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If I used the language that is going through my head re the following snippet from the Rider Down Forum.

"Next step is getting him home. The insurance companies are resisting paying for the medical flight he needs to get back home and he is taking steps to remedy that as best he can. He wants to get back to his family and children and to Sunnybrook hospital where arrangements have already been made."

The rates we pay and here is a policy holder:

He was not at fault

His wife dead

He didn't get to go to her funeral

His body is battered with probably life long injuries

He is thousands of miles from home and family support

He will get a pittance in compensation

And the insurance company cheaps out.

Call your MPP and scream at them.

I was just about to create the same thread. Just wasn't sure how to word it without expletives.
100% in agreement with everything you have said.
I will contact my MPP
This is bull$#!+

I will donate to any fundraising as suggested by Iceman in other thread...but the point is that that money should be earmarked for non insurable expenses, not for the very things that we pay insurance $$ for!

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
I was just about to create the same thread. Just wasn't sure how to word it without expletives.
100% in agreement with everything you have said.
I will contact my MPP
This is bull$#!+

I will donate to any fundraising as suggested by Iceman in other thread...but the point is that that money should be earmarked for non insurable expenses, not for the very things that we pay insurance $$ for!

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app

Oomis was not at fault. He shouldn't have any non insurable expenses.
Oomis was not at fault. He shouldn't have any non insurable expenses.
Insurers have a very clearly defined set of expenses they will cover. It's pretty comprehensive but it's not always complete for different situations, because life is complicated like that.

The first thing as Joe said is to make sure they pay up for the things they are genuinely responsible for. Then the rest of us can help to take care of whatever other costs pop up.
Oomis was not at fault. He shouldn't have any non insurable expenses.
Sorry, I meant things like food etc. If insurance pays 70% or so (my work income replacement) there is still a shortfall.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
I'll put the same request here I asked for in the Fallen Riders section; if we can get some specific info on this matter to take to our MPPs (I presume since auto insurance is a provincial matter that's who'd deal with it). My MPP is Gila Martow (Thornhill) Find yours here:

Need info like insurance company, Omar's full name, hospital he's at, and exactly what he was told by his insurer. PM me if necessary.

Also, how's the 3rd guy doing who was riding with him and Linda?
Insurers have a very clearly defined set of expenses they will cover. It's pretty comprehensive but it's not always complete for different situations, because life is complicated like that.

The first thing as Joe said is to make sure they pay up for the things they are genuinely responsible for. Then the rest of us can help to take care of whatever other costs pop up.

He can pay it for now and get a lawyer and Sue. He will need to given his injuries and will be compensated. His policy was clear as day when he got it, so he will have got after the driver at fault(AND ****ING SHOULD!!!!) to get that covered. I will help out if you all start up a fund. He needs to be with loved ones and I cant even grasp how this would feel.
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I'll put the same request here I asked for in the Fallen Riders section; if we can get some specific info on this matter to take to our MPPs (I presume since auto insurance is a provincial matter that's who'd deal with it). My MPP is Gila Martow (Thornhill) Find yours here:

Need info like insurance company, Omar's full name, hospital he's at, and exactly what he was told by his insurer. PM me if necessary.

Also, how's the 3rd guy doing who was riding with him and Linda?

This ^^


Is there a gofundme for this?
Maybe crowdfunding?
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His rider down thread at 12:13pm posting from cruisergirl says that he's coming home .. not sure if the the crowdfunding to come home is still needed.
Hey Guys...
I too, am livid about this, but Omar seems to be dealing well with it.
There will be a time very soon when he's going to need all of our help and support.

Please keep the positive thoughts going his way - and if things don't get sorted, then call the MPP's with full information at our disclosure.
It's pointless going off half-cocked right now.

At this point, he's going to be coming home very soon - maybe even later today with any luck.
Which insurance company? I might not want their "product".

This is a desperately sad situation. I didn't know Oomis but read about his adventures here on GTAM. I can't imagine how it feels to lose your spouse like this and I'm angry in general about people that get behind the wheel of a car without once thinking "if I don't pay attention I could kill someone".
Which insurance company? I might not want their "product".

This is a desperately sad situation. I didn't know Oomis but read about his adventures here on GTAM. I can't imagine how it feels to lose your spouse like this and I'm angry in general about people that get behind the wheel of a car without once thinking "if I don't pay attention I could kill someone".

I understand completely where you're coming from. If and when Omar decides to reveal the insurance company's name, he will do so.
Hello Everyone...
I just finished a phone call with Omar (literally just hung up).
He is requesting that everyone tone it down a little - he fully understands the anger, is overwhelmed by the amount of support he has been receiving.

He says that once the initial confusion and legal issues were somewhat sorted, things started to move along at a somewhat decent pace.

The transfer to Toronto still hasn't happened. He underwent another surgery today, and has, as of a few hours ago, been cleared for the medi-vac flight again. Hopefully tomorrow, or in the next couple of days.

Warmest regards, and thanks again for all the support.
Haven't been on GTAM much the last few months...can someone post a link to what actually happened? Based on what's here, it sounds like one of the worst situations you could be in.

EDIT: Nvm found it:

I really hope he recovers the best he can, and deepest condolences for his wife. Scary to think how lives can be ended or changed so quickly.
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