The "Are you thinking of a new bike for 2024?" discussion thread.

Got mine from Wolf's. Biggest BMW dealer in Ontario. They delivered to Alliston when new. Picked up my FJR. Delivered after 1st service free. Did the deal with my trade in, sight-un-seen.

Great folks to deal with.
I was told that they sell most of their non-BMW trade-ins to GP Bikes.
Great folks to deal with.
I was told that they sell most of their non-BMW trade-ins to GP Bikes.
They had my FJR listed on their site. They move a lot of bikes so selling certain bikes off to another dealer makes sense. Auto dealers do this all the time for more hard to sell and off brand cars.
Surely I'm not alone? It's around this time of year that I think lots of us have the time to sit back and contemplate the riding year(s) past, and the years ahead, and also start thinking about about a new (or additional) ride being in the cards.

The "new years riding resolutions" thread kind of got me going on this topic although I don't want to hijack that whole thread, so I think it's worthy of another discussion.

For me, I think it's time. I've owned my Vulcan Voyager since 2019, have put around 60,000km on it in that time period, and although I've had a lot of good times and fun with it, it has never felt like my forever bike. It comes down to the ergonoics I think - I've just never been ultra comfortable on it like I was with past bikes, and no amount of changes seem able to accomplish that - I've tried 4 different seats, different pegs, different backrests...I just don't know what it is, but it doesn't feel right. I once rode an 1800km day on my old VTX and could have kept going, but I rode a 1000km day on the Vulcan coming back from Vermont back in October and I was uncomfortable for at least the last hour. I could have kept going, but I've struggled to enjoy long distance days on this bike since day 1.

So, I'm thinking about moving on, and I've been thinking about one of these for a year or two now.

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They're a bit of an orphan from Yahama and have had an unusual timeline of life (introduced, disappeared, reintroduced for a few years, and now mysteriosly disappeared from the Yamaha lineup again, who knows what's going on now), but I've like the looks of them since they came out in 2018 and they tick a lot of the boxes I'm looking to fill...and having sat on one, they seem to fit me much better than my Kawi. It's 6" longer overall (which I think is a big part of it as the seat ergos feel less squished), and it just seems like it fits.

I've had a few people say "Just buy a Goldwing", but three things:

1/ I don't think I've reached my "Goldwing Years" yet.
2/ I've ridden one of the new Goldwings and really didnt' like it! I don't like the leg position and I can't stretch out as there's endless tupperware everwhere.
3/ I'm still partial to a big old unrefined V-Twin instead of a sewing machine whirring under the tank lol.

So, Anyone else eyeballing something new for 2024?
I’ve always loved the looks of those Yammies. I’d say go for it but o lay if you get a really good deal because they didn’t sell well so if you find you don’t like it a resale could take a while. I also agree to test ride everything else in the class (+1 for the Indian Challenger/Pursuit as that’s my pick).
BMW is good to stand by their warranty and reliability is on par with anything Japanese. Yes the annual maintenance light is annoying but the workaround is the $75 Motoscan app and a $80 Amazon dongle. Actually I have the app and room to add a bike so if you buy the dongle I can reset it with my app so you can save that fee.
16000kms so far so good. Honestly, I don't worry about it. Model has been around since 2012? I think. I was at GP last week. They have a brand new 2019GT. Never sold. $23000. Killer deal. Full 3 year warranty. I got mine under same circumstances in 2022.

Interesting. Just looking at it however, I'd need to add a top box (Looks like a $2000+ cost, ouch) as I swore I'd never buy another bike that didn't have enough storage that I couldn't travel without having the overwhelming majority of my stuff sheltered in secure storage.

When you're on the road for a week long trip or whatever, having stuff strapped to the bike willy nilly because it just didn't fit in the bags, well, I got tired of that.

Here's an example from 2019 while I was out west. We camped the entire week and were "eat, sleep, ride" for quite a few of the days, so everything needed for the week (including camping gear) was along for the ride. It was this trip when I finally said I'd had enough of not enough storage as 2 small saddlebags at the time just didn't cut it.


Now, with the top box and big saddlebags I can spend a week on the road with basically just my sleeping roll, sleeping bag, and tent on my top box cargo rack and I'm good. Those go in dry bags if the weather is bad, if not they get aired out on the ride. But both bags and the top box are stuffed full of clothing, camping equipment, food, etc.

Here's a quick photo I found of the ferry to Vermont a few years ago while a friend and I were motocamping for a week.

I’ve always loved the looks of those Yammies. I’d say go for it but o lay if you get a really good deal because they didn’t sell well so if

Yeah, they're holding their values surprisingly well however despite not initially selling well. I think it's a situation where for those who have their heart set on one (kind of like I do now), the selection is limited, so it's manufactured a shortage of availbility in the end, ironically.

also agree to test ride everything else in the class (+1 for the Indian Challenger/Pursuit as that’s my pick).

Test rides are hard this time of year, however, which is another potential challenge. I'd like to buy whatever I buy before March so I miss all the buy and sell price-jacking stupidity come the spring, and also so I will have a better market to sell my Vulcan right at the peak of the buying season in April/May.

Yes the annual maintenance light is annoying but the workaround is the $75 Motoscan app and a $80 Amazon dongle.

Cool. I figured something would have come along for this issue. Heck, I paid $500 for the BUDS module for my wifes Spyder because I was pissy at having to pay a dealer $150 just to change the language from French to English on the cluster, something that couldn't be done by the owner on the early models ironically without the dealer level system. I figured at 2 trips to the dealer for mystery lights (plus the language thing), it would have paid for itself.
Interesting. Just looking at it however, I'd need to add a top box (Looks like a $2000+ cost, ouch) as I swore I'd never buy another bike that didn't have enough storage that I couldn't travel without having the overwhelming majority of my stuff sheltered in secure storage.
Yes thats correct. I added the top box with brake light. One note worth mentioning about BMW's. With my FJR I had to add top box, better seat, auxiliary lights, better horn. My GT I only added Top box. Everything else was fine. Does anyone buy a new bike without the need to add something?
Anyway, enjoy the search. Always fun.☺️
Any issues with it? So many BMW horror stories out there about things that should be a $100 repair being a $1000 repair, because...BMW. Warning lights that can't be reset without the special dealer computer to the tune of $250, that sort of thing. Sounds like the earlier K1600's had some issues as well, but to be fair, the early SVTC's had some issues as well.

I don't know. I'm keeping my eyes open to options, but I'll admit I'm somewhat fixated on the Yahama Transcontinental at this point still.
I have a 2019 BMW R1250RT which is their sport touring model as opposed to the K1600 which is described as their touring model. Very comfortable and loads of protection from the elements. I have 57,000 km so far with no complaints and no failures other than a low beam headlight bulb that I've replaced twice at a cost of about $10. Newer models are all LEDs.
I've opened a line of communication with someone on a Star Venture in the meantime. It's arguably either the worst time of year to be bike shopping, or the best time of year to be bike shopping I guess, depending on the road conditions and the willingness of the seller to let their bike go out for a road test at the best of times, much less in the winter in potentially less than perfect road conditions.
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I've opened a line of communication with someone on a Star Venture in the menatime. It's arguably either the worst time of year to be bike shopping, or the best time of year to be bike shopping I guess, depending on the road conditions and the willingness of the seller to let their bike go out for a road test at the best of times, much less in the winter in potentially less than perfect road conditions.
Didn't you also buy your current bike in the off season? Seller holding it for you over the winter?
Didn't you also buy your current bike in the off season? Seller holding it for you over the winter?

Yep, although a few months later - Bought it in early March and picked it up in late April or early May or something like that. Covid was just kinda starting to be on the radar when I bought it, and was in full swing when I picked it up. First summer of ownership was the "everything is closed, stay home" summer lol.

I don't think I'd do the same with this one, I'd find a way to make room in the garage for it, even if it means putting my Vulcan in a storage unit until spring or something. It would kill me if we got a nice warm week or weather as this winter goes on and I knew my nice new bike wasn't sitting ready to go lol.

I'm eyeballing a few in Quebec as well. Not against buying there if the price is right.
Got mine from Wolf's. Biggest BMW dealer in Ontario. They delivered to Alliston when new. Picked up my FJR. Delivered after 1st service free. Did the deal with my trade in, sight-un-seen.
Ontario's most arrogant dealer is the way it felt when I was in there shopping.
When you're on the road for a week long trip or whatever, having stuff strapped to the bike willy nilly because it just didn't fit in the bags, well, I got tired of that.
That's one of the things I miss most about the Wing. Tons of lockable storage space. Travelling solo on the Wing I would sometimes devote one saddle bag just for beer and ice.
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