where are all the end of season track bike deals??


Well-known member
seems like last fall there were a ton of track bikes on kijijji, this year nothing interesting
might just be an off year?
I recall seeing a couple of interesting ones show up on kijiji at the end of september but for the most part not much new on there now.
I believe he rides an F4i
was looking for something a little newer, but thanks guys
Dropped mine off on Monday to the new owner. Posted it here and had 0 interest. Maybe if I gave it away for even more than I already gave it away for? Maybe we're talking track bikes as in $2000-$4000 bikes, the cost of good suspension? Lol
Dropped mine off on Monday to the new owner. Posted it here and had 0 interest. Maybe if I gave it away for even more than I already gave it away for? Maybe we're talking track bikes as in $2000-$4000 bikes, the cost of good suspension? Lol

not everyone can justify $10k + for a track bike, doesnt mean its a bad deal, just means there is a narrower market for it.

I've spent my first season on a bike that cost $2k, I realize that it probably wont cover the bill for a set of decent forks, but it was plenty good for me to start on, now i've crashed it and it doesnt make financial sense to fix, so its new-to-me bike time in the $4000-$5000 range; that was your suspension budget last year?? color me impressed
Dropped mine off on Monday to the new owner. Posted it here and had 0 interest. Maybe if I gave it away for even more than I already gave it away for? Maybe we're talking track bikes as in $2000-$4000 bikes, the cost of good suspension? Lol
I won am 600 on a $3k bike lol
Comparing a pro superbike rider's suspension budget vs a new track rider's second track bike purchase is a fantastic example of apples and oranges. Kellen, you're an enigma. haha
I consider lucky my self sold the bike in one day:p

Well I sold mine pretty easily for what it is.

not everyone can justify $10k + for a track bike, doesnt mean its a bad deal, just means there is a narrower market for it.

I've spent my first season on a bike that cost $2k, I realize that it probably wont cover the bill for a set of decent forks, but it was plenty good for me to start on, now i've crashed it and it doesnt make financial sense to fix, so its new-to-me bike time in the $4000-$5000 range; that was your suspension budget last year?? color me impressed

The market definitely shrinks when you pass the $5-$8k mark. You're doing it right but starting with cheaper bikes. My season suspension budget is far less then $4-$5k, just a refresh. My comment was the initial cost of buying the parts (shock/cartridge). I'm doing another build this year so my budget for parts skyrockets compared to a regular season.

I won am 600 on a $3k bike lol

You did and congratulations! Now...you gonna come rave with the big boys? :)

Comparing a pro superbike rider's suspension budget vs a new track rider's second track bike purchase is a fantastic example of apples and oranges. Kellen, you're an enigma. haha

You did and congratulations! Now...you gonna come rave with the big boys? :)

I am, but I figure I'll need a bike that's worth $5k to compete haha
I am, but I figure I'll need a bike that's worth $5k to compete haha

Lol, you can compete on a $2k bike still. Mosport might not be a lot of fun, make sure that paint has good adhesion so it doesn't get sucked off. I needed another 10hp this year.
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