What group ride came down Queensway today ?


Well-known member
Just a guess...
They made the news. Video of them doing wheelies and stoppies while lane splitting between all lanes and running reds. One crashed later on dundas, bike burst into flames, rider hopped onto another bike and left. Probably the same riders as have been on other videos this summer acting like **********.

Congratulations to all the colossal asswipes who just further confirmed the stereotypical views of motorcyclists that the general public holds.

Next spring at GTAM, more tears and whining about how expensive sportbikes are to insure.
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So this was a different group than the "Ride of the 6ix" a week or two back? Guess if the goal is/was to create 'awareness', they are doing that...they just don't care if it is 99% bad. Crashes and riding like tools does tend to draw the attention of the new media. I mean, look at all the gun control 'awareness' that gets generated in the states whenever someone goes on a shooting spree...

Next spring at GTAM, more tears and whining about how expensive sportbikes are to insure.

The real joke too is I bet about 60-80% of these guys don't even have insurance in the first place, or even potentially a license.
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nothin' new, used to be like this

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It sounded love a F1 race as they approached my area . Just by the ridea by . I'm surprised more crashes didn't happen .
nothin' new, used to be like this

Umm, that's not Toronto. And the whole mods/rockers war didn't sit well with locals or police. This isn't going to end any better.

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CITY showed a clip of a guy wheelying right by a cop, then they cut to a video statement by a cop saying they couldn't catch up to them as they were gone by the time they responded to the caller's location. Pure comedy gold.
CITY showed a clip of a guy wheelying right by a cop, then they cut to a video statement by a cop saying they couldn't catch up to them as they were gone by the time they responded to the caller's location. Pure comedy gold.

The joke is they can't really respond anyhow...as the second they'd try to 99% of the bikes would try to split and then crash into each other or other objects in front of them....and then the police would be in the spotlight for the idiocy of others.

Hopefully though they were rolling cameras and catching any plates they can, so offenders could be prosecuted accordingly after the fact.
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