Squid nearly eats asphalt, manages to save it


Ironus Butticus
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Bet he has a pair of underwear with a huge skid mark in them now.

Ha ha, that used to happen to us all the time in the 70's- early 80's. Haven't had a real wobble since my 84' Kaw 750 turbo.
He stopped ! why did he stop?
what's he going to do clean out his drawers or rotate the tires?
Lol you guys are acting like was doing it as a stunt or something. The only thing I could think of is to pop a wheelie, homie held on and made that sh*t work.

I don't see a squid, I see a rider with more skill than most riders here.

Peace out.
Lol you guys are acting like was doing it as a stunt or something. The only thing I could think of is to pop a wheelie, homie held on and made that sh*t work.

I don't see a squid, I see a rider with more skill than most riders here.

Peace out.

I must have watched the wrong video, I see a kid wearing sneakers and no gloves who couldn't get his feet back on the pegs, wheelie was out of the equation for that fella.
Nice Super Dave helmet. Probably spent $1000 on that, then didn't wear any gear. I bet he sells that bike.
Nice Super Dave helmet. Probably spent $1000 on that, then didn't wear any gear. I bet he sells that bike.
It's like buying a Harley just to ride to Tim's! :lol:

People spend their money how they see fit.

You guys are boring with all that squid talk.
Lol you guys are acting like was doing it as a stunt or something. The only thing I could think of is to pop a wheelie, homie held on and made that sh*t work.

I don't see a squid, I see a rider with more skill than most riders here.

Peace out.


Fyi , please correct me if I am wrong I watched a great old British documentary on the subject

IF this happens to you , rolls off the throttle and get as low as you can on the bike, like get your chest right on the tank and the wobble stops real fast.

I will try and find the video

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I must have watched the wrong video, I see a kid wearing sneakers and no gloves.

And a t-shirt, jogging pants...splitting cars at 210kph.

Yeah, I’m not sure that Mina watched the same video as us either.
When in doubt, power out. At least he seems to get that part - most people whack the brakes in a panicked effort to stop and that just makes it worse.

A steering damper may be on his shopping list now, along with new underwear and jogging pants.
I never even called him a squid but now that you mention it:
where's his mirrors ... squids don't need them they take them off for that clean track bike look, same with the,
where's his signals ... squids don't need them and never issue a hand signal, even when slowing the traffic behind you to pull off and stop on the shoulder of a busy highway.

Did he just finish pulling a wheelie? ... well we don't know that for sure because he's out of frame for that part, but I have done stupid enough to know absolutely nothing will precipitate a front wheel wobble faster then setting your front wheel back down on the ground when it's not spinning as fast as the ground is moving.

Did he cause a traffic jam? ... bet your squid he sure did!
He stopped ! why did he stop?
what's he going to do clean out his drawers or rotate the tires?
You put so much effort into passing yourself as cool, unaffected by anything. It'd be funny except you seem to believe it 's true.
was a legitimate question, the riders put themselves in a lot of needless danger even after the actual incident,
sorry my notice of such things offends you.
So his next purchase is steering damper or to put the one he had back on?

Funny the guy recording was like, “shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit” probably the smell buddy releasing out of his *** hoping he doesn’t crash it.
Anyone know what causes this high speed wobble besides just the high speed? I've seen some videos where bikers experienced this even when they're not doing stupid stuff like wheelies. When on big bikes like Harleys. Don't bikes come stock with a steering dampner ?
Anyone know what causes this high speed wobble besides just the high speed? I've seen some videos where bikers experienced this even when they're not doing stupid stuff like wheelies. When on big bikes like Harleys. Don't bikes come stock with a steering dampner ?
There are a lot of things that contribute, no single thing. And it's doesn't just come on at high speed, my 70's H2 came on as low as 70kmh.

Wobbles start when the front and rear wheels become out of line - wheelie, slip/slide, or from unequal forces like rut [FONT=&quot]or some irregularity in the pavement, loss of traction front or back. [/FONT]Poorly maintained or damaged steering bearings, suspension, rims, tires or brakes can also start or a wobble.

In a wobble, the wheels try to get back to center, forces move it past center then the same forces try to bring it back in an oscillating pattern. Dampers interfere with the harmonics, so any wobble ends fast. You can't muscle out (the squid in the video tried), best to roll off the throttle, easy on brakes, and hold on tight and hope for straight road.

Those of us who learned to ride on bikes built before 1980 probably got the thrill at least once. Today's bikes are better designed although it still does happen in certain circumstances.
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