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Explaining the progress of societal change is like explaining how to play three dimensional chess in the dark.
Anyone that realizes how close we came to having the US military step in should not need an explanation of the ramifications.
Cops changed the locks on Adamson BBQ this morning after he vowed to open again today. A gofundme has been setup to pay for lawyers to defend his right to do whatever he wants no matter what the government says. Comments on the gofundme are as expected, the dumb is strong within us.


In the last two hours, people have donated ~$3600 more dollars to the corona spreading fund. Quote from gfm page below.
"They’s done it.
Fat cat politician John Tory and his police service have locked Canadian business owner Adam Skelly out of his own business.
For serving lunch.
Under the cover of night, cowardly millionaire politician John Tory moved in and locked Adamson BBQ owner Adam Skelly out of his own business for daring to compete with Tory’s corporate friends at Costco and Walmart.
Even worse, not one single fine was levied against any of Adamson BBQ’s hundreds of customers.
Why? Because politicians know there is strength in numbers. Hundreds of fines would tie up police time and clog the court system.
If that happens, this precarious house of cards that is the “COVID lock-down” would collapse under the weight of public dissent."

This guy had the opportunity to use his voice for success, instead he chose to be an obstinate fool. Obviously he has quite a few supporters. What if instead of packing dine-in to previous capacity, he setup a rapid drivethrough where you could process people quickly (something like a fast lane with very few choices so they can clear multiple cars per minute)?

$2000 more in the last hour.

The mind boggles at comments like this attached to a $250 donation:
"If everyone was as brave as you, we'd have Christmas instead of twelve more months of lockdown. Can't wait for you to crush these clowns and the horse they rode in on in court!!"

So the more we spread the virus the less lockdown we have and the faster we get back to old reality?
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Don't be an idiot, if history did not unfold as it did, we might not be a Canada right now.
How do you figure we might not be a Canadian

ffs you lefties are so far outside the realm of normal

really starting to get on my nerves with this ********
Cops changed the locks on Adamson BBQ this morning after he vowed to open again today. A gofundme has been setup to pay for lawyers to defend his right to do whatever he wants no matter what the government says. Comments on the gofundme are as expected, the dumb is strong within us.


"Lawyers are excited to dig in". Is there a more parasitic and vile profession, other then politicians?
Don't be an idiot, if history did not unfold as it did, we might not be a Canada right now.
Not exactly sure what that statement means, you could tag that to pretty much every PM.
Anyone that realizes how close we came to having the US military step in should not need an explanation of the ramifications.
I lived thru PETs rule, how did I miss that? Can you refresh us?
Cops changed the locks on Adamson BBQ this morning after he vowed to open again today. A gofundme has been setup to pay for lawyers to defend his right to do whatever he wants no matter what the government says. Comments on the gofundme are as expected, the dumb is strong within us.


In the last two hours, people have donated ~$3600 more dollars to the corona spreading fund. Quote from gfm page below.
"They’s done it.
Fat cat politician John Tory and his police service have locked Canadian business owner Adam Skelly out of his own business.
For serving lunch.
Under the cover of night, cowardly millionaire politician John Tory moved in and locked Adamson BBQ owner Adam Skelly out of his own business for daring to compete with Tory’s corporate friends at Costco and Walmart.
Even worse, not one single fine was levied against any of Adamson BBQ’s hundreds of customers.
Why? Because politicians know there is strength in numbers. Hundreds of fines would tie up police time and clog the court system.
If that happens, this precarious house of cards that is the “COVID lock-down” would collapse under the weight of public dissent."

This guy had the opportunity to use his voice for success, instead he chose to be an obstinate fool. Obviously he has quite a few supporters. What if instead of packing dine-in to previous capacity, he setup a rapid drivethrough where you could process people quickly (something like a fast lane with very few choices so they can clear multiple cars per minute)?

At least the authorities showed that they can use their powers. Maybe others will think twice before acting like **********.

They need to publicize this a bit more to get the message across.

Also...if more lockdowns are imposed or extended these companies need to be outed as reasons why.
I remember that well. I was a wee lad at the time but have read enough biographies in my time to know the moment well. Seen reruns of the clip many times.

For any who have yet to see it:

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thanks for that, haven't seen it in a long time
didn't agree with some of PET's policies
but you gotta admit the man had balls

don't think you'll ever see JT stand eyeball to eyeball with hostile press and do that
At least the authorities showed that they can use their powers. Maybe others will think twice before acting like **********.

They need to publicize this a bit more to get the message across.

Also...if more lockdowns are imposed or extended these companies need to be outed as reasons why.
Unfortunately, I still think they missed the boat. Skelly was providing a public venue for the freedumbs, but hundreds of people showing up to dine-in should have gotten huge tickets. We aren't talking about accidental exposure here. That crowd of people will just find somewhere else to continue to be selfish cocks. A $750 lunch may help them come around. If it doesn't there should damn well be an escalation clause in the legislation so the next ticket is $7500.
thanks for that, haven't seen it in a long time
didn't agree with some of PET's policies
but you gotta admit the man had balls

don't think you'll ever see JT stand eyeball to eyeball with hostile press and do that
I've only seen JT answer a question he didn't plant once (WE committee) and thought he was actually going to have a stroke and die on the spot. How dare someone ask him a question that didn't have a fluff answer.
I lived thru PETs rule, how did I miss that? Can you refresh us?
If he did't invoke military the US would have, no way would they have allow France to annex Quebec territory.
History shows he kept all of Canada united as Canada (y) good job,
unless you really want to vote in a US election.
If he did't invoke military the US would have, no way would they have allow France to annex Quebec territory.
History shows he kept all of Canada united as Canada (y) good job,
unless you really want to vote in a US election.
How did I miss that?

I remember the military being used during the 1970 October crisis. The we’re on Ottawa and Montreal streets for 1 day to provide relief to police during the roundup of about 400 FLQ members connected to their domestic terrorist activities.

Didnt draw a yawn from the US. They do that **** all the time, remember a Portland?

Swipe your OHIP card to enter the premises. That suspends your coverage for 30 days. If you get the vid, hopefully you can come up with money from somewhere because it's going to be expensive. When you are actively trying to make society suffer, why should we protect you?
You really, really do not want to go down this road. This is one of the main arguments against universal healthcare, and that is that it takes the responsibility of personal health away from the individual and makes it the business of the state. Any activity that can impact someone's health is now the business of the state, to be regulated and controlled.

Maybe people should swipe their OHIP card every time they eat fast food? Buy cigarettes, buy a can of pop? Too many swipes = no healthcare for you! What about motorcycles (which are toys), I'm sure we could reduce some burden on the healthcare system by banning motorcycles completely. Sound fair to you? There were lots of BLM rallies in May/June, where I'm sure there were groups of people over the outdoor gathering limit, and not wearing masks. Should we get those people to swipe their OHIP cards as well?

I understand the frustration with the anti-maskers and some of those other goofs. But what you're proposing takes us down a really ugly road.
If he did't invoke military the US would have, no way would they have allow France to annex Quebec territory.
History shows he kept all of Canada united as Canada (y) good job,
unless you really want to vote in a US election.
Should have let France have it, they are nothing but a drain on Canada and I hate picking up a product at the store and always seeing the french side first
These loons got me siding with the police
Well, the protest is working. It is showing that the govt has very very little interest in enforcing the actions they say are required. If govt isn't careful, this wave will spread and then we are in deep *&^*&^. They think one location is too much to deal with, what if most businesses just give them the finger and open up?
I Wouldn't blame the law for locking up the restaurant owner, i for one believe in my rights, but these aren't normal times we are in. I for one don't believe in someone pushing to boundaries of the law just to test it.
Well, the protest is working. It is showing that the govt has very very little interest in enforcing the actions they say are required. If govt isn't careful, this wave will spread and then we are in deep *&^*&^. They think one location is too much to deal with, what if most businesses just give them the finger and open up?
Cops shoulda just let them all inside. Once the crowd was all inside, lock the doors from the outside. Wait for 14 days, problem solved.
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