Joe Bass' technology woes thread

My sis is in the same boat as Xhumeka. Told her to bite the bullet and switch to Teksavvy. She's too lazy to go thru with it I think. Told her to get the rent to own modem from TS if it ends up being the same price as the up front buyout one and buy a wireless router to keep wireless and modem as separate parts....instead of the wireless modem. I like separate components in case one fails. You can get used modems too, but looks like they are slimming down which modems are acceptable.
not sure, but I don't think switching to a reseller is going to make any difference
it's still Rogers' network you're hooked up to even if Teksavvy is billing you
I have a hunch it's still going to be Rogers doing the provisioning

last time I had Teksavvy services in a Cogeco Cable area,
the latter did the provisioning of the new modem onsite during install
not sure, but I don't think switching to a reseller is going to make any difference
it's still Rogers' network you're hooked up to even if Teksavvy is billing you
I have a hunch it's still going to be Rogers doing the provisioning

last time I had Teksavvy services in a Cogeco Cable area,
the latter did the provisioning of the new modem onsite during install

I wasn't sure who did provisioning. I wonder if TS has more pull than a random person to get their provisioning requests bumped up in the queue. It could go either way depending on the mood with Rogers.

Even if the delay still happens, it's still a win. Rogers won't try to improve unless they see numbers slipping.
Not sure if relevant but I just read something that Rogers has been having problems lately and has been down for 6 days for some people.
Been with Teksavvy for almost 2 years, no issues, never gone down. They have CSRs that i don't want to reach through the phone and strangle anytime i call about something (unlike Rogers aka Robbers).

I don't think they offer modem rental, at least they didn't when i signed up. So having to pay upfront for it was the only negative thing i have to say about them.
Been with Teksavvy for almost 2 years, no issues, never gone down. They have CSRs that i don't want to reach through the phone and strangle anytime i call about something (unlike Rogers aka Robbers).

I don't think they offer modem rental, at least they didn't when i signed up. So having to pay upfront for it was the only negative thing i have to say about them.
They have a rent to own option, that doesn't cost extra.
Not sure if relevant but I just read something that Rogers has been having problems lately and has been down for 6 days for some people.
That's the issue. Everyone was/ is having the provisioning issue. I JUST got my internet after 147.75 hours.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
not sure, but I don't think switching to a reseller is going to make any difference
it's still Rogers' network you're hooked up to even if Teksavvy is billing you
I have a hunch it's still going to be Rogers doing the provisioning

last time I had Teksavvy services in a Cogeco Cable area,
the latter did the provisioning of the new modem onsite during install

True it might be rogers network but they do seem to make it more reliable somehow. Been with them for 4ish years with very few issues. I was with rogers previously. The biggest plus, they don't f-up your bill every month like Rogers does.
My work buddy lives a 15 minute walk from me. He got his modem/ cable/ phone installed by a tech on Wednesday at 6pm. They were up and running by 7pm.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
True it might be rogers network but they do seem to make it more reliable somehow. Been with them for 4ish years with very few issues. I was with rogers previously. The biggest plus, they don't f-up your bill every month like Rogers does.

yeah I was with them for several years, as soon a the industry was deregulated I got rid of Bell

getting a new service installed in a few days

still on the Cogeco infrastructure, but gonna give Start a try, they get good reviews too
Been with Teksavvy for almost 2 years, no issues, never gone down. They have CSRs that i don't want to reach through the phone and strangle anytime i call about something (unlike Rogers aka Robbers).

I don't think they offer modem rental, at least they didn't when i signed up. So having to pay upfront for it was the only negative thing i have to say about them.

+1 this. Ive been with teksavvy for 4 years now and haven't had any unschsduled downtime. Also always get the speed i was advertised\sold. Although I'm with their dsl. Which rents from bell iirc. Just wish they offered higher speeds :( 50mbs down isnt enough anymore for me.

No one offers more in my areas tho
True it might be rogers network but they do seem to make it more reliable somehow. Been with them for 4ish years with very few issues. I was with rogers previously. The biggest plus, they don't f-up your bill every month like Rogers does.
So it wasn't just me?

Rogers left the only stain on my credit report by charging me for stuff I never signed up for. Took months to resolve and then I quit them, but the bruises are still there.

F* Rogers.


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Not suprisingly, I'm back again. Being the cheap prick I am (not necessarily by choice) I've managed to get my hands on an Acer Chromebook that was barely used, but unfortunately will not power up. I took possession of this thinking easy battery swap/ new power cord and Voila! I would have a computer for the 6 year old. Well the power cord didn't help (tried a universal type) and it seems the batteries are an internal type that I know better than to eff with myself.
Looking for suggestions.....worth my time? If I have to spend money, should I just say eff it and put that $ towards a new one? I don't care if this is mobile or not, just wanna give the little guy something he can use to access his classroom page on D2L.
As always, thanks in advance.

Sent from the purple mobile app
I'm back with another issue.
So a few months ago I took my son's phone away. (LG G5) Didn't look at it, just threw it in the container in the kitchen that has chargers, hardphones, cables etc. Decided it was time to give him the phone back, and I notice that the screen protector is all cracked, the top of the screen is broken and falling away, and the screen colours are messes and lines down it.
I put a piece of tape over the front so he doesn't cut himself.
I checked YouTube and the screen replacement doesn't look TOO hard, but we all know my skill level when it comes to this.
Am I correct in thinking the screen replacement will fix the discoloration?
And are there any GTAMers that would be able to do this for me?

2nd thing: kid and wife still using Samsung Tab 2 for games email etc, but my wife's probably needs a factory reset. Why can't I figure out how to move pics and videos to the sd card? Have some of the older boy when he was young and wanna put them somewhere for later.

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that looks like a screen protector that has cracked

should be able to take it off
The screen protector is cracked. And it seems I effed up when installing it and placed it over the protective film that was on the phone screen!
But the first pic is the one where it is falling apart. He needs the phone today so the tape is over it.

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