Worst case of road rage I have ever seen.


Well-known member
I was at a friend’s house in Whitby. He lives on Brock just south of the 401 so I’m riding up Brock to get back on the highway to go into Toronto.

There is a guy in front in a black Mazda with his wife and kids, we are in the right lane and there is a pickup in the left lane level with the Mazda. Everyone is doing around the speed limit.

Next thing this bright orange BMW M3 comes screaming up the left lane and almost rear ends the pickup. I could hear his anti-lock chirping. We cross the bridge over the 401 and this guy is riding the tail gate of the pickup the whole way. Then he decides he wants to make a right so he cuts into the right lane without even looking. I don’t know how that guy in the Mazda got stopped so quickly. If I hadn’t had ABS I would have been down.

The guy in the Mazda honks and the guy in the BMW just goes ballistic. We all turn right onto Consumers Drive and the BMW driver jams on the brakes. The only place Mazda guy and I can go is into the left lane. The guy in the BMW is now hanging out of the window. His face is crimson and the veins are popping in his forehead. He’s actually got froth and slobber, drooling down from his mouth and he’s screaming all kind of threats.

I’ve seen people get angry and flip the bird but I have never seen anything like that. Clearly the guy has some serious mental issues. He’s either a complete Loony Tune or on some kind or drugs.

For those who know the area the Mazda driver pulled into the Canadian Tire and I followed him. His poor kids were just screaming.

I caught the whole thing on my GoPro so I’m going to send it to Durham Regional Police and send the Mazda guy a copy. I also gave him my contact info in case he needs a witness.

That was just so crazy. He almost caused 3 accidents in 400 yards and is getting ****** at the people he’s trying to run off the road.

Just be very careful out there. You never know what kind of clowns are on the road. Had I been beside him on the bike it could have been a very different story.
Cops cleaned out his medical pot dispensary.
Uh. Where the F is the video. Post that **** up, son. Stuff like that tends to pick up steam quick, cops would look into it regardless plus the ********* will get a dose of public shaming.
BMW drivers, eh?

And I know that area really well. I've got family who lives right off Brock, and make the 2 minute drive from their house to Canadian Tire like once a week, which was last night for me, literally the same drive you did lol. Everyone drives like an ******* from the intersection in front of CT all the way around the corner till the Brock/Victoria intersection. Can't tell you why, but I do try and avoid that area as much as possible. People are either going 30 to decide if they want a coffee, or 75 to cut you off and get into the turning lane. And then tailgate people like a mofo so you cant change lanes on the bridge if you want to turn right onto Vic.

If your down to post it, I'd love to see the video.
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401 is stop/go often west of there so people take that southern road and then get on at Brock. It's usually busy with lots of a-holes. Terrible area.
BMW drivers, eh?

And I know that area really well. I've got family who lives right off Brock, and make the 2 minute from their house to Canadian Tire like once a week, which was last night for me, literally the same drive you did lol. Everyone drives like an ******* from the intersection in front of CT all the way around the corner till the Brock/Victoria intersection. Can't tell you why, but I do try and avoid that area as much as possible. People are either going 30 to decide if they want a coffee, or 75 to cut you off and get into the turning lane. And then tailgate people like a mofo so you cant change lanes on the bridge if you want to turn right onto Vic.

If your down to post it, I'd love to see the video.

+1. I live in Whitby. That area is particularly bad.

May have been the same guy but I was riding east along consumers a few weeks ago on my way to GP Bikes. I was in the left lane and a guy in an orange bimmer made a left turn onto Garden from the right lane in front of me. He saw me as well. ****

As stated above, be careful out there!!!
Boring read, I can't believe the douche in the pickup wouldn't move.

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If the Mazda wasn't blocking the lane all this would've been avoided
It obviously didn't happen or we'd have seen the video.

And by photos i mean thousands of photos in sequence at a rate of 30 per second
This was likely a trip home from the local dispensary. Downloaded the GoPro footage of the 'crimson faced frother' in a bmw, turns out it's just a mastiff in the back of Taurus.
If we don't see a video soon I may have to agree with FMJ. OP, help a brother out.
DRPS have the video and have asked me not to post it to YouTube. Both the driver and his plates are easily identifiable. The spoke to me on Friday. They are considering if there is any action they can take. I would suspect a strongly worded letter.

BTW. I log into this board maybe once a week.
DRPS have the video and have asked me not to post it to YouTube. Both the driver and his plates are easily identifiable. The spoke to me on Friday. They are considering if there is any action they can take. I would suspect a strongly worded letter.

BTW. I log into this board maybe once a week.

Understood. Strongly worded letter of dissatisfaction currently in the works; must see frothy face
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