Avoiding fortnine now

You google a gear and an ad for Fortnine pop with reviews, you click on it to check out the review and presto no reviews.
Item listed for 71% off but can't add to cart because of high volume. Its seems like bunch of click bait. Ryan should do a video on their marketing tactics.
Fortnine website is driving me nuts. I'm looking for new gloves and want to spend the gift credit my kids gave me for Christmas. When you go to add to cart -- everything is sold out!

Whey present items that you have no ability to sell?

I can relate to what you mean. It is a user experience issue. Another issue I have seen is that even if they have only 1 color in 1 size, they will list all sizes and colors and I will have to manually browse through to figure out which is in stock. Crazy!
Buying online. No drive to and from the bricks and mortar. Sip your coffee in your comfy leather chair. Wear you pajamas and slippers. No salesmen hovering over you.
But some of these shoppers are bitching about the website wasting 10 min of thier time because of out of stock or click bait.
Something is wrong with this picture.
Fortnine website is driving me nuts. I'm looking for new gloves and want to spend the gift credit my kids gave me for Christmas. When you go to add to cart -- everything is sold out!

Whey present items that you have no ability to sell?
It is a bit frustrating. I'm assuming they have supply issues this year like everyone else.

Find the product you like. Select it and notify when the product is back in stock.

My most recent purchase:

Hjc rpha11 in solid colours was on sale for 38% off... of course no stock. It took a month +, but I got the in stock notification, ordered it in my size in the colour I had specified immediately. It shipped in a week. It was out of stock again within hours of my confirmation email.

Buying helmets online is a PITA. At least I knew my size in hjc and shoei. Both a medium for me.

Unless the rf-1400 fits tighter than the 1200 did???

You going to sell off that 1400 at a BIG loss? J/k

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To be fair, the changeover to new Snell and ECE standards meant that over the last year or so most helmets companies were blowing out stock with the old labeling. Then along came Covid and it hooped up supply chain. New inventory is arriving in dribs and drabs, making for the situation we're in now.
Ordered an rf1400 recently because I wanted a more aerodynamic helmet, measured my head and ordered it, normally have no issues because fortnine has always been pretty good about exchanges/returns/refunds etc and i've always had good luck with online sizing

but this no longer seems to be the case

The helmet was VERY tight, but all new helmets are tight, so I figured it would losen up after a ride or two, but nope
every time I try to take the helmet off it feels like my ears are gonna be ripped off, in addition it feels very tight around my jaw

between this and their 3 weeks to ship all orders now, I'd just be much better off going to a local dealer
Were you aware of the revised contours of the neck hole? They made the RF1400 with minimal wind-noise in mind, several videos state that it is a PITA to take off, but recommend you pull outwards on the straps to help your noggin get out with ears intact.

Want a helmet to slip on and off? You may have to sacrifice noise or sizing.
I purchased an on sale helmet online from GP Bikes. I sized it based on advice from a few web pages, in particular Revzilla's.

How to size and buy a motorcycle helmet - RevZilla. The circumferance is critical, as is the shape of your head. If you have a long oval head you're likely not going to be happy in a helmet that is designed for a round head. Conversly, if you have a round head your ears are going to feel as if they are being crushed if squeezed into a long oval helmet.

I ordered mine for curbside pickup, but the store was actually open when I dropped by. I wore the helmet for about 20 miunutes and it felt OK. I also wore it for another 30 - 40 minutes at home just to be sure. GP told me that as long as all of the tags, stickers and labels were in place that it could be returned. Only when I was sure it fit did I strip all of these things off.
There was an article years ago in Cycle World. If 100 people bought a helmet with nobody helping them 80 would buy one too big.
Go to your local Tim Hortons and watch people put on their helmets, I would say half of them are wearing a helmet one size too big. A helmet will break in about 10% after only a few weeks. If there is pressure in the top area of your head, it's the wrong size or wrong shape. If there is just pressure in your cheeks It should break in just fine. A helmet should not just slide on and off your head, there should be a bit of a struggle. I went from the Arai RX-Q to the Corsair X. I've been an Arai size Large forever. The New Corsair X was really really really tight. I almost considered going to an XL. I'm glad I didn't, after a couple of weeks of riding it fits like a glove. But watch me take it off or put it on and you will see me struggle a bit. But it's the right size for my head.

Put a football in the helmet for a day or two, not too tightly, just to push in the cheek area a bit. I'll bet this helmet will be fine after a couple of weeks
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Does anybody else worry about lice when trying on helmets or am I the only one?
I bet you more people will think about it now after reading your post.
Can bald people get lice?
Can bald people get lice?
Lice, Crabs. You got it mixed up.

Chiming in late. Ride in it and its yours. Always been the case. And even if its not Fortnine, Revzilla Anthony's jingle about returns is burned in. And honestly, what are they supposed to do with a used helmet. Would you ever buy one that someone else has rode in? Heck, if you had your choice between the top helmet in the stack and the bottom, and you knew people were trying them on, would you not take the bottom one? These businesses don't have to take a loss on you. Return policies aren't by law, that's what warranties are for. It's just a marketable selling point.

Also, COVID supply chain issues. It's not like distributors proactively tell their retailers that they are out of stock or have processing delays. It's not how it works. You'd also be out of business as a retailer fast if you held large amounts of stock of niche products like motorcycle gear. Distributors are your warehouse, your warehouse is your post office pickup location. Welcome to ecommerce.

Been waiting for the new A* Supertech R's for almost a year now. Product page has been up since September and the previous gen were sold out for just as long too. Guessing something happened at their boot factory but the distributor probably has had it in their catalog already.
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I figure that's why store prices are so much more than online - you get convenience of instore assistance, including trying things out. Online, you save a few bucks but there are a few tradeoffs. Time and convenience being the biggest ones.

Sorry to hear about the experience, but i'm kinda glad you didn't go into store, waste some salesperson's time, and then go buy online to save yourself a few bucks.
I've had to order stuff from Europe a few times now because of availability.

50% hit and miss whether CBSA dings me on duty or not.
Freight can be a killer too. I ordered some stuff from England, they would only ship DHL.
Freight can be a killer too. I ordered some stuff from England, they would only ship DHL.

You're not wrong. Some eBay sellers offer super-cheap shipping that takes FOOOOREEEEEVEEEEER to get across the ocean though. Also AliExpress is like that as well.

On the order of 2-3 months plus if you're not in a hurry...
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You have to wonder if these dealers get sick of people walking in and trying on their helmets...knowing the customer is going to walk out the door and buy them online. They should undercut the online stores for this reason...even to loss leader status.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
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You have to wonder if these dealers get sick of people walking in and trying on their helmets...knowing the customer is going to walk out the door and buy them online. They should undercut the online stores for this reason...even to loss leader status.
"We lose money on every unit we sell, and make it back on the volume." It never ceases to amaze me how some folks will do anything to save a couple of bucks buying online then b*tch when their local shop can't compete. Sometimes it's better to pay retail, then when something goes wrong you at least you have a recourse. A guy called my buddy's shop wanting warranty on a tire he'd bought from Pete's Superbike. When it was respectfully suggested that he take it up with them, he said "well you're a ****** dealer, why won't you ?" I think you likely know the answer...
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