any Extreme Enduro riders on here?


Well-known member
Eastern Ontario near enough for you
:cool: do I have the trail for you.
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I’m not sure about extreme rider but I sure can crash extreme!
but are you looking for a place to crash extreme enduro style?
It's a new venue.
Eastern Ontario near enough for you
:cool: do I have the trail for you.
Apply within
Those days are in the rear view mirror for me. I used to ride the trails, hydro lines and access roads between around Cloyne and Sharbot Lake - lots of fine hydro/fire/access roads, lots of trails to nowhere. The last time I rode there I was crossing a beaver dam at the base of Skootamata at sunset -- my front tire hit a Porcupine and I fell on him -- got nailed in my armpit and the inside of my tricep. My stupidass dog was with me, he attacked the porky and got a facefull too.

Father time has a way of discouraging rough trail riding, I downsized to 12hp vintage enduros -- at 200lbs they are easy to toss around, don't hurt if they end up on top of you, and can be righted with one arm. I still like to pound them but I'd be a slug on a group romp thru the woods.
I expect that most who are willing to ride with me will be half my age, that's how it usually works out,
;) it's ok, I go easy on them at first.
I expect that most who are willing to ride with me will be half my age, that's how it usually works out,
;) it's ok, I go easy on them at first.
How old are you Superman?
65 how old are you?
65 how old are you?
A bit younger, 1962 vintage. But by most accounts Ive done close to 100 years of living.

My first death was at 50. Not planning another for a while.
Heck, you're not even old yet :unsure:
but your old twin shock enduros would beat you up pretty bad here, you would want to get something even lighter with more power and covered with plastic so it doesn't hurt so bad when it falls on you.
Heck, you're not even old yet :unsure:
but your old twin shock enduros would beat you up pretty bad here, you would want to get something even lighter with more power and covered with plastic so it doesn't hurt so bad when it falls on you.
Parts of me are old -- the parts that were beat up in my youth are haunting me know. I'm still pretty fearless, but a little more cautious now -- not afraid of pain, not afraid of danger, not afraid of speed - what I am afraid of is the longer downtimes after injuries, particularly the soft tissue types (sprains, tears, pulls).

I took a dump off an ATV a few year ago, simple over the bars, nothing broken but sprains to both wrists and my shoulder. Took 2 months to heal - not bad - but almost a year before the nagging pain subsided.
Pain is good, means you are still alive.
I hear that if the pain goes away all of a sudden you should worry.
Pain is good, means you are still alive.
I hear that if the pain goes away all of a sudden you should worry.
One thing I have noticed about pain -- unless it's the debilitating type (i.e hangover), getting back into action tends to dull it. Last weekend I layed 50 blocks at my kids house, my hands look like hamburger -- I layed another 8 last night, while working it all seemed to be OK.
Walked the loop today, it's 10k takes an hour and a half on foot, each direction.
should know by tomorrow how long it takes by motorcycle. Should be a heck of a lot easier too,
I've come to the conclusion I ride far better then I walk.
Nearest town is Arden, in the direction of Tamworth.
that road will be an awesome sport motorcycle road again by spring btw, they just resurfaced it.
Trail is looking great, helps to have a bunch of good people working on it.
Glaciers were kind to us here, they left a real impression on the landscape :cool:
made it useless for farming but great for wildlife and riding motorcycles.
Just want to say; South western Ontario is a great place to buy a used enduro motorcycle,
land down there is as flat as pi** on a plate and there are no rocks anywhere to be seen :/ so their used dirt bikes are in pristine condition :cool:

... Wingboy let me know when you want to sell the Beta.
I love that area - gorgeous. Isabel's chip stand in Northbrook has amazing fried cheese balls BTW ;)
Chip stand is gone.

The lady who owned it and had a monopoly on the pie stands passed away. Her kids sold off almost all the locations.

My cottage is just outside Cloyne.
Holy crap we are almost neighbours :LOL:

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