Trail Tours- Ganaraska- Newb review

I used to think this until I picked up a new 350. Damn this thing is like cheating. Lol

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This drives home the "to each his own" point even more. I had a 350 and hated it in the tight single track. My YZ250X is a million times better for me.
Next year I am going to spend most of my time up in the P6 riding area where you guys ride.... I need to learn that area up there, I know my way around the south part now
Awesome. We'll hook up more next year for sure.
I don't know who picked up 'touring' :) ....but I was referring to all-day riding scenic yet challenging trails like (anywhere in) Mojave, BC's mountainous interior and Death Valley... For a few hours of blasting around enclosed forest tracts, I can see the appeal (except you will likely be breaking the speed limit in the Ganny) of the peppy 2T though..

Sorry, the lazy scenic ride is what I picked up as touring. I’d have no idea if I was speeding, no spedometer. Never seen seen anyone enforcing the speed limit either, maybe one day, been over 20 years now so...
You can lazily ride a 2s, it just needs to have a big enough displacement. Trying to ride a yz80 calmly just doesn’t work.

gqelements, it sounds like you haven't ridden 2T trail bikes, maybe just MX bikes. My YZ250X gets into the power band very smoothly over a wide RPM range. It doesn't have the sudden rip into the pipe that many MX 2T's have. As dricked said, bigger bore 2T's like my 250 or any of the 300's can easily be ridden in lower RPM all day. I very rarely rip my bike up into the high RPM range. But as you said a few posts ago, it's still not for everyone. Neither are 4T's. It's funny you would mention speeding down the main trails. I mostly see guys on 450 4T's doing that. Probably because they can't handle them in the single track...

dricked, I've seen a few 50km/h signs on the main trails at Ganny. It's not really an issue for me. The only time I go fast is on straight sections where I can see a long way down the trail.
gqelements, it sounds like you haven't ridden 2T trail bikes, maybe just MX bikes. My YZ250X gets into the power band very smoothly over a wide RPM range. It doesn't have the sudden rip into the pipe that many MX 2T's have. As dricked said, bigger bore 2T's like my 250 or any of the 300's can easily be ridden in lower RPM all day. I very rarely rip my bike up into the high RPM range. But as you said a few posts ago, it's still not for everyone. Neither are 4T's. It's funny you would mention speeding down the main trails. I mostly see guys on 450 4T's doing that. Probably because they can't handle them in the single track...

dricked, I've seen a few 50km/h signs on the main trails at Ganny. It's not really an issue for me. The only time I go fast is on straight sections where I can see a long way down the trail.

Those are the sled signs, according to the Ganaraska website it’s 40km/h for other motorized vehicles. I guess my 5th gear wheelies are around 30-35/h :)
It's funny you would mention speeding down the main trails. I mostly see guys on 450 4T's doing that. Probably because they can't handle them in the single track...

ah, this must be the equivalent of a lot of the SS bikes on the road?? parking it in the twisties and wringing it out on the straights?

dricked, I've seen a few 50km/h signs on the main trails at Ganny. It's not really an issue for me. The only time I go fast is on straight sections where I can see a long way down the trail.

Well, I thought I was *flying* last weekend.. and I was barely past 50km/hr - lol!!

Being a noob, I think not starting with a 2T is a good thing.. less maintenance, smoother response, I can always go that way when I become a better rider, if I decide to. .. but thats like the people who like 2 cyclinder thumpers on the road... I can't understand why, as I prefer 4 cyclinder - Actually a Triple is my fav.. I'm too new to know any better.... its good being a noob as there's a ton of room to improve and learn.

oh, I like the blue bikes ;-p
ah, this must be the equivalent of a lot of the SS bikes on the road?? parking it in the twisties and wringing it out on the straights?

Well, I thought I was *flying* last weekend.. and I was barely past 50km/hr - lol!!

Being a noob, I think not starting with a 2T is a good thing.. less maintenance, smoother response, I can always go that way when I become a better rider, if I decide to. .. but thats like the people who like 2 cyclinder thumpers on the road... I can't understand why, as I prefer 4 cyclinder - Actually a Triple is my fav.. I'm too new to know any better.... its good being a noob as there's a ton of room to improve and learn.

oh, I like the blue bikes ;-p

Well ... I can speak from my own experience only and riding with bunch of guys, who both are over all faster. I say overall, because this is how it breaks down for me ... I can easily match them on, double track, even if twisty with whoops. I don't mind inclines or descents either, but one area where they always pull a gap on me still is technical/twisty single track, with trees or tree stumps all over the place. It just takes me to build a confidence up. So, as they say .... anyone can go fast, it's the slow stuff which gets you .... applies not only I think to weekend warriors, but the pros too. Jarvis is never the fastest guy, but he wins because he kills everyone in the slow parts of races.

I will disagree that 2T is not a good bike to start on. I started on 4T and switched to 2T. It's just much easier to ride for me ... I know ... how can monster TE 300 be easier to ride?? Well, I just popped in green spring and soft map and here I go. Surely, you have to respect the power the bike is capable of making, but you gear up and the monster torque just bails you out where your lack of skill shows. The bike is much much easier to pick up, when I need to ... LOL ... 4T was always heavy and exhausting. Heavy up top too obviously. 2T much more nimble. The way I ride the bike, I will not need a top end rebuild probably for good 2 seasons, I am pretty sure ... and when it comes up, it's pretty cheap and simple.

If there's a wrong bike to start with that must be MX 450 kind of a bike ... hair trigger power delivery, stiff usually because tuned for jumps and mx track .... my friend made the mistake of getting CRF 450 X ... thinking the X makes it a good trail bike. Didn't matter how many times I told him don't do it. Kept saying, I am bigger guy than you bla bla bla and the price is great ... second ride out at Williams, on one of the downhills he grabs a whiskey throttle, losses immediately control, panics and grabs handful front brake, goes over the handlebars ends up underneath the bike with exhaust grilling his arm. Long story short .... bike goes back for sale, and what's worth, he scared himself enough to not ride after that again. In my view perfectly self-inflicted "wound" .... but you hear it all the time.

If we had Moab nearby, yes, I think 4T enduro bike would be wiser choice, but there is no Moab around here, so 2T it is for me.

I agree, blue bikes are the right colors .. whether Yammy or Berg ... LOL
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So much misinformation here I don't even know where to start. Lol

can you put us on the right track when you get have time? It would be appreciated. thanks
I'm guessing there was some sarcasm in that statement regarding colours ;)
You gotta have one of each, why choose one?!? For the same reason you need a dirt bike AND a street bike, you also need a 2t and 4t of EACH! Then of course you also need a 2t and 4t ATV, and maybe even a couple 3wheelers too!

Yes, I know I have a problem...
You gotta have one of each, why choose one?!? For the same reason you need a dirt bike AND a street bike, you also need a 2t and 4t of EACH! Then of course you also need a 2t and 4t ATV, and maybe even a couple 3wheelers too!

Yes, I know I have a problem...

You had me up until 4 wheeler/atv...
Try my banshee sometime... 4 wheels are fun too :P

They are fun, for a few minutes. I really don’t get the same feeling of being attached to a 4 wheeler or sled like I do a bike. They just don’t become part of you like a bike.

The 4 stroke is lighter. 2017+ 350 is also 58hp out of the box, has a map switch and traction control for when its slick. More fuel efficiency and a flatter torque curve.

Other than $$$ it pretty much beats the 2t in every category.

I hear you and don't disagree, but my reply was sort of in terms buying a used 4T vs used 2T ... I think you will find it normal that newbs (since it was about a new rider starting) buy used, especially with the insane prices for new units these days, plus the fact of not being sure whether you will continue riding or not. My used 4T was definitely much heavier than the same year 2T bike, but it was not just the static weight, it was so labor intensive to ride the slow single track on it. Just nowhere to be as nimble as the 2T is. I don't think you will object to which bike is cheaper to maintain down the road ... or are the new 4T cheaper to keep running as well?
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