
Looking for BMW diagnostic software, but it needs to work with the K40 motorcycle

All the ones I have found so far do not have the K40 option listed....


Have you tried ADVRider or the BMWMOA?
The gs-911 software covers that bike

Sent from my LG-H873 using mobile app

And 400 bucks is needed for the GS-911, no thanks.....

I only want to read, not really do any diagnostics or resets.....

My setup is only 30 bucks so far, only down side is I am not German, was looking to see if anyone has it translated, and up and running..

I have found it, but in German, so the quest continues to now find a English version....


Yes saw it, Thanks....

Just an update I have found what I was looking for....

It's in German, but Google translate does help a bit, and I have a guy who is German and has been using this for a while so he will be helping out a bit as well.

This was more for fun than anything else, and just to see if I could do it....

Bike still goes to BMW Stealership for work anyways....


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