Could not sleep after reading this.

Give it time and it'll happen here as well.
Some will laugh at you for saying that. Canada is apparently immune to what has affected many other civilized societies of the world. Here it's all maple syrup and lollipops forever.
I do like my chances of seeing a proper revolution in a first world country by the time I die. Seems like it'll probably be triggered by famine too. People can't be bothered to riot for mere corruption.
The revolution has already started in a lot of peoples minds. We're already seeing that manifested by a lot of rebelly stances and grooming. Things will change when there's no bbq and ice cream to run home to.
I'm growing my own tomatos, and my armaments are mediocre at best. But I'm ready and willing to defend my tomato patch.
This is going to sound kind of stupid. Couple years ago I was riding my bike on the gravel roads around Caledon where the very wealthy live. On a beautiful Sunday morning. Some guy in a very expensive pickup truck ran me into the ditch. We're just mouth breathers to these people. At least I am.
Venezuela has been in a mess for a long time.
It wasn't that many years ago that Chavez was all full of himself, drowning in oil money, and apparently no worries about the future - the money will just keep on rolling in courtesy of the black gold.

It's sad that ultimately it's the people that pay for the failure of the government to think ahead. Alberta is another good example on a smaller scale, without the desperate poverty, riots, and people starving in the streets, but an example of a government that had all it's eggs in one basket and wasn't looking more than 3 months down the road, nor (apparently) saving 2 pennies to rub together.
It wasn't that many years ago that Chavez was all full of himself, drowning in oil money, and apparently no worries about the future - the money will just keep on rolling in courtesy of the black gold.

It's sad that ultimately it's the people that pay for the failure of the government to think ahead. Alberta is another good example on a smaller scale, without the desperate poverty, riots, and people starving in the streets, but an example of a government that had all it's eggs in one basket and wasn't looking more than 3 months down the road, nor (apparently) saving 2 pennies to rub together.

Ontario's vibrant manufacturing sector replaced by financial centres.

How do you move a factory?

Hundreds of transport trucks and trains.

How do you move a financial centre?

Left click.
I was in Venezuela thirty years ago. It was a 'police state' and a social mess and people feared the government. They have had border skirmishes with Columbia and Guyana for 100? years, its a pretty ugly place to live and the very wealthy keep it that way. Chavez is just another El Presidentay and that country will implode.
There are lessons in this for places like Ontario, but it may not be recognized before its a problem here. A government that does pretty much what it wants, creates and sells off government assets at a whim with no clear plan on financial implication and introduces laws and regulation based on what appears the interest of a few.
The have oil.
The US will somehow come in to 'help' rebuild.
Wait for it...

Highly doubt it. That place is a quagmire and the US has more than enough domestic oil now that it's not going to get involved in another one of those messes.

Well, unless Trump gets in, who knows...if someone down there hurts his feelings he could get all butthurt and invade..
The US tried having diplomatic ties with them but they throw it in their face. Same as Cuba.

... If my history hasn't fail me
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