suggestions for a small blue plate dual sport

Anything special to avoid or look for on a used KLX other than all the usual used bike stuff?
google search of "KLX frame cracks" is pretty scary, maybe watch for that.
google search of "KLX frame cracks" is pretty scary, maybe watch for that.
Google search returns a very small recall on the klx 140 for missing welds on the head stock. One lonely guy with a cracked frame on a klx250s and one with a klx300r. How is that pretty scary?

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Anything special to avoid or look for on a used KLX other than all the usual used bike stuff?
Nothing too special. 2009 and up is an inch lower than previous models. 2018 saw fuel injection, carb'd models benefited from a jet kit as factory is pretty lean and could be harder to start in cool conditions.

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Frame cracks is one of the things I always check for in a used dirt bike.
Seen enough of them to be concerned, is not necessarily a reflection on the bike, is more often a case of people not maintaining the bike correctly, but it happens enough to watch for it.
The KLX250 is nice little bike and I think would be great for what you want. I'm always confused when people say a bike is underpowered, or gutless, when they're not talking about racing. I race a lot and have a race bike (KTM 200xcw) for that. I had a 2007 KLX250 for dual sport duties and had lots of fun on it, so much so, that I wouldn't hesitate to get another one (well, maybe in 18 years when I turn 57).

For reference too, my first dual sport bike 7 years ago was a DRZ400. I would still take the KLX250 first.

Oh, and ignore anything Trials says. I've never heard of them having an issue with the frame cracking and I followed the thread over on ADVRider for a long time. With that said, I broke my subframe, but that was 100% my fault by having too much weight to far back.
The question asked was what to watch for when you go to look at used KLX dirt bikes.
He should be looking for signs of cracks in the area of the top rad mounts and the rear subframe specifically.

I had one in my garage not long ago and the entire rear hub and brake was trashed but that was neglect and abuse.
... and if you buy the fork seal parts from a third party vendor, half the parts they sell you might not fit well enough to use.
No major common problems with the KLX that I'm aware of. Very rare cam chain tensioner issues (VERRRRY rare), and some people load up the bike with crap-tonnes of luggage, hit the trails and wind up with a bent/broken sub-frame. There's no real problem with the sub-frame, as long as the bike was used as intended (i.e.: not over-loaded and then thrashed on the trails).

If it's in your budget, I'd go with the fuel injected version. Easier to start, better fuel economy, better throttle response and the stock injector can easily be tuned to use with a 300CC or even a 350CC big bore kit. Hint: look outside of the GTA for better prices (Rockland Wheels in Ottawa has 2019's for $5800).

The KLX is a lot like a smaller KLR. It's not ideal for anything in stock form, but you can easily and cheaply mod it into whatever you want.
I was in the similar situation as you, got rid of my s model 400 because it was too tall for me, picked up a older xl 250 then a nx 250, loved them both but they just didnt have enough power. I now have a Drz SM and I am very happy with it.
Beta. Talk to Rob at Langs.
Which Betas can be blue plated? All of them? I always dislike how hard it is to figure out which bikes are blue plated when it comes to dirt bikes and enduros without calling a dealership.
Which Betas can be blue plated? All of them? I always dislike how hard it is to figure out which bikes are blue plated when it comes to dirt bikes and enduros without calling a dealership.
You can immediately rule out any 2-stroke model from any manufacturer, Beta makes several 2-stroke models and none of them will qualify.
You can immediately rule out any 2-stroke model from any manufacturer, Beta makes several 2-stroke models and none of them will qualify.
Actually they all do. The 125, 200, 250, 300 2t and all the 4t models can be blue plated with all signals, horn etc. They are the last unicorn dirtbikes in Canada.

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Which Betas can be blue plated? All of them? I always dislike how hard it is to figure out which bikes are blue plated when it comes to dirt bikes and enduros without calling a dealership.
All of the Betas can be blue plated. From the 125 2t to the 500 4t. It's a $500 kit for all the lights, horn etc to be legal.

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Sounds very grey to me :unsure: how does a 2-stroke pass California EPA which is the standard that has been adopted by CEPA for the last several decades?

Report a smoking vehicle <- CEPA hotline to report smoking vehicle just incase somebody feels the urge to do that.
All of the Betas can be blue plated. From the 125 2t to the 500 4t. It's a $500 kit for all the lights, horn etc to be legal.

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Well... Had I known that I probably would've bought one of the 2T a few years back. Because I need more headaches.
Sounds very grey to me :unsure: how does a 2-stroke pass California EPA which is the standard that has been adopted by CEPA for the last several decades?

Report a smoking vehicle I]
The import numbers are small enough that homologation isn't necessary I believe.
Modern two strokes also don't smoke like the old days.

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Sounds very grey to me :unsure: how does a 2-stroke pass California EPA which is the standard that has been adopted by CEPA for the last several decades?

Report a smoking vehicle <- CEPA hotline to report smoking vehicle just incase somebody feels the urge to do that.
Careful what you wish for. Our sport of trials is mostly made up of 2t bikes. It's just a matter of time till they are outlawed. Not everyone will be able to run out and buy a new Honda or other 4t bike. (if they are still made). And if off road vehicles come under the magnifying glass, their impact on the wetlands will get a very serious look.
All it takes is one small group of organized people to claim that the Jefferson's salamander (endangered species) is at risk, and that site will be closed.
It wouldn't matter if it was your property or borrowed land.
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Careful what you wish for. Our sport of trials is mostly made up of 2t bikes. It's just a matter of time till they are outlawed....
Huge difference between competition vehicles and those intended for use on public streets. But you are correct in that if enough people abuse the privilege then we could all be looking at significantly increased restrictions.

btw: as a field naturalist and I can assure you the Jefferson Salamander is not presently on the endangered list.
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