Moto Camping

I dunno bout this moto camping business, the thought is super appealing but I seem to attract all the creatures I was told I'd be lucky to see. Black bears in Algonquin (watch "Backcountry" on netflix, minus I didn't get mauled to death), Moose in Nova scotia while on a hiking trail. I'm kinda not interested in whats next...and no i'm not carrying around a magic bottle of unicorn piss to attract these guys.

I actually inquired about this years ago prior to these camping trips and got flamed huge for asking about protection while camping. Oh well, maybe I should keep to motels and leave the Bear Grylls adventures for you guys. lol

Just stay clear of the Everglades and you'll be fine.
I carry bear bells if hiking where bears are likely, and pepper spray, and often a hiking stick. And i stay out of the hiking areas where moose are if its rutting season.
I never cook in the tent even if its raining and no snacking in the tent. Bears smell potato chips from a mile away. The F'n raccoons are as bad in campgrounds.

Its all that common sense stuff they teach in boy scouts, and every summer somebodies cheap cooler, tent, convertible roof, soft luggage gets shredded. Those animals act like complete animals.
Don't forget the potato chips! ;)
Just got a great deal on the big Agnes big house 4. $244 US with $25 shipping to Canada Everywhere else it's $329 US or in Canada it's over $500 CDN.

I got the groundsheet for $35 on sale too. Now just need to find the vestibule for cheap.

stoked...this is the basecamp/multiday tent and I can also use it for car camping with the wife. At 12lb or so it's not too heavy to stow on the bike but I still have the ultralight 3lb jobbie for fast and light.
Well done!

I tested my new fleaBay DPower stove with butane adapter.

I was nicely impressed with how easy it was to use, and the stability of the model.


I spent a night on some Crown land on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia last night, and met this car camper, Trevor, and we had a blast chatting away over his campfire.

He uses an older MSR Simmerlite that doesn't simmer well at all according to Trevor.
Couple of questions.

Does anyone use the little one burner Coleman propane stoves with the small cylinders anymore?

How small do you need to be to stand up in the Big Agnes?
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Couple of questions.

Does anyone use the little one burner Coleman propane stoves with the small cylinders anymore?

How small do you need to be to stand up in the Big Agnes?

70+ inches head height for that tent...that's why I got it. Also the way it's built it has neat vertical walls so the head height is pretty constant all round. You can also add a vestibule (trying to find a deal on this) that will add a lot of extra room.
70+ inches head height for that tent...that's why I got it. Also the way it's built it has neat vertical walls so the head height is pretty constant all round. You can also add a vestibule (trying to find a deal on this) that will add a lot of extra room.
So 5' 10" high, and about 5' 6", maybe 5' 8" tall people? I'll stick with my 40 year old 3 man for now.
Fair enough. I didn't have a bigger tent and this is pretty lightweight for a 4 person tent...realistically it's a very very roomy 2 man tent. I think I read that it's 76 inches for headheight.
Couple of questions.

Does anyone use the little one burner Coleman propane stoves with the small cylinders anymore?

We have a couple and have had them for yrs. They are completely foolproof, light in any wind and you can get those 1pound tanks anyplace, even the grocery stores in 'camp country' seem to have them.

The tanks can get heavy and I like to recycle them , so not perfect.
eBay sells adapters to refill those tanks from the standard 10 or 20lb tanks, as well as propane to Lindal valve adapters so you can use them with the butane/propane camping stoves.

While they can be refilled, there is a bit of science to it and uncommon sense to fill to only 80% of maximum capacity to allow for temperature change and expansion contraction.

YouTube is your friend.
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eBay sells adapters to refill those tanks from the standard 10 or 20lb tanks, as well as propane to Lindal valve adapters so you can use them with the butane/propane camping stoves.

Pretty sure those are not legal in Canada (hence why you can't buy them here) and there's lots of potential safety issues with refilling disposable cylinders, not to mention the fact that it's very easy to overfill them if you don't have a scale to verify the fill amount, or under fill them once the pressure on the source cylinder starts to equalize the smaller cylinders.

I'm all for re-using things, but there are proper refillable (and much better built) small tanks that will serve you better. They aren't cheap, but they're good for a decade, are less expensive in the long run, and are much lower risk in the grand scheme of things.

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