Wind Pressure on Helmet. How to Reduce?


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I was riding yesterday on Highway 7 and while checking my blind spot the wind pressure on the helmet moved my head a bit. I was only going at xx-XX kmph.

Is there any way to reduce that wind pressure on helmets while going xxx+ or do I need to shop for other helmet which is more aerodynamic? Right now I have LS2 Rapid.

Please advice.

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Aerodynamic helmet shape isnt going to work. Anything that improves aero while looking forward will substantially worsen it when your head is turned.
What bike/windscreen are you using. How tall are you. Some combinations put the blast right at your head and its not pleasant. Raising/lowering the screen and/or your head changes things a lot.
I can't tell what you ride... but try to crouch ( if on sport bike)... helps with wind sheer forces.... I automatically crouch if going above *** km/h... helps tremendous!
only realistic options
are to slow down
or put a bigger screen on your bike
$$ for a helmet can't defeat physics

the screen thing comes with other challenges
that can be dealt with using ear plugs

you can spend hundreds of $$ trying to make this better
x2, bigger windshield.
What type of bike are you riding? I ride a SS and both of my helmets do this, its normal. As Riceburner mentioned, you will build up the neck muscles and over time it will be 2nd nature to stiffen up your neck while looking sideways/checking blind spot. You can also try to keep your chin pointed down a bit while turning your head, it will cut some of the wind off. I'll never forget the first time i checked my blind spot doing 120km on the hwy, it freaked the p!$s outa me! ?
If you ride a cruiser I'd suggest a taller windscreen, if you ride a SS or Sport touring (not naked) the double bubble windscreens do help quite a bit as it flows the wind higher over your head.
I ride a Naked. And yes I got use to stiffen up my neck while checking blind spots, I am getting the hang of it now.

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If you're tall and ride a naked, going 125+ against the wind is a constant battle to keep your head straight. Neck hurts. I used to feel like a sail. Try to lean forward on the tank and hide behind the windscreen if you have one. Or just go slower ...
Chopping the windshield on my FZ6 dumped wind into my chest instead of my face and made things much smoother and quieter.
I noticed that a slight opening of my visor reduced buffeting when going straight but don't know if it helps when doing a shoulder check. Not practical and may be worse for the check
As a side bar. when riding in the rain, turning my head to clear my visor. I don`t mind the mild buffeting for that. Luckily enough don`t have too much of a problem on my bike. Have a efficient windshield. Not tall but effective.
Have you ever ridden into such a strong headwind that you either crouch or the wind pressure on your chest makes the front end light?
Just how WIDE are you ?

I have ridden into a strong but constant wind so strong that I turned back for home trying to figure out why the bike was so slow accelerating.
Of course the minute I turned around I had REALLY NICE acceleration.
Just always ride in full tuck and you'll never feel any wind
like most said,unless your bike has an electric windshield allowing for an up-down adjustement,your position on the bike is what would help reducing the pressure.maybe turning your head not in a complete upright position will help.....while, this is less of a problem ,as you probably don't ride the head sideways all the time?
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