Which brake pads do you use?


Well-known member
I know this is probably as contentious as tire choice questions but my front brake pads on the GSX-R1000 track/race bike are on their last legs & will need replacing very soon (this weekend maybe)
There's lots of makes out there: Vesrah, EBC, SBS, OEM but which pads do you use & why?

Bike currently has OEM pads which were new when I bought the bike so I added Spiegler braided lines & used these OEM pads this season.
Up to this point I have only done track days but I will be racing with SOAR next year.

Edit: whoops, didn't notice this was in the track section, sorry
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I used Ferodo last year, Carbonne Lorraine this year, and I'll be using SBS next year. EBC have some new compounds that people like, GPFA and GPFAX I believe?

The type of pad you choose is also dependent on how you like your brakes to feel, a hard initial bite or a progressive feel.
I use SBS DC (dual carbon)
Loved them and only use them on the track.

Needs warming up but that you can do on your warm up lap and they are ready to work.
Work beauifully in the wet as well.
Vesrah RJL

I did my research a few years ago when i was in the market for new pads. Someone did a nice writeup and compared the top brands. In the end, Vesrah came out on top.

I will try and find that write up for you.
I'm probably the only one but....

I used to use SBS pads on Discacciati rotors, needed pads for a weekend but only had an OEM (Triumph) set left... they performed just as well, were cheaper and lasted ages longer so I've never looked back. (Still on the Discacciati rotors though)
I know a guy who was super happy with his super expensive brembo z04 pads. When he rebuilt the calipers he found out that the pads were oem. It was pretty funny. I wonder if he'll chime in and own up to it....haha
Vesrah SRJL-XX brake pads here. They were amazing on my R6 and are equally awesome now on the R1 :D

I used ebc HH on my 04 gsxr 1000 and switched to vesrahs after riding an 05 gsxr 1000 track bike with them . Loved them. I have them in my 05 gsxr1000 along with braided lines , brembo master and brembo rotors. They work really well. Try them this time and something else next time as a comparison if you like.
I've used Vesrah, Ferodo, and EBC. Only major difference I found was the initial bite of the vesrah(RJL) was a bit higher but I found I would lift the rear wheel a lot on initial braking. Switched to Ferodo (XRAC) for this year as they were half the price and overall stopping power seemed the same, but less initial bite which I preferred. Never been a fan of EBC over the years but I was in a pinch last weekend and had a set that came with the bike (HH Extreme). After bedding in I couldn't tell you the difference from the Ferodo.

I also had OEM pads(never checked when I bought the bike) on my first race bike (CBR600) and they turned blue from the heat and I ended up locking up the front wheel half way through a braking zone with zero lean angle. Wouldn't recommend.
Thanks everyone.
Took the pads out last night and they were worse than I thougt so I ended up putting a set of EBC HH in as that was all they had in stock at my local store and needed some for Friday.
Used HH on my ZX7 and liked them so I'm cool with that.
I know this is probably as contentious as tire choice questions but my front brake pads on the GSX-R1000 track/race bike are on their last legs & will need replacing very soon (this weekend maybe)
There's lots of makes out there: Vesrah, EBC, SBS, OEM but which pads do you use & why?

Bike currently has OEM pads which were new when I bought the bike so I added Spiegler braided lines & used these OEM pads this season.
Up to this point I have only done track days but I will be racing with SOAR next year.


EBC, they were recommended by different mechanics that I've talked too.
Brembo Z04 amazing pad with really good lifetime but crazy expensive.

No it was not me who used them and found out they were stock.lol
Best bang for buck in the real world (IMO) is EBC HH pads. Track use I'll leave to those more knowledgeable.
If you are racing SOAR next year maybe look into Master Cylinder, and also Brake fluid options unless your bike has already been upgraded.
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