SF TV series


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I know a lot of you guys are into Sci-Fi.
Science Fiction TV series tend to be expensive to produce and networks are quick to cancel them with few notable exceptions.

Do you have any to recommend?

I have watched all of Battlestar Galactica and enjoyed it a lot. Few weak episodes and iffy ending but overall a great series, I wished it would never end.
I was very sad that the plug was pulled on Firefly as the humour in it was superb, and recently I discovered Almost Human, another good series with excellent chemistry between the two main actors. Sadly it was also canned after one season, due to network disputes about money even though it was doing well.
I discovered Almost Human, another good series with excellent chemistry between the two main actors. Sadly it was also canned after one season, due to network disputes about money even though it was doing well.
Yea I watched almost human and waited for them to come back. One I watched the first season of is Dark Matter and it is coming back for season 2 in 2016.

One of my favorites I just watched is "The Expanse" new series as well and it is confirmed that there will be a season 2.

Animated series I really enjoy "Star Wars Rebels" it plays in between the Clone Wars and a a New Hope. If you are into this stuff watch "the clone wars" animated series first

Not sure if I need to mention but "The Next Generation" Star Trek
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Started watching Dark Matter - not bad, I find a lot of parallels with Firefly.
Less humour, more drama but same - trigger happy, not to be trusted, churlish character.
A girl with visions and hidden talents. A dominating female captain (1st officer in Firefly). Bunch of mercenaries for hire stuck on a space ship together. Etc...

I'll try the Expanse later.

Star Trek, Babylon - not really interested in those. I liked Star Trek Next Generations as a kid but find it too cheesy nowadays. Babylon I never got into at all.

Thanks guys!
If you like Dark Matter, give Killjoys a try.
I know it's anime but it's pretty cool - Knights of Sidonia - it's a Netflix original.. Really well made - got a lot better reception than the original manga.

Farscape became a chore to watch. Still got 10 episodes or so and only because I wanna finish the story but I completely lost interest.
Agreed. The AIs story is starting to get interesting.
I quite enjoyed Stargate Universe. Was never a fan of the other 2 stargate shows but this one I fairly enjoyed. Only lasted for 2 seasons. Many people have said that it was quite similar to BSG. I wouldn't know though as I haven't watched that series yet.
List off the top of my head

- The 100
- Orphan Black
- Dark Matter
- Killjoys
- Defiance (over now)
- 12 Monkeys
- The Expanse
- Stargate series (SG-1, Atlantis, Universe)
- Person of Interest

Probably more, but those are what come to mind right now. Also if you are a fan of anime, then "Ghost in the Shell", "Knights of Sidonia", "Macross", "Psycho-Pass" all come to mind.
Black Mirror
If you haven't seen it, check out Fringe. Also Sense8.

Conundrum put a good list together.
Not sure if they're sci-fi, but if you dig post apocalyptic dramas, try The Last Ship, and Jericho.

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Childhood's End was pretty good.

I wanted to like Childhood's End, but it was a far cry from the book which was incredible in my opinion.

Another one I wanted to like was "The 100" but it is just a bunch of brooding teenagers who seem more worried about who they are hooking up with then survival. Great premise though.

I really enjoyed Orphan Black, have not delved into season 2 yet, heard it was not as good as the first but will still give it a go.
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