Increased hwy speed limit

Our highways are also very badly designed. They must have been smoking dope when they designed it. 3 lanes, then 4, then to 3 again. Lanes shifting, you are in a middle lane, then it becomes a right lane. Right lanes becomes a exit lane.. Exits and entrances every 2k, doesn't help volume. I am no civil engineer but that all that seems ridiculous.

It didn't used to be that way but has happened over the last several decades.

Right lanes should never disappear, only left lanes should end. (This should also be the same on passing lanes on two lane roads. Since right lanes end many people just stay in the left lanes and block passing or force people to pass on the right.)

Most drivers will maintain close to their current speeds.. BUT some, myself included if I'm being honest, will go that much faster. I try to stick to 35 over on the highways..
If the limit is 100, that means I try to do 135... Raise the limit to 120 and I'll try to do 155.
Others in this thread have already said the same.. and I'm sure there's a few more that won't admit it.
I took the 407 to Hamilton yesterday.. had the cruise set at 138.. and I was being passed almost as much as I was passing.

There will always be a small minority of drivers that travel at speeds that are above what most others would drive and that really is regardless of the limit. It's been shown time and time again that when limits are set at realistic levels (or even removed!) the vast majority of drivers will drive at speeds that are safe and reasonable for the conditions. Safety increases as cars get spread out more and slower drivers tend to let others pass by staying more to the right so you have less clump-ups of cars with drivers getting frustrated.

It may be hard for many to understand when they only drive on 401 around the city (and I don't expect the limits to increase there,) but outside of the city the limits really need to be increased.

"Yurek said that no GTA-area highway was included in the pilot as the ministry is focused on other measures, especially expanding the GO network, as a means to improve traffic in the region."
"He stressed that the street racing penalty will remain at 150 km/h and not increase in lockstep with the speed limit increase. "
110? That strikes me as some dip-your-toes nanny decision that someone like Wynne would have made. It hardly seems worth bothering with given all the costs inevitably associated with changing all the signage, etc... Like we've all basically agreed here anyways, everyones driving 120 already regardless.

Seems that just going to 120 would have made more sense.

But hey, I guess you're free to drive 125 now in the end if the OPP is still going to give the basically given 15kph leeway.
"He stressed that the street racing penalty will remain at 150 km/h and not increase in lockstep with the speed limit increase. "

I always thought it was 50+ over for street racing? Does this mean doing 150 in a 40km/h school-zone is technically the same ticket as 150 on the 407?

sections of a lot of the 400 series highways are already creeping to 135-140km/h average speed.
I believe H172 does specifically state "exceed speed limit by 50KPH" so despite the claims that the'll still lay that charge at 150 despite the limit being 110 now, I'm pretty sure unless they rewrite the law the lawyers will have a field day getting the tickets thrown out of court.
If they're mucking about in the HTA already it wouldn't be hard for them to modify the verbiage of 172(3)(7) to read something like "Driving a motor vehicle at a rate of speed that is 50 kilometres per hour or more over the speed limit and/or at a rate of speed of 150 kilometers per hour or more."
Trying to figure out where the nearest section is, but it's an obscure reference.

I guess it won't mean people going back to 4 hour trips, Toronto to Montreal.
Trial cases seem like dumb locations. Trial speed is dumb. Another giant waste of money.

At least one trial location should have had GTA traffic volumes to see what happened.

Any trial at less than 120 is just stupid. They would up the average speed (and throughput) more by giving people "impeding the flow" tickets for 95 km/h with the current speed limit.
Go figure another good idea that the government turns into a waste of tax payers money. Let’s spend money to change signs, rewrite policy and laws, study the effects on traffic. Where there is no traffic and increase the speed to a number lower than anyone was traveling in the first place.
Oh and the 150km rule it stays.

What a waste of money
I believe H172 does specifically state "exceed speed limit by 50KPH" so despite the claims that the'll still lay that charge at 150 despite the limit being 110 now, I'm pretty sure unless they rewrite the law the lawyers will have a field day getting the tickets thrown out of court.

I watched the announcement. He said that he would rewrite the laws to keep it a stunting charge at 150 kph regardless of the speed limit.
Ford and the conservatives don't give a poop about raising speed limits. They were saving this announcement. Its a distraction. Now that folks are demonstrating against Fords cuts to health care and education, the carbon tax challenge to make lawyers rich and screw the environment - it was time to change the subject quickly with the media's help. Demonstration news gets replaced with - get ready for this - HIGHER SPEED LIMITS. wow amazing- everyone forget what is happening at queens park. Its nothing but a distraction to change whats in the news.

When FORD was in the news for his back room deal with chinese real estate developers on youtube; telling investors he would "free up" our more than 1/2 a century saved green belt to development- and that the developers "would make a lot of money" - for that damaging news ford announced "$1 a BEER FOR EVERYONE" headlines changed, mission accomplished. Damage contained.
and of course everyone just ignored the you tube news of Ford's obvious corrupt dealings with investors. AND WOW lets fill the news about cheap beer.
Yes, we are that stupid.
That has proven to NOT be the case in the USA. when speed limits went up (initially from 55 mph to 65 mph and then later to higher speeds in many states) average speeds barely changed.

What did change was less of left lane bandits causing dangerous backups of traffic and drops in crash/fatality rates.


I definitely see less of this behaviour when travelling in the US.
It would be a great start to making our roads safer and more efficient.
I definitely see less of this behaviour when travelling in the US.
It would be a great start to making our roads safer and more efficient.

I see less of that behavior everywhere but Ontario. I can't understand the logic of sitting in the left lane holding up a lineup of cars behind you. And they rarely get ticketed. At least in other places when they see you coming they move over.
I see less of that behavior everywhere but Ontario. I can't understand the logic of sitting in the left lane holding up a lineup of cars behind you. And they rarely get ticketed. At least in other places when they see you coming they move over.
They need to change the laws to make it an easy ticket. Right now, I think the closest they have is "impeding the flow of traffic", but that one is easy to beat it court if you were going at the maximum legal speed. Many people feel better about themselves by personally enforcing laws they believe in and don't realize they are humongous d-bags that make the roads more dangerous for everybody.
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