Cop waits over an hour and a half to ticket us.

Ok so your plate is improperly, mounted as per the regulations, and you got a warning. Then you complain the officer waited for 1.5 hours to be nice to you? Would you have preferred the alternative? He could have simply called a tow truck had your vehicle towed away, then when you came to claim it write you the tickets.

If cop tows vehicle and writes ticket he is an Ahole... If he waits 90 minutes gives the rider a break, he is an Ahole...

Good for you for changing your GF's plate to a better position. Leave yours where it is and you WILL buy a ticket and quite possibly a tow next time, but who cares as long as you get to do what YOU FEEL is Good luck in court.
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How many of you run plate covers on your car?

Not the point. We know covers are illegal, don't cry when we are caught.

Interestingly, not that long ago you could buy those plate covers at Service Ontario to protect against the elements, which our Ontario plates seem to struggle with these days... I would guess many who bought them, particularly at the location in which they were issued their plates, did not know the legality issue
I don't know how many of you are aware of, but this is from a recent news article ( ) but has come to my attention even those dealer plate covers that are put on when you get your car serviced or buy a new car are also illegal. You'd be surprised how many people don't know this is also a no-no on the MTO Laws. If it's a no-no, then so be it, but shouldn't there be a grace period to remind dealers and drivers that this is a no-no and that it should be removed and dealer should stop putting these covers on. To me, it's more of a money grab, i mean if it's a no-no, the Ontario Government should be telling dealers not to put on these covers and so on. Anyways, that's just my rant.
I don't know how many of you are aware of, but this is from a recent news article ( ) but has come to my attention even those dealer plate covers that are put on when you get your car serviced or buy a new car are also illegal. You'd be surprised how many people don't know this is also a no-no on the MTO Laws. If it's a no-no, then so be it, but shouldn't there be a grace period to remind dealers and drivers that this is a no-no and that it should be removed and dealer should stop putting these covers on. To me, it's more of a money grab, i mean if it's a no-no, the Ontario Government should be telling dealers not to put on these covers and so on. Anyways, that's just my rant.

I'm curious as to how many people have been given tickets for a dealership plate cover/border and tried to fight it.
How many people were actually convicted of this offence?
I'll leave my cover on my car plate and see how it goes. Seems like a "do you want fries with that?" type of ticket.

What really surprises me is when cops completely ignore plates with a dark tint cover over it making it hard to read even during the day.
look around...I'd say at least 95% of cars on the road have a cover or border that blocks the lower tag line. I don't have one on the rear plate, but do have a mostly clear(has black border) one on the front and that plate is faded and pealing, so not really needing any protection).

CTV news just did a spot on a guy that got a plate border ticket that is going to fight it. They said they will update when it concludes in court. Chances are he'll loose.
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Is this plate legal?

As my ex-father in-law laughed about how the 407 is free for him.

I'd say no. How does this fly here? And why would HD move the plate *up* for the Ultra? I dunno about all Road Glides but there are definitely some with the plate below the light.
look around...I'd say at least 95% of cars on the road have a cover or border that blocks the lower tag line. I don't have one on the rear plate, but do have a mostly clear(has black border) one on the front and that plate is faded and pealing, so not really needing any protection).

CTV news just did a spot on a guy that got a plate border ticket that is going to fight it. They said they will update when it concludes in court. Chances are he'll loose.

I threw my dealer covers away. I don't want to give them free advertisements.
I'm curious as to how many people have been given tickets for a dealership plate cover/border and tried to fight it.
How many people were actually convicted of this offence?
I'll leave my cover on my car plate and see how it goes. Seems like a "do you want fries with that?" type of ticket.

What really surprises me is when cops completely ignore plates with a dark tint cover over it making it hard to read even during the day.

look around...I'd say at least 95% of cars on the road have a cover or border that blocks the lower tag line. I don't have one on the rear plate, but do have a mostly clear(has black border) one on the front and that plate is faded and pealing, so not really needing any protection).

CTV news just did a spot on a guy that got a plate border ticket that is going to fight it. They said they will update when it concludes in court. Chances are he'll loose.

Dealership covers should be easy to fight. They put it on there, they certified the car, therefore they violated the law. You paid them and trust they followed the law for which they are the ones in the better position to know. That would be by take on it:D
I tried to take my car plate cover off, but one of the bolts seems to have loctite on it, hopefully not red. At least you can see some of the Yours to Discover. As far as dismantling safety features for a more aesthetic (to you) look. You should at least research thoroughly, all of the issues, laws, and features before the fact. Complaining that someone gave you a ticket, no, a warning, seems unreasonable, since you should know better after your research. I guess we're just lucky that you haven't taken a dislike to having levers on the handlebars yet. As for the hour and a half, we only have your word, as to how long and what the officer was doing in that time. Since you were completely surprised and offended by the warning, we can only assume that you aren't that reliable a witness.
Look around, 90% of drivers break the speed limit too. Still not legal.
I'm sure many of us who had nothing to do with that stupid stunt group ride will end up paying for it!

Cops are gonna take their anger on everyone now because a bunch of morons decided to have a 'cool brah' moment!
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The Service Ontario at Cloverdale is a private business run under the auspices of the MTO, which might explain the mistake. This issue came up on the radio a few years back and a TPS spokesman confirmed that totally clear plate covers were fine, but even a faint grey/blue/yellow tint was not kosher. For some reason, that Service Ontario was the only place to buy the totally clear ones. Clear as mud, right?

Otherwise the cop did his job, left OP with an out and provided us with another awesome GTAM thread. How is that not good? Come on, you know the song:

Rebel Rebel, you've torn your dress
Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess
Rebel Rebel, how could they know?
Hot tramp, I love you so!
I'm not sure how we came to the notion that this was all the fault of the stunters the other day?!?
Look around, 90% of drivers break the speed limit too. Still not legal.
How many then come here and ***** about being given a warning?
I'm not sure how we came to the notion that this was all the fault of the stunters the other day?!? How many then come here and ***** about being given a warning?

I'm not complaining about getting this warning, I'm sure we would have been ticketed but for our superior *** kissing/ befriending skills.

The reason he did this was because he has tried to pull over others for speeding, stunting etc. and they just fled and due to plate location he could not track them down. He told us this.

My post was mainly to inform riders in the area to beware if their plate position is questionable. Also I believe this particular cop driving a marked SUV in the 54 division area is useful information for any sport bike riders to beware of. That's all.

I did reverse my plate mount so now it protrudes rearward and is behind my tire hugger. I just have no desire to purchase another one if this solution is acceptable. There is absolutely no obstruction and it is tilted upwards towards any red light camera.

I suppose I'll find out soon enough.
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Think it's worth a cop hanging out for an hour and a half for because he has a hardon from some previous time some biker ran from him?

Nope, BUT.... perhaps he was killing two birds with one stone. Perhaps he was working away on a report waiting for numpties with horrible tail-tidies to appear. Lucky him the OP and his crew appeared!
So, what you're telling me is you haven't been paying your taxes.

What happened indeed.

Yeah, that's what I was saying, I don't pay taxes!

What happened to this forum? I haven't posted in a while but here is my take.

I don't know, I've noticed that when I shared my experience with a cop while on my motorcycle, some called it bitching/ complaining. I call it motorcycle related conversation in a motorcycle forum.

It seems to me that some people need to take the stick out of their *** and be a little nicer to others who are just having basic conversation about our common interest.
Yeah, that's what I was saying, I don't pay taxes!

What happened to this forum? I haven't posted in a while but here is my take.

I don't know, I've noticed that when I shared my experience with a cop while on my motorcycle, some called it bitching/ complaining. I call it motorcycle related conversation in a motorcycle forum.

It seems to me that some people need to take the stick out of their *** and be a little nicer to others who are just having basic conversation about our common interest.

I called you out on tone, and making assumptions. It wasn't really what you said, but more the way you said it. You can keep my stick, I think you've got it in too deep anyways.
"This guy has a hard on for every bike but especially bikes like sport/ sport touring types because he didnt catch one who choose not to stop."
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