How much can you drink?


Well-known member
Your boy is not a drinker, never have been. So I have no baseline or idea how much alcohol is too much, or how it will affect me and my motor skills.

I’ve been in situations lately where people around me are drinking, and they look at me funny when I just have water.

Obviously you don’t want to be completely inebriated and riding/driving, but how much drinking is ok/normal?

How many drinks roughly gets you over the “legal limit”? (I’m 6’2 and weigh 200lbs)

Is it a terrible idea to have a drink or two and ride?

Mucha gracias
1/hr then water. If I'm staying for 3 hrs and I have 3 drinks in the first 1.5 hrs then its water the rest of the time. If I drink 3 beers over 3 hrs, no water needed.
Legally, I never have an issue as that is normally quite a few drinks quickly to get there. No judgement but for me, it's 0.0 on the bike as I need all odds in my favour to stay alive. Driving a cage, two or less drinks. Two in an hour would be about 0.05 but I wouldn't drink two in an hour and then drive. Normally it would be over a meal so one or two drinks over two hours or so. No apres dinner drinks so no booze for about 30 minutes or so before driving. Probably 0.03 or less.

Now, numbers aren't everything. If my wife has two drinks, she should not be driving for quite a while and if she has three, no keys until after a sleep. She is lighter so her BAC will be higher but it also affects her more.
I rarely drink either, and never to access. The rare occasions that I do, I'm home with the wife following an equally rare date night. After 5 drinks, I start to feel a numbness on my lips, and have never noticed any mental effect up to that point. By that time I'm too bloated to drink any more. :ROFLMAO: (6'2", 215lbs)
Back in my youth, the rule of thumb was 1 drink per hour is safe, but the legal limit has since been lowered, and I don't know how accurate the rule was to begin with. My guess is one drink per hour for up to 3 hours. After that, you're pushing it.
I rarely drink either, and never to access. The rare occasions that I do, I'm home with the wife following an equally rare date night. After 5 drinks, I start to feel a numbness on my lips, and have never noticed any mental effect up to that point. By that time I'm too bloated to drink any more. :ROFLMAO: (6'2", 215lbs)
Back in my youth, the rule of thumb was 1 drink per hour is safe, but the legal limit has since been lowered, and I don't know how accurate the rule was to begin with. My guess is one drink per hour for up to 3 hours. After that, you're pushing it.
The "legal" limit is unchanged at 0.08 but they added an administrative suspension under HTA at 0.05. You still get your license suspended for 3 days and a $250 fine at 0.05 but no criminal charge BS.
Ok, I'll ask. If you're not a drinker why even bother?
Not trying to be a jerk, but if you're doing fine without booze, why do you suddenly need it?
But, if you really want to I'd say 1-2 over a few hours and enjoying with a meal. At least that is my limit now.
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Ok, I'll ask. If you're not a drinker why even bother?
Not trying to be a jerk, but if you're doing fine without booze, why do you suddenly need it?
But, if you really want to I'd say 1-2 if enjoying with a meal. At least that is my limit now.
Maybe he wants to ride to PEC and visit a winery with friends? If you don't want wine, wineries don't have a lot to offer (and even if you do want wine, much of the wine in PEC is not good imo but that's a different discussion).
On a bike I'd rather not. If I do, it's usually a half a Guinness with lots of water, and I notice the difference. With a car, I might occasionally have 1 1/2 - 2 over a 3+ hour period. The car ain't going to fall over on me. Remember, when I started drinking, the UK ads were telling people to not have that 5th pint before driving.

Edit: We did a wine tour on bicycles once. That will not be repeated.
If you like the taste of Guinness, try Guinness zero. Ditto for that oops Dutch beer.
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Maybe he wants to ride to PEC and visit a winery with friends? If you don't want wine, wineries don't have a lot to offer (and even if you do want wine, much of the wine in PEC is not good imo but that's a different discussion).
By reading the original post, I don't think it has to do with wineries. But who knows... 🤷‍♂️
I learned a long time ago that I wasn't very good at drinking.
By the time I noticed I'd had too much it was usually too late.
Now it's one adult beverage per opportunity - that is sufficient.
There are lots of non-alcohol options out there, use them.
I always tell people, an ice-cold beer on a hot day is enticing, but a watered-down apple cider, lemon-aid, and iced tea all taste much better.
Your boy is not a drinker, never have been. So I have no baseline or idea how much alcohol is too much, or how it will affect me and my motor skills.

I’ve been in situations lately where people around me are drinking, and they look at me funny when I just have water.

Obviously you don’t want to be completely inebriated and riding/driving, but how much drinking is ok/normal?

How many drinks roughly gets you over the “legal limit”? (I’m 6’2 and weigh 200lbs)

Is it a terrible idea to have a drink or two and ride?

Mucha gracias
That number has changed a lot in the last few decades.

  • 4 drinks for a 200lb man in the first hour will be BAC is around 0.081% - impaired
  • 1:15 minutes after the first drink you are under 0.080%, the criminal BAC level for driving
  • 3 hours after the first drink and you're under 0.05%, the roadside suspension level for BAC.
  • It will take around 6 hours to reach 0%.

At 1 hour: Blunted feelings, reduced sensitivity to pain, euphoria, disinhibition, extraversion are all dangerous at .08 for a driver, and at .03 for a rider. Mileage on these effects varies, a well-trained drinker (more ore than 6 drinks/day and 40 drinks/week) will have a much higher tolerance than an occasional drinker (less than 10 drinks/week).

Is it a terrible idea to have a drink or two and ride? Safe advice is yes -- it's a terrible idea. But only you can answer that question.

The answer to that question has changed over the years, when I was in my 20s, if you could kick start a 750 you were good to go. I'm pretty well trained, I'll cut off at 3 drinks if I'm driving a car, never more than one if I'm on the bike.
As I've got older I'm less inclined to drink. I still like interesting beer but not so much that it's a big draw anymore. I can't recall the last shot of spirits that I had.

To be honest I now get sleepy after 1, so when I'm on the bike I abstain completely.

Having said all that, I'm gonna have a beer now.....and then a nap before dinner.
As I've got older I'm less inclined to drink. I still like interesting beer but not so much that it's a big draw anymore. I can't recall the last shot of spirits that I had.

To be honest I now get sleepy after 1, so when I'm on the bike I abstain completely.

Having said all that, I'm gonna have a beer now.....and then a nap before dinner.
So true, While I rarely drink now and hardly ever beer.
Back in my drinking days, if I just had one I'd always get very sleepy, then I'd need another 23 to keep awake... lol
Meh don't let peer pressure bother you, about drinking or anything else.

If I am riding, I avoid alcohol at all costs. If rarely I have one, that's it just 1.
Driving, I'll have about 4, but paced out, and depends how I am feeling and what drinks they are.

That's what works for me, there is no set rule just what your body can tolerate and how well you can function afterwards.
Was always a cheap drunk at the pub at uni - 2 beers and gone tho yeah riding eh :rolleyes: Only recall in uni riding mildly drunk down the QEW - bathing suit and sunglasses....completely legal at the time and the no shoes no shirt no service not invented yet....I don't recall wearing a helmet but apparently would have been needed mid 60s.

Sort of cured myself of a hard liquor slugging half a bottle of Johnny Walkers in first year uni and recall looking through the bottom of the glass bottom mug ( remember those ) and nada past that point. Still have no taste for hard liquor tho a mojito works as well as a pina colata ( family trip story ).

Would never drink when riding or flying sailplanes .....not a drop.
Lost my taste for booze pretty much entirely except for Baileys in coffee......never did really "like" beer tho okay with a small Guiness. Must be becoming Aussie as now actually enjoy ginger beer from the tap....:unsure:

My dad went his whole life as a teetotaller and was still driving legally at 95....mum had a least one at a wedding and lasted til 95 as a happy lesson there.

At least when we travel I can be designated driver as road side checks are frequent and in unexpected places....once even on the bike on the Gillies. ( the cop actually made a mistake and apologized tho we both laughed. )
Penalties are pretty draconian here as a result Aussies are huge on flat whites and way down on DIU.
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