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☝ Everybody that had mild flue like symptoms over the previous 365 days hold up your hand.
And how does that help? With no travel restrictions its a moving target.You know the distribution of the virus.
We all may have been exposed to it.
Test everyone and now you know more about it.
Because that would be "free" health care, which is un-Republican and un-Trumpian and un-American.
And it's desperately needed a few weeks ago.
It means they can now at least understand and possibly predict the path in the future, long way from a cure or vaccine, but its a pretty fast turn around from research scientists.
Because this is a runny nose/ sore throat/ cough for many of the victims, which are carriers. Many will be almost unaware they have more than a common cold. So they carry on and it spreads. Cancelling events and work place activities looks like a slight panic reaction, but how do you tell a guy that only has the sniffles to not use that concert ticket he's held for 11 months.
We have 200+ cases in California out off 88900 people already tested. We are working from home, 2 of our staff have been tested but came back negative.
Test kits are currently supplied by the CDC, the labs are state run and the tests are free. Nothing to do with the federal government, its public health, and Newsom said this morning that they will in a position to process 5000 tests a day going forward.
I was actually quite disappointed with those numbers. In state that had a similar population to Canada, its not a lot of tests. Especially when you look at the immigrant crisis and the number of undocumented people living in tent cities. I would imagine that this would spread like wildfire through those communities.
I was reading on CTV that Canada is doing about 1000 tests a day which is worse, maybe that's why the verified case numbers are so low
I fundamentally believe that there are many more cases in California that that 200. I believe that for many, the symptoms will be so minor that they will not even get tested
Pretty easy to find infoIf it is that easy then right now the government should be testing everyone.