Near Fatal Crash Riding My Bike Last Saturday


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Well now I know how it feels when you're about to die. The "all your life flashes before you" split seconds before impact is true. On Saturday morning I was riding towards a BBQ at a park where my family and friends were already waiting for me, I decided to ride in the morning and would drop there around noon. On Weston rd in Toronto just south of Finch ave W the road is wide and downhill so I opened the throttle to leave the cars behind me further behind. I estimate I accelerated to at least 80 km/h. This car was coming opposite to me and decided to do a U-Turn in front of me. He was about 80 ft away. I swerved to the right and he moved further to the right blocking my escape route, now he was even closer. I clenched both brakes tightly and I remember that my back wheel (at least) was locked tight and I started to slide sideways (while upright). I let go of the brakes and clinched them again and now it was sliding sideways the other way. I could swear both wheels were probably locked. I was only 5ft away from impact at 50 km/h.

I could see the guy's face of terror but this guy was a smart cookie. I think he saved my life. When he saw that I was going to T-bone his vehicle he quickly floored the gas on his vehicle and got out of the way climbing into the sidewalk, my loose pants (at the right knee) literally grazed his back fender. If he would had moved 5 inches too short I would have f*ck my knee for life, or would have amputated my leg at the knee. But in the midst of all this it crossed my mind twice that if I T-boned him that right before impact I was going to jump off my motorcycle and fly clean over his roof, to save myself. But then I thought I could save my bike by swerving to the right but that's the direction he moved, no now I struggled to swerve to the left but I was too close to clear impact. But that's when he floored the gas pedal to move away.

In the midst of all this I just thought about my wife and my kids and strangely I swear I even pictured them at my funeral, or at least that image flashed in my mind, so I got a moment of anger and said to myself "Really? This is the way you are going to die?" This prompted me to keep fighting to stay alive by maneuvering my bike. There's more things that flashed through my mind, one of them was "I regret having ridden today, why didn't I go with them in the car?". Remember that all of this thinking and flashes took place in maybe 2 or 3 seconds flat, but to me it lasted like a 2-hour movie.

This incident tops my other near-death experience where I was riding in a county road up north and 2 pick-up trucks were racing the opposite way with each blocking the 2 lanes leaving me in the middle yellow lane and both brushing my shoulders with their mirrors. There were no flashes or life movie reels in that incident. I wasn't even shaking as I was on Saturday. I wasn't even angry at the guy, I was glad to have made it unscathed. Be careful speeding in congested Toronto streets with a million driveways and a million morons driving cars.
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Glad you are safe.

Are you on an older bike without abs?
Glad you made it unscathed. For my near death experience, I just thought; oh well...
Good to hear you are ok. I barely ride faster than 50 on local roads. Too many distracted drivers and last-minute changes by drivers around, let alone the aggressive ones.
Glad you're okay but ever since the advent of Google Maps, Waze, etc. there's been a splurge of U-turns happening. I remember always going to the next road or parking lot, etc if I needed to turn around if I missed my turn - still do mostly.

You may want to increase your visibility on the front of your bike (extra set of lights?).
Glad you're okay but ever since the advent of Google Maps, Waze, etc. there's been a splurge of U-turns happening. I remember always going to the next road or parking lot, etc if I needed to turn around if I missed my turn - still do mostly.

You may want to increase your visibility on the front of your bike (extra set of lights?).
Glad you are OK @Pegassus

I was driving westbound on Lakeshore by the EX one day, so no side streets, just 6 lanes of traffic, and the car in front of me slammed on it's brakes to a full stop and did a U-turn. I had to slam on my brakes as well as the 20 or so cars behind me. I am amazed that there was no accident.

People are oblivious.
Terrifying. Glad to hear you’re OK. It’s a good thing the driver of the car didn’t freeze up as might so often happen. I get almost no pleasure riding in the city.

Years ago, I was riding my bicycle southbound on Bay St in Toronto. Pretty quickly, but definitely not over the speed limit. A woman going northbound turned left against me at the last second. The bike hit the side of her car and I went flying over her roof. And in mid-air, everything slowed down. I was thinking about the helmet I had bought just the week before and then returned because I didn’t like the way it looked. And as I went over her roof, I thought very clearly : “Dang, I shouldn’t have returned that helmet”.
Scary situation, good to hear you're ok. Seems like ABS could've helped, but good riding to avoid the worst.

I had my own near death experience earlier this summer that was largely my fault. It was at the start of a 3 hour ride home too...was nauseous for over an hour afterwards and just wanted to be off the bike. Totally killed my enjoyment for riding for a few months, although I'm starting to get back into it now.
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Thanks for sharing.

Glad you are OK.
U-turners and left-hand turners are the demise of bikers. Glad you made it.
also passing on the right shoulder of the road. If
you are stopped to make a left turn and a vehicle is passing on the gravel shoulder and oncoming traffic is turning left, then you are in the middle of a $hit show.
Sorry to read about this. I had a similar near miss around the end of last season but it was out on country rouds, specifically on 17th Sd Rd just outside of Nobleton on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Approaching a 2way stop where I had right of way, a pickup truck already at the stop sign blindly assumes it's a 4way stop and blatantly cuts me off just as I'm about to go through the intersection at around 60kph. I had to swerve into the oncoming lane that was thankfully empty and I missed the front of the truck by a few feet as they suddenly stopped and saw me coming through. Immediately I realized how that could have been VERY very bad and the rest of the ride was straight home in a state of displeasure.

Be careful out there folks, ride defensively no matter what
A lot of oblivious people on the roads these days that can change your day in an instant
I have a friend who purchased an ST 1300 a number of years ago. His first bike with ABS. As he was leaving the dealer after picking up the new bike two blocks away a car turned left in front of him and he slammed on the brakes and came to a safe stop. He had the bike for about 15 years and never had to make another panic stop. Only needed it once, but it saved him.
I have a friend who purchased an ST 1300 a number of years ago. His first bike with ABS. As he was leaving the dealer after picking up the new bike two blocks away a car turned left in front of him and he slammed on the brakes and came to a safe stop. He had the bike for about 15 years and never had to make another panic stop. Only needed it once, but it saved him.
I like rear drum bikes. Never perfectly round so they give tons of feedback on what the rear wheel is up to. You can keep rear wheel right on the edge and they have enough power to get the job done. Simple, cheap and durable. Helps a lot with the dance peggy had to do where the first good feedback was the bike trying to swing out.

For front brakes abs all the way. Like snow tires, a single save pays for them.
Glad you are safe.

Are you on an older bike without abs?
It had ABS, otherwise I would have hit the guy or crashed. I think that's why I didn't fall down, or found skid marks when I went after. Probably the "wheels locking" was my imagination?

I have had less dramatic incidents with an older bike with NO ABS and it behaved the same way, they both fishtailed.
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