is coming from Amazon.Also need a brake disc. No idea how I'm going to mount it on the wall. Any ideas?
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What is wall made of? What does the spacer between the bearings look like?

If there is a lip on inside of bearing (eg spacer is larger than bearing id) I would consider a lag bolt sticking out of the wall. Hook the head of the lag bolt behind the bearing. That should be secure enough. If the spacer doesn't allow this (and is hard to remove) you could use a much much longer bolt (out from wall ~3/4 depth of wheel) but it will be hard to get the angle right.

Does other side of wheel look similar? Bolt with lockwire into house and twist wire through gaps in wheel (I was thinking the gaps around the hub as it would be hard to see).

Three screws works too. Two level on the bottom and rim lip rests on them. One driven in at top while wheel is in place and head from that one keeps the wheel from tipping away from wall (in the interest of security, you may want a washer on this one)
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