Increased hwy speed limit

so do we expect the a new 110 or 120 limit will be the case in GTA? nope....think of large US soon as you get into these urban sprawl areas in most states the speed limit drops to 50mph....
In other provinces like Quebec, Alberta, in my experience, majority of the slow drivers stay in the right lane and traffic situation is significantly better than here.

This is what we need to fix.

that's because in that province people actually stay in the right lanes unless to pass.. and not just in highways, also on the multi-lane boulevards. Its very noticeable in Quebec City. Always an Ontario plate cruising in the left lane. PLUS I believe the law enforcement in QC also enforce this law... something not done here.
Here we go everyone! From considering single Motorcycles in the HOV lane to now increasing the speed limit to 120km on 400 series hwys, 2019 is looking like a good year!
What are all of your thoughts on this?
Ontario to look at raising speed limits across 400-series highways

My thoughts? Motorists have been hovering around the 120km/hr mark (more or less) for as long as I could remember. Don't think anyone really goes 100km/hr unless they are a new driver. So this changes nothing really lol. Only that you will no longer be "breaking the law" when you drive 120km if this comes to pass. Similar to how people smoked weed before it was legal, the only change is that you are no longer a criminal for smoking weed.

I also think that once self-driving cars start rolling out we will be living in a similar world to that of the sci-fi novel and film 'I, Robot'. Where cars will travel over 900km/hr through the aid of A.I. since human capabilities will no longer be able to keep up. We would either have to turn cyborg, full android or change our brains with this 'neural lace' technology Elon Musk was talking about.

Haha...I'm going off on a tangent here but that's way off into the future. Bottom line is, things will only move faster.
So this changes nothing really lol. Only that you will no longer be "breaking the law" when you drive 120km if this comes to pass.

This is important. Cops do ticket for going 15km/hr+ over 100km/hr
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Since we seem to have multiple threads on this topic, I'll copy and paste my response from the other one which seems to have gotten lost.

Nobody has touched on this here in this one...

Meh, people drive 120 or more already outside the GTA.

My concerns are two fold:

1/. Unless the thresholds in fines are adjusted, people will take this as a green light to drive 140 now since “it’s only a 20 over ticket”, and unless the OPP suddenly start to enforce 20 over (they basically don’t now) it’s a free ride. So what’s next, 150 becomes the limit to push?

2/. Trucks will still be electronically limited to 100 like they are today...? No clarification there. If so, that opens up massive speed differential issues between trucks and cars pushing 140-150. One only need to remember the tragic motorcycle accident last summer to understand that speed differential kills - running into the back of something at an effective speed of 40KPH (even if it's just the differential, IE one vehicle 100kph and the second 140kph) is going to end badly.

Even if the electronic limits for trucks is increased as well many fleets wouldn’t take advantage of it anyways for two reasons - insurance increases (current fleet insurance costs take into consideration blanket 100kph speed limiters), and drastically increased fuel consumption. The fuel consumption increase between 100 and 120kph on a tractor trailer is staggering - lots of fleets are already operating on the bleeding edge of affordability and shippers won’t pay more so the truck can go faster. Of course, they'll still want the freight there yesterday...but that's another story.
I'd like to see the laws change for a couple of reasons:

1) Congestion. While it's not going to alleviate all Toronto's congestion, the increased speed will move more cars per minute through the same space, 20% increase in speed = 20% increase in volume at the same congestion rates. Since volume is likely the constant, that means the onset of congestion slowdown happens less frequently.

2) In places where higher speeds are available, I have noticed considerably more respect for lane speed.

3) I like driving faster. My wish is the 407 becomes a Bahn -- I'd pay to play.
I think lane discipline would ease congestion more, even now with lower speeds. Couple it with an increased limit and that would be great but I’m not holding my breath. Until they have a blitz on left and middle lane hogs those with set habits won’t change.
I think lane discipline would ease congestion more, even now with lower speeds. Couple it with an increased limit and that would be great but I’m not holding my breath. Until they have a blitz on left and middle lane hogs those with set habits won’t change.
Won't happen. OPP can't get left lane convictions in Ontario if the driver is travelling at the legal limit (case law), so they don't waster their time.
Won't happen. OPP can't get left lane convictions in Ontario if the driver is travelling at the legal limit (case law), so they don't waster their time.

See that’s the thing, you could increase the speed limit to 200km/h but if three vehicles are stuck in three lanes going 90 you’re screwed. I know for a fact that some driving schools have taught students to stay in the leftmost lane as they won’t have to change lanes as often that way. In some ways it works for me around Coburg where the 401 becomes 3 lanes, the right lane is empty for quite a while as drivers seem mystified as to what they should do.
That has proven to NOT be the case in the USA. when speed limits went up (initially from 55 mph to 65 mph and then later to higher speeds in many states) average speeds barely changed.

What did change was less of left lane bandits causing dangerous backups of traffic and drops in crash/fatality rates.


Most drivers will maintain close to their current speeds.. BUT some, myself included if I'm being honest, will go that much faster. I try to stick to 35 over on the highways..
If the limit is 100, that means I try to do 135... Raise the limit to 120 and I'll try to do 155.
Others in this thread have already said the same.. and I'm sure there's a few more that won't admit it.
I took the 407 to Hamilton yesterday.. had the cruise set at 138.. and I was being passed almost as much as I was passing.
Most drivers will maintain close to their current speeds.. BUT some, myself included if I'm being honest, will go that much faster. I try to stick to 35 over on the highways..
If the limit is 100, that means I try to do 135... Raise the limit to 120 and I'll try to do 155.
Others in this thread have already said the same.. and I'm sure there's a few more that won't admit it.
I took the 407 to Hamilton yesterday.. had the cruise set at 138.. and I was being passed almost as much as I was passing.
What if the stunt driving charge stays at 150kmph+, despite a 20kmph increase in the limits, would you still do 155 on a regular basis ?

I would very much enjoy going that fast too, but it's dangerous territory to be in, on a regular basis.
See that’s the thing, you could increase the speed limit to 200km/h but if three vehicles are stuck in three lanes going 90 you’re screwed. I know for a fact that some driving schools have taught students to stay in the leftmost lane as they won’t have to change lanes as often that way. In some ways it works for me around Coburg where the 401 becomes 3 lanes, the right lane is empty for quite a while as drivers seem mystified as to what they should do.
That's a different story, and I have seen OPP ticket left lane hogs doing less than the speed limit. Last summer on my way to Barrie I saw an OPP pull over a giant motohome lumbering up an incline in the left lane.

They don't do it often -- they do as any normal driver does, overtake them on the right.
What if the stunt driving charge stays at 150kmph+, despite a 20kmph increase in the limits, would you still do 155 on a regular basis ?

I would very much enjoy going that fast too, but it's dangerous territory to be in, on a regular basis.

No, I wouldn't. The stunting law is a threshold I try not to cross...
I've been pulled over twice in the past year... both times the ticket was drastically reduced.
I don't really worry about getting tickets.. It's part of life as far as I'm concerned.
Won't happen. OPP can't get left lane convictions in Ontario if the driver is travelling at the legal limit (case law), so they don't waster their time.

On the Autobahn, not returning to the right lane after passing is three points and a couple of hundred... AND it's enforced.
My thoughts? Motorists have been hovering around the 120km/hr mark (more or less) for as long as I could remember. Don't think anyone really goes 100km/hr unless they are a new driver. So this changes nothing really lol. Only that you will no longer be "breaking the law" when you drive 120km if this comes to pass. Similar to how people smoked weed before it was legal, the only change is that you are no longer a criminal for smoking weed.

Hmm you sure you drive around the GTA? Lots do 80 or 90... and most of those jokers are in the merge lane when you are trying to get onto the highway blocking you. Also most trucks are governed at 100.
I think lane discipline would ease congestion more, even now with lower speeds. Couple it with an increased limit and that would be great but I’m not holding my breath. Until they have a blitz on left and middle lane hogs those with set habits won’t change.
Our highways are also very badly designed. They must have been smoking dope when they designed it. 3 lanes, then 4, then to 3 again. Lanes shifting, you are in a middle lane, then it becomes a right lane. Right lanes becomes a exit lane.. Exits and entrances every 2k, doesn't help volume. I am no civil engineer but that all that seems ridiculous.
Hmm you sure you drive around the GTA? Lots do 80 or 90... and most of those jokers are in the merge lane when you are trying to get onto the highway blocking you. Also most trucks are governed at 100.

Anyone doing 80 or less on the on ramp/merge lane should be restricted to the street.
On the UK highways (and in some other countries) where you drive on the left lanes, they encourage that you must always pass on the right . Passing on the left is called "undertaking". This naturally enforces the slower cars to stay in the slower lanes or there would be a build up of cars behind the offending vehicle. People pretty much have better discipline and driving manners. What you get is smoother flowing traffic.. .and the UK highways especially around London are very busy.
On the UK highways (and in some other countries) where you drive on the left lanes, they encourage that you must always pass on the right . Passing on the left is called "undertaking". This naturally enforces the slower cars to stay in the slower lanes or there would be a build up of cars behind the offending vehicle. People pretty much have better discipline and driving manners. What you get is smoother flowing traffic.. .and the UK highways especially around London are very busy.

Same goes for the rest of western Europe. You never pass on the right, only on the left.
I'm not 100% sure that I trust you people to be able to go that fast and pay attention to what's going on around you.

On the UK highways (and in some other countries) where you drive on the left lanes, they encourage that you must always pass on the right . Passing on the left is called "undertaking". This naturally enforces the slower cars to stay in the slower lanes or there would be a build up of cars behind the offending vehicle. People pretty much have better discipline and driving manners. What you get is smoother flowing traffic.. .and the UK highways especially around London are very busy.
Quebec is like that, except that sometimes the locals will sometimes sit in the passing lanes in fishing zones, so that unaware people from Ontario, will get caught.
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