HOV Lane....fingers crossed everyone

Dundas and Auckland (right next to Kipling station) is an HOV lane, you even quoted it.
Yes I did. It would depend on which way he was headed and exactly where he was caught and the time of day. If he was outside those HOV lanes, he OR caught during non HOV hours, he would not get an HOV ticket - just the bus lane ticket.
Yes I did. It would depend on which way he was headed and exactly where he was caught and the time of day. If he was outside those HOV lanes, he OR caught during non HOV hours, he would not get an HOV ticket - just the bus lane ticket.
I'm so intrigued by your steadfast defense on this that i'll get the 411 from 22 next time im there.
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Ok God, How about you contact the City of Toronto and ask them. Or read their blurb on the issue:

City of Toronto High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes (HOV lanes)

LOL. I'm with Mike on this one, if the City of Toronto's own website says you get $110 fine and 3 demerit points for using one of their HOV lane incorrectly, I'm going with that. Maybe in some cases the cops end up incorrectly issuing a bylaw ticket by being confused themselves? Who knows, but probably better not to risk it.
Yes I did. It would depend on which way he was headed and exactly where he was caught and the time of day. If he was outside those HOV lanes, he OR caught during non HOV hours, he would not get an HOV ticket - just the bus lane ticket.

What's a bus lane ticket? I thought the sign meant that only high occupancy vehicles could use the lane between 7-10 am and 3-7 pm Mon-Fri, but that anyone could use them outside of these hours.
LOL. I'm with Mike on this one, if the City of Toronto's own website says you get $110 fine and 3 demerit points for using one of their HOV lane incorrectly, I'm going with that. Maybe in some cases the cops end up incorrectly issuing a bylaw ticket by being confused themselves? Who knows, but probably better not to risk it.
Maybe the website is incorrect?

I've provided documented cases (posts?) of people being issued a by law ticket, people going to court and being charge with by-law offense (you have to believe prosecutors review this stuff before they get to court no?) and some people here posted their own personal experience of getting a by law ticket.

Anyhow, i'm out that way this weekend, i'll square it up with 22.
What's a bus lane ticket? I thought the sign meant that only high occupancy vehicles could use the lane between 7-10 am and 3-7 pm Mon-Fri, but that anyone could use them outside of these hours.
Fairly certain that's exactly what the sign means, there is no 'bus lane'. I lived in that area for half my life and my dad still lives there.

However, i don't claim to know everything, God or not.
I presume must be allowing for chopper styled bars.

10. (1) No person shall operate upon a highway a motorcycle or motor assisted bicycle equipped with handlebars that are more than 380 millimetres in height above the uppermost portion of the seat provided for the operator when the seat is depressed by the weight of the operator. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 596, s. 10 (1).
Ontario Introduces Legislation to Keep our Roads Safe, Protect Frontline Workers, Schoolchildren, and Motorcyclists

Amending motorcycle regulations to allow for high-styled handlebars

Can anybody clarify what are high-styled handlebars in this sentence?
I'm guessing they're removing the 380 mm height limitation of the handlebars based on this article, followed by relevant excerpts from the HTA?:

"In the vernacular of the biker, it is called “the 15 inch” law. For the rest of us, it is called the “no part of the handlebars can exceed a height of 380mm (14.96 inches) above the uppermost portion of the operator’s seat when the seat is depressed by the weight of the operator” law."

Motorcycle Law in Ontario | Personal Injury Law Blog | Mackesy Syme Law Firm

HTA OReg 596
10(1) No person shall operate upon a highway a motorcycle or motor assisted bicycle equipped with handlebars that are more than 380 millimetres in height above the uppermost portion of the seat provided for the operator when the seat is depressed by the weight of the operator.

HTA OREG 611 (Safety Standards of motorcycles)
Schedule 6 (3)(2)(e)
No part of the handlebar shall exceed a height of 380 millimetres above the uppermost portion of the operator's seat when the seat is depressed by the weight of the operator.
Ape hangers.
This crash occurred in the HOV lane on the 410 (of course). A car wasn't travelling fast enough to the liking of another driver and the second driver decided to brake check the slower driver

Wow what an ahole!
road rage is stupid.

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com mobile app
Driver who caused the crash is obviously at fault but there are soo many HOV slowpokes that I can understand the rage. They will cut across all 4 lanes of the 404 just to sit in the HOV lane to drive 95km/h. Watch the video and the car in the HOV lane is the slowest car on the road. Hopefully Dougie’s speed limit/law changes will address this as it completely negates any benefit of the HOV lane in most situations.
Driver who caused the crash is obviously at fault but there are soo many HOV slowpokes that I can understand the rage. They will cut across all 4 lanes of the 404 just to sit in the HOV lane to drive 95km/h. Watch the video and the car in the HOV lane is the slowest car on the road. Hopefully Dougie’s speed limit/law changes will address this as it completely negates any benefit of the HOV lane in most situations.
What does it matter what speed people are going in the HOV lane? The benefit when used properly is that it should be moving better due to forcing all the single passenger cars into regular lanes. People don't need to be ripping it at 120+ to be effective.
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