That's no reason to not at least try. Even if one in a thousand, see it, it's worth it.The ones that need to take it in won't bother to read it.....the one's that do read it likely don't need to read it tho the practice practice tips might reinforce for them.
The ones that need to take it in won't bother to read it.....the one's that do read it likely don't need to read it tho the practice practice tips might reinforce for them.
two reasons why you should ride a motorcycle:
1. you want to
2. they are fun and cool AF
Don't forget,
Blonde Stacey in her pink G wagon is gonna check her snapchat for a Dick pic from Chad and while doing so doesnt see you stopped at a red and boom!
Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest applies to motorcycling. No matter what you say or write, people do whatever they want. At two separate times I was selling a 750 Gixxer and an R6. Both times the only guys coming to look at it were those under 25 and with zero to 3 months riding experience. I advised all of them they needed to start on something less powerful and gain a bit of experience. In Europe there are age and experience restrictions to riding the more powerful bikes. Some bikes like the BMWs have two versions, including a detuned one for riders with restrictions.
I hate government restriction and oversight, but sometimes the government does need to step in and protect some people from themselves (and the public).