Third world country?


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I was going to reply to a fallen rider post but it could have been the thin edge of the wedge to improper comments or hijacking.

Decades ago a business colleague was travelling as a car passenger in Venezuela IIRC. When a vagrant stepped out in front of the car the driver managed to swerve and avoid hitting him, later saying "If I killed him I would have to support his family for the rest of my life."

The term life altering injuries scares me, envisioning paralysis or mental impairment. Here in Ontario we do fund raisers for victims of careless drivers because our insurance coverage has become so watered down. Which is the third world country?
Yeah in a 3rd world country like that, IF he did hit that person, he probably could have dragged them to the side of the road and drove off, and nothing would have happened to the driver. Here not so much. 🤷‍♂️
The term life altering injuries scares me, envisioning paralysis or mental impairment...................

Could be wrong, but I have always interpreted this to mean that a person has lost a limb in an accident. You get this reported by police based on their initial on scene assessment, and they're not going to know if a person is paralyzed at that point.
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