LOL @ Insurance Claimants Being Punished


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I just love how this nazi province of Ontario is squeezing and squeezing the dung out of people in favor of insurance companies and corporations. My friend got T-boned in Toronto by a clueless woman, his car was a write-off. He has injuries and filed a claim. His insurance sent him to "their" doctor. Their doctor asked him what was wrong with him, he told them back pain and that he couldn't really twist his neck fully to the sides. The insurance doctor then contacts the ministry behind his back and suspends his driver's licence. Meanwhile there's people with feet and arms missing and they are allowed to drive.

Is this a new tactic by the insurance crime syndicate to quell people from claiming injuries after accidents? And the Ontario government gives it approval?
He broke the cardinal rule: Never visit a doctor unless you have a purchase order. That's the key to staying healthy your whole life.
Did the "doctor " offer any medical help?
What else are you leaving out? (nerve damage? vision issues? etc?)
If / when he lawyers up, that action will add $ to the settlement.
Mainly neck pain when turning head, and back pain. But my friend says he will go to an independent doctor (his own) and get an affidavit from him that he is able to drive and take that to the ministry and get his licence back. The Misnistry told him that if he gets such a document his licence will be reinstated in 72 hrs or less.
Is this a new tactic by the insurance crime syndicate to quell people from claiming injuries after accidents? And the Ontario government gives it approval?

sounds like that's exactly what the intention is

diesel fuel and fertilizer
cheap alarm clock from amazon
What else are you leaving out?

Like every Peggy story here, I'm sure it's a lot.

Doctors don't report you to the MTO and have your licence suspended unless there's a very good reason for doing so - mainly, something that would make it unsafe for you to operate a motor vehicle without placing yourself or (more importantly) others at risk.

So yes, there is surely more to the story.
Insurance co's aren't in business to pay out on claims y'know...
They are beholden to shareholders to provide dividends... Full stop.
Doctors don't report you to the MTO and have your licence suspended unless there's a very good reason for doing so - mainly, something that would make it unsafe for you to operate a motor vehicle without placing yourself or (more importantly) others at risk.

In some cases they do. Take my kid (please) for example.
He was working in the heat, landscaping / gardening at a busy intersection in sauga. Being bent over too long breathing god knows what, over heated, exhausted etc, he went down for the count, twitching and foaming.
Rushed to the ER, he was instantly diagnosed with epilepsy. No tests, just a simple visual. The fn dr sent the form to the mto on the spot.
Now. The fun begins.
As a newly diagnosed epileptic, one needs to take prescribed meds for 3 months, and be seizure free for that time frame. Meet those conditions and they reinstate the person's d/l.
Son was no more epileptic than a bowl of soup.
He wouldn't take the drugs.
Still no license, and obviously no more seizures.
Going on 4yrs.
In some cases they do. Take my kid (please) for example.
He was working in the heat, landscaping / gardening at a busy intersection in sauga. Being bent over too long breathing god knows what, over heated, exhausted etc, he went down for the count, twitching and foaming.
Rushed to the ER, he was instantly diagnosed with epilepsy. No tests, just a simple visual. The fn dr sent the form to the mto on the spot.
Now. The fun begins.
As a newly diagnosed epileptic, one needs to take prescribed meds for 3 months, and be seizure free for that time frame. Meet those conditions and they reinstate the person's d/l.
Son was no more epileptic than a bowl of soup.
He wouldn't take the drugs.
Still no license, and obviously no more seizures.
Going on 4yrs.
There's a doctor at Southlake hospital in Newmarket who is well known for writing letters to the MTO to pull a licence. When he was head of the department he encouraged other er docs to do the same in order to generate revenue.

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There's a doctor at Southlake hospital in Newmarket who is well known for writing letters to the MTO to pull a licence. When he was head of the department he encouraged other er docs to do the same in order to generate revenue.

Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk
Doctors get paid for writing letters to MTO?
That's the problem then.
He doesn't even tell the patient. They get a surprise in the mail a month later.
Messes up your life so that he can get 100 bucks.

Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk
AFAIK the MTO doesn't solicit your doctor for a report, but your doctor may submit a report to the MTO.

"In Ontario, physicians, nurse practitioners and optometrists are required to report patients who have or appear to have certain high risk medical conditions, vision conditions and/or functional impairments. In addition, physicians, nurse practitioners, optometrists and occupational therapists have the discretionary authority to report conditions that, in the opinion of the healthcare practitioner, make it dangerous for a person to drive. On occasion the Ministry of Transportation also receives reports from police. Learn about how the ministry reviews these reports to determine whether a driver's licence needs to be suspended."
Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy about health care? BTW, the doctor named in the article still works at Southlake emerge.

Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk
There's a doctor at Southlake hospital in Newmarket who is well known for writing letters to the MTO to pull a licence. When he was head of the department he encouraged other er docs to do the same in order to generate revenue.

So is this one! My friend went to grill his secretary and she told him; "This doctor writes up everybody for a licence suspension, for anything". He is the designated injury doctor for my friend's insurance company, everybody that goes there for a check-up after an accident gets suspended. I smell a class-action lawsuit against these doctors. If you are able to drive a vehicle without danger and impairment you can, and neck pain doesn't qualify as a danger to driving.

Like every Peggy story here, I'm sure it's a lot.

Doctors don't report you to the MTO and have your licence suspended unless there's a very good reason for doing so - mainly, something that would make it unsafe for you to operate a motor vehicle without placing yourself or (more importantly) others at risk.

So yes, there is surely more to the story.
You are clueless as always, first go file a claim you are "hurt" with your insurance, then come talk to me.

My friend is one of those guys that fights and scratches his way out of anything, his doctor will be back from vacation tomorrow, I will keep you guys posted how this turns out. I might scan the actual suspension report here if he lets me. If he is successful I will spread the word around so people who have been suspended for claiming insurance can get their licences back in this manner, with another doctor. By Friday I should know the answer.
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In some cases they do. Take my kid (please) for example.
He was working in the heat, landscaping / gardening at a busy intersection in sauga. Being bent over too long breathing god knows what, over heated, exhausted etc, he went down for the count, twitching and foaming.
Rushed to the ER, he was instantly diagnosed with epilepsy. No tests, just a simple visual. The fn dr sent the form to the mto on the spot.
Now. The fun begins.
As a newly diagnosed epileptic, one needs to take prescribed meds for 3 months, and be seizure free for that time frame. Meet those conditions and they reinstate the person's d/l.
Son was no more epileptic than a bowl of soup.
He wouldn't take the drugs.
Still no license, and obviously no more seizures.
Going on 4yrs.
But not linked to an insurance claim. I have a friend who taught motorcycling, who had something similar happen. You can't teach if you don't have a valid license.
So is this one! My friend went to grill his secretary and she told him; "This doctor writes up everybody for a licence suspension, for anything". He is the designated injury doctor for my friend's insurance company, everybody that goes there for a check-up after an accident gets suspended. I smell a class-action lawsuit against these doctors. If you are able to drive a vehicle without danger and impairment you can, and neck pain doesn't qualify as a danger to driving.

You are clueless as always, first go file a claim you are "hurt" with your insurance, then come talk to me.

My friend is one of those guys that fights and scratches his way out of anything, his doctor will be back from vacation tomorrow, I will keep you guys posted how this turns out. I might scan the actual suspension report here if he lets me. If he is successful I will spread the word around so people who have been suspended for claiming insurance can get their licences back in this manner, with another doctor. By Friday I should know the answer.
Another doctor might not want to take on the potential liability. let us know what happens.
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