Why do we need so many tv weather reporters?


What is the point of having all of these people?
They all get their info from the government and today we can simply google it etc...
What exciting spin can you put on the weather that makes it riveting? lol
I would watch weather channel 24/7 ...

When women speak Spanish its such a turn off. Don't get me wrong, there are sexy looking Spanish women
Too bad for most of them, all they have going for them is their looks...a quick Google of Yanet seems to show exactly that.

As for the actual weather, I have a number of apps on my phone (and bookmarks on the computer), plus eyes that can see out the window before I head out.
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When women speak Spanish its such a turn off. Don't get me wrong, there are sexy looking Spanish women
I don’t think that I've ever seen a more absurd post on this forum. And considering tha @inreb and I post here regularly, that is quite the feat.

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What is the point of having all of these people?
They all get their info from the government and today we can simply google it etc...
What exciting spin can you put on the weather that makes it riveting? lol

Why limit the query to the weather? Why have television newscasts at all? Or newspapers? Everything is online, much faster than these folks can deliver it so why does any of it persist?
Lets make this thread abit more interesting. ...

How many of you believe good looking gives you advantage in career?

Well study shows you have 70% more chance of getting the job after the interview if you're good looking..... given the qualifications match the requirements. ..... in most jobs out there.

On the side note, I'm good looking as ****.... think David Beckham with Ryan Reynolds body. I'm sure it helps when i was applying for my jobs. I love my first day, ... tons of look. ... caught the secretary ninja stared at me..... too bad I'm taken.
Just like all those other latin languages like Italian and French (sarcasm font)
When women speak Spanish its such a turn off. Don't get me wrong, there are sexy looking Spanish women
Just like all those other latin languages like Italian and French (sarcasm font)

So you're saying Chinese is sexy?

I saw 2 girls cussing each otherin Chinese.... I'm telling you its the most annoying sound i had to endure
So you're saying Chinese is sexy?

I saw 2 girls cussing each otherin Chinese.... I'm telling you its the most annoying sound i had to endure
Depends on what type of Chinese. There are hundreds of different types of Chinese languages. Tbh I make fun of mandarin Chinese
Just like all those other latin languages like Italian and French (sarcasm font)
Women speaking French is actually sexy, but men speaking French sounds like a sissy. Spanish is just too aggressive for a classy woman
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