Favourite spots to park downtown


Well-known member
My company is mandating we return to the office 3 days a week soon. I was thinking that if I have to commute, I might as well have fun and ride to work.

What are the best spots to park downtown? My work is by ScotiaBank Arena/CN Tower. But for a good spot I don't mind a short walk.

Good streets that always have secure parking? Good paid parking that has motorcycle rates? Bad spots to avoid?
You can park right behind the Round house park/ Steamwistle brewery. It's kinda isolated and not many people know about it unles you work there.
Interested in hearing more. I’ve been lucky tucking away in parking garages but probably wouldn’t try that somewhere daily
My two spots for street parking east of Union Station were (1) Scott St between Front & Esplanade, or (2) Front St just west of Yonge St. Usually lots of bikes parked in those spots during the riding season.

My two spots for street parking east of Union Station were (1) Scott St between Front & Esplanade, or (2) Front St just west of Yonge St. Usually lots of bikes parked in those spots during the riding season.
Yup. Those are my spots of choice too
I've gotten away parking on the sidewalk near 232 Jarvis. I believe its a parking spot for the Apt building there. When I went there last summer, there was a GSX-R parked where the van is in this picture. The other spots on this thread are probably a lot better, but if ur in this area, this would be pretty convenient.


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Tested one of the designated parking spots today - it worked! Except the car decided to park there too, but whatever.

Btw, these spots don't have 3 hrs time limit, so you can park there the whole day!

p.s. Not sure why paid parking signs are there - bikes don't have to pay and cars can't park.

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