Jian Ghomeishi alleged sexual assault.

Here's what I ponder about JG.

He's into the rough stuff. Personally I don't get it. I really don't get what sexual thrill one would get from violence be it giving or receiving, BUT that being said there are people who do. As long as the people involved consent to the acts it's really their business.

However I don't believe that it's really a "norm" and one would think that people who are into that would seek out others who are. Shouldn't be hard to do in the age of the internet.

So why would someone look for that kind of thrill out in the bar/party/event/whatever?

I mean, wouldn't you think that all this would be foreseeable if that's what you were into and just sprang it on your date with a choke and a slap?

This is what makes me so undecided on this case. Either he gets off by not only having rough violent sex, but by just surprising his dates with it with no warning. OR by the way the defense is shaping this up to be it's a giant setup.

I have read statements from former Q employees and in terms that the guy was a self absorbed tyrant, but I've never met him.

My personal feeling from listening to Q for a few years is that he is at the least pompous, at least he really comes off as such.

Actually makes the whole Billy Bob incident a little more understandable now if the character witnesses are true.

In the hands if the court now no matter what.
I mean, wouldn't you think that all this would be foreseeable if that's what you were into and just sprang it on your date with a choke and a slap

I would go ahead and guess every date he's ever been on since the mid 90's would include one each rising star(him) and one underling/hanger on. By the time these events happened he probably had a pretty good lay of the land and this is proven by the fact the women pursued him after choke/slap. He's a pro. Would have done well in the priesthood.
... I'm not Bill Burr so I can't endorse hitting/choking women...

dude, the guy's whole JOKE begins with "there is no reason to hit a woman" LMFAO.

I think Bill Burr's comedy has flown over your head. That's a shame, I thought you were smarter than that.

Here's what I ponder about JG.

He's into the rough stuff. Personally I don't get it. I really don't get what sexual thrill one would get from violence be it giving or receiving, ...

Guy, (if you are a guy), you've never slapped a woman's *** during teh sects? No hair pulling? mild biting? I'm not down with outright choking, but a firm hold here and there is good times. A lot of women like to be "manhandled", domination is a pretty common turn-on, but I'm not talking about anything that leaves a mark. Once you start getting into bruising territory, it gets taboo for sure.

so what then, straight missionary till you spooge? sounds kinda boring... :p
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dude, the guy's whole JOKE begins with "there is no reason to hit a woman" LMFAO.

I think Bill Burr's comedy has flown over your head. That's a shame, I thought you were smarter than that.

lol, I didn't say Bill Burr endorses hitting women, I said I'm not Bill Burr so I can't endorse hitting/choking women......It's like the Aussie at the side of the road saying to the patrolman "Why did you pull me over , mate"? The patrol man responds with "I'm not your mate". The driver says "I didn't say you were my mate, I said why did you pull me over mate"?
Bill Burr says why is it ok for women to hit men but men cant do the same. Its not about endorsing violence on women, its questioning the double standards that exists in a society where we preach equality. We say we are all equal but women are more equal. On whatever issues quality helps women, we carry the torch and make waves but on issues that inequality actually benefit women, like domestic violence for example, we are all too gracefully quite and let inequality go on because it benefits women.

Also, Krishan's understanding of your comment was how i understood it as well. Eitehr you meant it that way or it was a confusing comment, Either ways, that's what Bill Burr says and i agree.

Bill Burr says why is it ok for women to hit men but men cant do the same. Its not about endorsing violence on women, its questioning the double standards that exists in a society where we preach equality. We say we are all equal but women are more equal. On whatever issues quality helps women, we carry the torch and make waves but on issues that inequality actually benefit women, like domestic violence for example, we are all too gracefully quite and let inequality go on because it benefits women.

Also, Krishan's understanding of your comment was how i understood it as well. Eitehr you meant it that way or it was a confusing comment, Either ways, that's what Bill Burr says and i agree.


I didn't mean it that way, I was being facetious. Like Bill Burr can instantly come up with 17 reasons to hit a woman and gives some hilarious examples but intersperses his riff with constant reminders that he does not endorse hitting women nudge nudge wink wink because he has to say that, that's the joke. It's that extra layer on top of the obvious humour associated with hitting a woman. Which I would never endorse because there is never a reason nudge wink.
I didn't mean it that way, I was being facetious. Like Bill Burr can instantly come up with 17 reasons to hit a woman and gives some hilarious examples but intersperses his riff with constant reminders that he does not endorse hitting women nudge nudge wink wink because he has to say that, that's the joke. It's that extra layer on top of the obvious humour associated with hitting a woman. Which I would never endorse because there is never a reason nudge wink.

Haha got it. All of this makes me wanna watch his stand up now. brb :D
Haha got it. All of this makes me wanna watch his stand up now. brb :D

Enjoy! They say he's one of the best but I don't understand most of it.
As my German dad would say screaming at the evening news "Vas ist los vis zeez woohas zay muzt be choking!?"
I admit it. I went to a Moxy Fruvous concert once, as a woman.

Sorry, that's all I saw. Then I started laughing.

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