5 reasons YOU should not ride a motorcycle

Great article. in Ontario there are restrictions that make it harder to start on a 1000ss. Newbies should visit your link.
The ones that need to take it in won't bother to read it :rolleyes:.....the one's that do read it likely don't need to read it tho the practice practice tips might reinforce for them.
The ones that need to take it in won't bother to read it :rolleyes:.....the one's that do read it likely don't need to read it tho the practice practice tips might reinforce for them.
That's no reason to not at least try. Even if one in a thousand, see it, it's worth it.
See it and take it in are two different animals....I have less faith in immature brains than you perhaps......having been one. :rolleyes:
The ones that need to take it in won't bother to read it :rolleyes:.....the one's that do read it likely don't need to read it tho the practice practice tips might reinforce for them.


I agree with the article but we're just circling jerking ourselves. Those tips only make sense to those that have seen it or been through it. At the end of the day, some people's rationality only extends as far as "my money, my life, YOLO." You cannot do anything to stop that.

..........then again, we can always meet up at KC or LnL and make bets on which rider loops it trying to wheelie out of the parking lot. I know it's usually a Hayabusa or GSXR....but maybe we can get a Ducati for once lol
two reasons why you should ride a motorcycle:

1. you want to
2. they are fun and cool AF


I looked at the article, but didn't want to read most of it, because of the bad stuff. That being the dangers. I think most of us are aware of them I just don't like reading about it all the time. Kinda puts a damper on things. I am not a know it all!!
Don't forget,

Blonde Stacey in her pink G wagon is gonna check her snapchat for a Dick pic from Chad and while doing so doesnt see you stopped at a red and boom!
Don't forget,

Blonde Stacey in her pink G wagon is gonna check her snapchat for a Dick pic from Chad and while doing so doesnt see you stopped at a red and boom!

..........aren't both Chad and Stacey terms from /r/ForeverAlone and the now banned /r/Incel?

Are you from either community?
Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest applies to motorcycling. No matter what you say or write, people do whatever they want. At two separate times I was selling a 750 Gixxer and an R6. Both times the only guys coming to look at it were those under 25 and with zero to 3 months riding experience. I advised all of them they needed to start on something less powerful and gain a bit of experience. In Europe there are age and experience restrictions to riding the more powerful bikes. Some bikes like the BMWs have two versions, including a detuned one for riders with restrictions.

I hate government restriction and oversight, but sometimes the government does need to step in and protect some people from themselves (and the public).
Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest applies to motorcycling. No matter what you say or write, people do whatever they want. At two separate times I was selling a 750 Gixxer and an R6. Both times the only guys coming to look at it were those under 25 and with zero to 3 months riding experience. I advised all of them they needed to start on something less powerful and gain a bit of experience. In Europe there are age and experience restrictions to riding the more powerful bikes. Some bikes like the BMWs have two versions, including a detuned one for riders with restrictions.

I hate government restriction and oversight, but sometimes the government does need to step in and protect some people from themselves (and the public).

Aren't insurance companies in the GTA already doing that ? < 25 with no riding experience can come check out the bike all they want, they won't be riding it legally unless daddy is a millionaire.
Wasn't there a young kid who just got his license on here buying a 600cc sport bike? 90% of the readership told him to go smaller but he wasn't going to hear it. I have a feeling that problem is a lot more widespread than we think - "I'm not riding a 250, they'll laugh at me..." LOL.
I think the article is just about using your brain .... Thinking... And having common sense... If you dont have this no article that you read will help.

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These Young Kids are creating a Bad name for all of us and eventually getting into more accident which in turns increases the Insurance premium. They need to hold on to their Testosterone. But I have got one question - We should divide New Riders in three categories. 1. New and Young. 2. New and Experienced but not on north American roads. 3. New and Mature.

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