Second Driver on a cbr 125r?

I recently bought a Honda Cbr 125r and want to insure it under my dads name so insurance isnt that expensive. Does anyone know its possible to put me as a second driver on the insurance? Or how much rates would go for a inexperienced driver? I plan on having my M2 by the time I insure it, I'm only 16 years old so and have never had insurance under my name.
Presuming your dad has a MC licence, regardless, what you're doing is called "Material misrepresentation".

If at some point you need that insurance policy because of an accident or a lawsuit, if and when the insurance company finds out that you've misrepresented the policy by claiming you're a secondary/occasional rider when reality was anything but, you risk finding yourself holding a bag of problems with no insurance policy to back you up as they may very well cancel the policy on the spot.
if the bike is registered to your Dad
and he has a motorcycle licence
and you live at the same address
you can do that

in the event of an accident it could get troublesome
and it will definitely affect your Dad's insurance record

no one here can tell you what it would cost
Call insurance brokers and get prices. As stated above, it is tempting to be flexible with the truth to save some money, but you can easily ruin your finances for the rest of your entire life to save a thousand or two now.

If your dad has an M license (and the other conditions JF stated) he could get it insured. Does he have an existing insured bike? If not, his rate would be lower than yours due to his age, but the insurance company may treat him as a new rider so I don't expect magically lower.

You picked a great bike to minimize the price of insurance. I would just be straight up with the broker and get two prices. A)you own and insure the bike and B)your dad owns and insures the bike with you as the primary rider. I suspect the price difference between A and B would be minimal and I would just go with A. If A is unaffordable, unfortunately, you may need to wait. Insurance in ontario for new riders is horrendous and quickly becomes crazy if you don't have some age to help bring it down.
What if the accident did happen on one of the occasional rides?

With respect to what has already been said, how are they going to determine which ride was an occasional ride or and everyday ride?
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What is the accident did happen on one of the occasional rides?

With respect to what has already been said, how are they going to determine which ride was an occasional ride or and everyday ride?
It depends on how big a cheque the insurance company is facing. If they just need to pay out the bike, probably no issues. If somebody gets hurt and they are looking at hundreds of thousands or worse, a few interviews with family, neighbours and co-workers ("how often did you see bob on the bike? did you ever see steve on the bike?", "the bike is parked at the high school every day, that's interesting", etc.) and the house of cards quickly collapses. Just be honest and you don't need to worry about your entire lifetime earning potential being used up before you turn 17.
Just be honest and you don't need to worry about your entire lifetime earning potential being used up before you turn 17.

I think being honest in this case (which is the right thing to do) will result in not riding a bike before he is even 18 or older. Mind you that shouldn't be too expensive of a bike to insure.
I think being honest in this case (which is the right thing to do) will result in not riding a bike before he is even 18 or older. Mind you that shouldn't be too expensive of a bike to insure.
Sadly that is a possible outcome. Looking at it the other way, would you pay $1,000,000 to ride before you were 18 or would you just realize that it was not feasible?
Dad rocks!

just be honest and you should have no problems going forward
only your broker/agent can tell you if it makes financial sense
Just to explain to everyone, my dad has a GSXR 1000 insured under his name.

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Insurance companies aren't dumb, they know the game. It may be cheaper for him to insure as he has a motorcycle history, just make sure you are upfront that you are the primary rider (assuming that is the plan). Keep in mind that with that program, any claim on your bike will likely double the premium on all of his bikes.
Why don't you get your dad to call his insurance company and ask these sort of questions with them?

You will get the info straight from the horses mouth.
Than come back here and let us know what you found out, or if you have a CBR125r for sale.

lol. Hopefully not. Ride smart and ride safe.
Interesting little wrinkle for you, if your dad has a motorcycle licensed and insured now, he is suppose to notify his insurance there is an additional family member with an M at the same residence and his insurance will go up very slightly anyways.
I pay more because my wife has an M even though she can not physically ride either of my street bikes.
Interesting little wrinkle for you, if your dad has a motorcycle licensed and insured now, he is suppose to notify his insurance there is an additional family member with an M at the same residence and his insurance will go up very slightly anyways.
I pay more because my wife has an M even though she can not physically ride either of my street bikes.
OPCF 28A can probably fix that for you.
btw op, you won't get any response to your tire question because that thread does not allow reply.

Is too bad you don't have the 2011 or newer, they run larger tires, sadly you won't find many choices for performance tires in the size you need.
btw op, you won't get any response to your tire question because that thread does not allow reply.

Is too bad you don't have the 2011 or newer, they run larger tires, sadly you won't find many choices for performance tires in the size you need.

Its posted in the Marketplace section. No replies allowed as its only meant for selling items/bikes.

Repost it in General Motorcycle or Technical Forums.
Thank you both, I’m new to the forum so I haven’t figured it out yet. And yea it’s a shame that I didn’t get a newer one.

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