Anyone into intermittent fasting or time restricted eating?


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I'm becoming pretty interested in this. I'm getting older and gaining weight or muscle mass and burning fat specifically around the belly is much harder then it used to be.

I'm not old at 39 and I'm not fat at 175lbs 5'11" and I'm in pretty good shape actually but this seems like something I could get into...
What is fasting and restricted eating supposed to do? Wouldn't just eating healthy foods and exercising be fine/better?
What is fasting and restricted eating supposed to do? Wouldn't just eating healthy foods and exercising be fine/better?

The theory is that fasting 16hours/day, and then consuming your normal food intake in the other 8 hours, forces your body to metabolize body fat much faster than spreading out your meals. Pretty sure that's it, too lazy to google it.

Last I checked, there's some backing to this from the scientific community, so it's not just random internet nonsense.
I thought it was supposed to be healthier to have smaller meals throughout the day instead of the 3 that is common. Then again, I do the 3 and snacks between.

Did a quick search. So this is more of a diet thing? meh...I intermittent fast for around 8 hours a day anyways.
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The diet industry is the biggest scam going. Study advertising. Count how may times a day you are pushed towards food, directly and subtly.
I do it quite often OP it works well. Do it twice a week and try it out. StArt with short periods and go longer. For example wake up 7 am have a coffee or green tea. But no milk or sugar.. wait until 11 and have your first meal and try to do it without carbs if you can. Then the next time try 12 noon and so on ..

I usually go from 6 am to 6 pm once or twice a week. And I break the fast only with protein and fat.

Your insulin sensitivity really resets it self. It’s good for fat loss too and once you are used to it you are sharp and energetic and aware. You just feel better .

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One thing I can say for sure is that don't intermittent fast and lift weights. A couple friends ruined their bodies with injuries trying it. Have life long aches in one joint or the other. Under 30 years old.
The diet industry is the biggest scam going. Study advertising. Count how may times a day you are pushed towards food, directly and subtly.
Which is what's great with intermittent fasting. It's the opposite of what the industry does. There's nothing to sell there... the only thing you do is not eat between x and y times and feed for z hours.

I got my best results with that a few years ago. I didn't keep it up because kid 1 and then kid 2 happened.

Also can help regulate insulin levels, helps be more aware of your actual hunger (instead of eating out of boredom) and coupled with healthy foods/whole foods... you can get great results.

It's also pretty flexible.. like you can do it 4 days a week if you want (or more) or you can do it around events that will require a certain feeding time to be moved. Etc. I think there's a book readily available for free online call eat stop eat.. talks about fasting in general.

There's a more extreme version of this called OMAD (One Meal A Day), basically a 23.5-hour fast. Then you can accelerate fat loss by limiting carb intake (keto diet) during your eating window. The caveat is to make sure you are getting all your nutrients and vitamins in that one meal. Also, drink lots of water during the day because your water stores will be depleted due to low glycogen levels. Glycogen allows the body to store water and is replenished through carb intake - which you're not doing if you're fasting and on the keto diet.

I've tried OMAD a few times. It works but requires a lot of discipline especially around social eating habits. People usually get together for dinner, so I try to time my one meal for dinnertime and fast during the day.
Thanks guys good info...

I'm starting today to see how it goes. I dont really consider it a diet as I will eat all the same stuff I just will only eat it during x time...

I'm generally a hungry guy and eat all day long so I'm a bit nervous but here goes nothing...
One thing I can say for sure is that don't intermittent fast and lift weights. A couple friends ruined their bodies with injuries trying it. Have life long aches in one joint or the other. Under 30 years old.

I don’t believe the fasting would have anything to with injuries. I think injuries come from bad form. Lifting too much both in work volume and weight.

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I don’t believe the fasting would have anything to with injuries. I think injuries come from bad form. Lifting too much both in work volume and weight.

I agree. Most practitioners of Intermittent Fasting (keto-style) are also advocates of High Intensity Interval Training. Both done together accelerate their gains in a big way.
I'm going to start with 1130am to 730pm. Due to my work and family life I can only get exercise going around 8-830pm and I'll probably drink a shake or what not to end my eating time before exercising. However this might prove harder then I looks because I get up for work generally around 5am and bust my balls at work for 6hrs before I can eat lol. I do on average drink 6 bottles of water a day so maybe I'll just up that to feel full...
OP, are you just doing the fasting, or looking to do something like. bulletproof?

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I agree. Most practitioners of Intermittent Fasting (keto-style) are also advocates of High Intensity Interval Training. Both done together accelerate their gains in a big way.
I have been doing a bit of research on the Keto lifestyle. People that are smarter than I have shown tweaks to avoid getting the bad cholesterol too high.
Not sure how IF would work with my diabetes....but heck I need the willpower to stick with anything and to cut out my carbs.

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The only thing I am changing is my my eating time. I will still eat all the same stuff just only during my set time.

One thing i am wondering is i usually get up eat breakfast have a shake and take some vitamins. If i hold off on eating do I also have to hold off on the vitamins? Will taking stuff like vitamin c fish oil multi vitamins and what not start my matabalism? I know drinking and eating Anything other then water does just dont know if the pills do too...
If I remember well it has to do with your calorie intake. So you want to have your calories below a certain threshold and nothing to spike your insulin ideally. So i know that havingna black coffee (or as someone mentioned it even having a bulletproof coffee) would be alright as it wouldn't spike it. So it's gonna depend on the contents of the pills
I'm right in thinking I dont want my metabolism to start working until I eat my first food at 1130am right?
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