Out of province insurance policies?


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Hey Guys,

This past year my entire family has moved out west to Alberta, so I have the opportunity to spend a couple weeks a year out there in the mountains.
I've looked at a few different bike options out there, and thought I might be interesting in purchasing one for when I'm there.

That now leads me to the question of the most efficient way to insure the bike.

Assuming the bike stays out there, I'm trying to figure out if it's best to tie it to my existing Ontario bike policy or if I should be plating it with Alberta plates and find insurance out there.

Does anyone have a home away from home that could maybe offer some insight on this?

If I insure it with my Ontario policy, does it need Ontario plates? That would mean I have to go through the whole registration process here and import it from Alberta?

From what I know, insurance is much cheaper out in Alberta than here.

I would be doing whatever it takes to get it insured over in Alberta instead of Ontario.

Even insuring it in Alberta and riding it in Ontario. ;)
Do it in Alberta. When you buy a bike there make sure the title is 'unbranded'. If you decide to bring a bike that has been branded back to Ontario it will become a track or parts bike, it will not be plateable here.
No PST in Alberta either. I would be trying my damndest to register it there. Since you are only using it a few weeks a year, it doesn't seem too wrong to have a family member own and insure it and you borrow it when you visit.
Thanks everyone for the advice, I'll look into it further and see how registering a vehicle in Alberta is.
However, do I need to have an Alberta license? Can I register a vehicle while I'm out there visiting with my Ontario Drivers License?

I'm reading something about Alberta requiring a Class 6 license, whatever that is lol
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'a couple weeks a year' I seriously doubt that will even qualify you to hold an Alberta motorcycle license, plate and insurance. Let us know how that works out for you.
^^^ . This. Unless you actually reside there you won't be eligible for a Alberta DL.

Insurance companies may refuse to write a policy for a non resident.

And insuring it there for cheap and then bringing it back home to ride here permanently is only a viable option until the first time you actually need the insurance, and then it all falls apart...as they insurance company will quickly discover that you've been pulling a fast one on them and promptly cancel the policy. Leaving you holding the bag on a wrecked bike is one thing - leaving you holding the bag on a million dollar lawsuit, quite another.
Well, my intention wasn't really to bring it back. In fact, I don't really have space for another bike here unfortunately.

However, I'll be spending about 2 months of the year out west, so I didn't know if buying one out there was a good idea or not. Just considering my options.

Isn't it dishonest for me to insure my bike out there with a policy from here?
You are going to get a lot of salty people who aren't in the position you are in but wish they were. Take what they say with a grain of salt. As long as the bike is insured who cares where you ride it to or from. Insurance is a scam, half the people here are old and get affordable rates when I'm probably a better rider but get the shaft because I'm a high risk from a statistic chart.

Do as you please, I know many people that do this but with cars. I've never heard of anyone getting caught.
Insurance is a scam,

Ask anyone who's had their insurance company pay out a lawsuit that didn't result in them losing their home and everything they've worked for their entire lives and living under a bridge somewhere how much of a "Scam" it is.

Is there problems with it here in Ontario? Yep. But calling it a "scam" is a reach.

BTW, what you're suggesting is called material misrepresentation. Google up on what happens to people who get busted for that. And then read up about how hard it is to get insurance again when you have a cancellation on your record.

Think it doesn't happen? Just a year or so back there was a guy here who worked for an insurance company who's sole job was to find and cancel policies for people trying to pull these sorts of stunts. I'll see if I can find the thread for your reading enjoyment.
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