Loud and proud?

all we're missing is the oil thread now and the repetitive thread achievement for 2020 is complete.

to OP:

Loud pipes may save lives under very certain circumstances, for most people it's for 'look at me' and modest performance gains at best.
Loud bikes should be confiscated and scrapped.
I'm OK with ticketing excessively loud pipes. On my street we had a guy with a custom HD and probably the loudest set of pipes I've ever heard in my life. Absolutely ear shattering. Only saving grace was that he never used it and only owned it about 2 seasons.

So fine them and them compel them to show up at a police station in 2 weeks with a legal sets of pipes for inspection or maybe just sieze the bike at a the roadside when they're giving them the ticket.

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Few weeks ago we were driving on the QEW and a 300cc Ninja was coming up on our right. I could barely hear him until he came up ahead of us...then it was the most annoying sound for a few minutes until we got fed up and passed him. Kids were both sleeping in the car and the noise was starting to wake them. I couldn't imagine how loud it was for that guy.

Not sure if it's the Odyssey, we weren't listening to radio, but you literally couldn't hear him until he passed us. This showed me that while some pipes may sound great, they're useless to 'save lives' as if I'm not looking for you in my mirrors, have my windows up, and radio on...I can't hear you anyway until you show up in my peripheral vision.
Few weeks ago we were driving on the QEW and a 300cc Ninja was coming up on our right. I could barely hear him until he came up ahead of us...then it was the most annoying sound for a few minutes until we got fed up and passed him. Kids were both sleeping in the car and the noise was starting to wake them. I couldn't imagine how loud it was for that guy.

Not sure if it's the Odyssey, we weren't listening to radio, but you literally couldn't hear him until he passed us. This showed me that while some pipes may sound great, they're useless to 'save lives' as if I'm not looking for you in my mirrors, have my windows up, and radio on...I can't hear you anyway until you show up in my peripheral vision.
It's been stated before that the exhaust noise is almost completely behind the bike and not in front,
but then some silly knob will just post a video of a 6 cylinder Honda with straight pipes blasting down a quiet country road and claim otherwise.
It's been stated before that the exhaust noise is almost completely behind the bike and not in front,
but then some silly knob will just post a video of a 6 cylinder Honda with straight pipes blasting down a quiet country road and claim otherwise.

Silly knob reporting for duty.

So you're claiming one thing, and then referencing a video that completely disproves said claim.

I see.

Interesting. :sneaky:
Silly knob reporting for duty.

So you're claiming one thing, and then referencing a video that completely disproves said claim.

I see.

Interesting. :sneaky:
I put him on ignore yesterday, I already feel better.
Silly knob reporting for duty.

So you're claiming one thing, and then referencing a video that completely disproves said claim.

I see.

Interesting. :sneaky:
No I was just warning him about how it was going to go down.
(y) and thank-you Evoex, I very much appreciate that.
I'm with the majority. Loud pipes are for ********. They do very very little to make you more noticeable to other vehicles as the majority of noise goes behind the bike. They do build anger amongst the general public who constantly push for more enforcement. Basically you are putting your desire to make pedestrians look at you in front of the rest of the populations right to peace and quiet. Slow clap.

Now there is a middle ground (an aftermarket full size muffler to change the tone and possibly add power). Any straight pipes/GP exhaust should have the plates pulled until they replace with something reasonable.

Years ago, I tested all Brian P's bikes. IIRC, one stock exhaust, three aftermarket. All easily passed J2825. To fail, you really have to be trying to be a prick.
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