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You know the distribution of the virus.
And how does that help? With no travel restrictions its a moving target.


I get tested, no virus. You're infected (unknowingly) and not scheduled to get tested for 2 days after me. Between that time we happen to meet for lunch, share food and shake hands, etc. Now i've got it but don't know it. You go to get tested and got it, so you self quarantine. If you don't remember to tell me and everyone else you were within a metre of for the past few days the cycle will just repeat.

Everyone would need to be tested within the same window and/or travel restrictions imposed.
It might have nothing to do with travel restrictions that might not even be a working solution!

Seriously! Consider an algae bloom in the ocean, where the ocean is human lungs. :| or is that too vague of a metaphor.
We all may have been exposed to it.
Test everyone and now you know more about it.

in principle, yes, this would be a huge help
but would be a financial and logistical difficulty

but you're right that even if we had sample testing to represent communities/regions
wouldn't be hard to project that across communities and arrive at an average infection rate

from there we could identify the more at-risk communities and predict future health care needs
but also like mentioned, as long as we have unrestricted mobility it's bound to go everywhere, quickly
it's probably too late and already has
It seems Singapore and Taiwan have got this more figured out then the rest. They seem to be actively screening before being allowed in. Plus other policies. We could have done something like this here before it spread.

Because that would be "free" health care, which is un-Republican and un-Trumpian and un-American.

And it's desperately needed a few weeks ago.


We have 200+ cases in California out off 88900 people already tested. We are working from home, 2 of our staff have been tested but came back negative.

Test kits are currently supplied by the CDC, the labs are state run and the tests are free. Nothing to do with the federal government, its public health, and Newsom said this morning that they will in a position to process 5000 tests a day going forward.

I was actually quite disappointed with those numbers. In state that had a similar population to Canada, its not a lot of tests. Especially when you look at the immigrant crisis and the number of undocumented people living in tent cities. I would imagine that this would spread like wildfire through those communities.

I was reading on CTV that Canada is doing about 1000 tests a day which is worse, maybe that's why the verified case numbers are so low

I fundamentally believe that there are many more cases in California that that 200. I believe that for many, the symptoms will be so minor that they will not even get tested
It means they can now at least understand and possibly predict the path in the future, long way from a cure or vaccine, but its a pretty fast turn around from research scientists.

Because this is a runny nose/ sore throat/ cough for many of the victims, which are carriers. Many will be almost unaware they have more than a common cold. So they carry on and it spreads. Cancelling events and work place activities looks like a slight panic reaction, but how do you tell a guy that only has the sniffles to not use that concert ticket he's held for 11 months.

Fever and chills are also symptoms
Now parliament is suspended? Wankers. Either shut everything down or keep everything running. This piecemeal approach is nightmare on businesses (and by extension personal finances).

We have 200+ cases in California out off 88900 people already tested. We are working from home, 2 of our staff have been tested but came back negative.

Test kits are currently supplied by the CDC, the labs are state run and the tests are free. Nothing to do with the federal government, its public health, and Newsom said this morning that they will in a position to process 5000 tests a day going forward.

I was actually quite disappointed with those numbers. In state that had a similar population to Canada, its not a lot of tests. Especially when you look at the immigrant crisis and the number of undocumented people living in tent cities. I would imagine that this would spread like wildfire through those communities.

I was reading on CTV that Canada is doing about 1000 tests a day which is worse, maybe that's why the verified case numbers are so low

I fundamentally believe that there are many more cases in California that that 200. I believe that for many, the symptoms will be so minor that they will not even get tested

Appears that California is handling it decently.

It also has a Democrat state government, for whatever that might be worth :-)

I have little doubt that Ontario has only captured a small fraction of the cases that are already out there. Same situation as most places. The bad news is that this will lead to significant community spread (already happening). The good news is that this probably means the mortality rate for infections as a whole is nowhere near as high as that reported based on actual known cases.
Went to Walmart today, so I was curious about the TP situation... totally bare shelves, not even one package. Ridiculous.
I needed some other things but walked out instead as it was too busy to bother. Try again mid week.
Bank of Canada just did another 0.5% rate cut. Bah. I was variable a month ago. I definitely did not see a 1% cut coming that quickly.
Well, it was bound to happen. I wonder if the courts will be too "busy" to bother with a bail hearing for this loser and just leave him in jail until the pandemic is over. We don't need people like that in society at the best of times. If he gets released, you have close to a 100% chance of him escalating further next time.

"Police at the scene told CP24 that a fight broke out between two shoppers when one of them accused the other of staring at him.

The one man began to film the behaviour of the other with his phone and that’s when the man being filmed pulled out a gun, police said."

That spells everyone to me, guess I'm getting my family tested, I haven't met my new GP yet, maybe this is a good opportunity.
thank you for posting this le, testing criteria down right sensible
went to walmart around 2:00PM to pickup a few things. anything that resembles something you can wipe your ass with is gone, parking lot jammed full, walmartians running around the store like animals. absolute chaos.

produce section looked like it hadn't been touched. every shopping cart loaded full of garbage food - you would think if anything would get people to start eating healthy it would be something like this.

will be an interesting next few weeks/months.
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I love the the conspiracy theory
that the US military snuck the virus into Wuhan and released it
It's probably true

and true about WallyWorld
I've been juicing lately and got a pile of produce for next to nothing yesterday
will be juicing and freezing like a fiend this weekend

guy in line in front of me had a kart full of sh!t
10 boxes of crackers FFS
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