Const. James Forcillo shot Sammy Yatim - the trial

Let the court process take it`s course .
He probably feels he was justified, we can armchair quarterback it for years (as we are doing).

The courts and a jury will decide what the outcome is.
Overkill for scared kids. The second round of bullits baffled my mind...THE TAZER AT THE END????? Crazy...
The second set of rounds was definitely overkill. But when someone with a gun is telling you to do something, do what you're told
The second set of rounds was definitely overkill. But when someone with a gun is telling you to do something, do what you're told

From what I've read the kid was pretty high. Not in a right frame of mind and apparently didn't understand what was going on.

Empty the clip.

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it will be extremely interesting, I don't think a Canadian police officer has ever been convicted in a circumstance like this. My prediction is he will not be convicted of murder, possibly a lesser charge.
That's pretty messed up and I'm surprised that they actually posted the video of this killing/murder.

Do I think the police was justified....hard to tell sitting behind a computer. Sure there's adrenaline and all that, but the second set of bullets was definitely overkill. The first I can actually see simply because we aren't in that situation, and sorry....high or not high...X number of cops with guns pointed tell you to put the knife down...I would hope I'm in the right frame of mind to actually put it down.

In my view, it actually looks like Sammy was setting up to charge with the knife before the first bullet struck. Just seems like his body was ready to move forward. But that's my opinion.

Sad case all around. The family of the victim, cop's life will never be the same, just sad.
If anything is at fault, it seems to be police training. I have no idea how you can charge the cop with murder.

Unfortunate outcome and, sure, the last six bullets look bad, but come on. High/deranged or not, you're wielding a knife at a bunch of cops. Your fate is in their hands.
First three shots I am more or less OK with but I think there could have been a better outcome with better equipment and training (see below). Everything after that I am NOT OK with and this guy morally should be in jail, he shot the guy five more times--missing a sixth--while he was down.

The technicality may be that at least one of the first three shots were the fatal shot, everything after that does not impact if he lives of dies. So if the first three shots were "justified" did he commit murder?

IMO if more officers had tazers this could have been avoided, but maybe then we would be debating death by tazer more like in Vancouver. Personally, I like my chances against a tazer over a bullet. Better training to try and defuse the situation may also help. In the end I would rather see the perp shot than the cop stabbed and real life is not Walker, Texas Ranger where the cops have special martial arts powers against knives....
If anything is at fault, it seems to be police training. I have no idea how you can charge the cop with murder.

Unfortunate outcome and, sure, the last six bullets look bad, but come on. High/deranged or not, you're wielding a knife at a bunch of cops. Your fate is in their hands.

I agree with the training part and especially if I'm seeing the video right. It seems to me the officer to the left of the murderer is just lollygagging about, feeling no threat, while the murderer is on high alert. Why is the murderer on high alert? Why is it necessary to insert himself into the situation? The murderer escalated rather than de-escalated the situation. He turned it into Waco right off the hop. He put himself in "danger" and used that as a justification to unload. That is not good police work.
Police officers armed with guns have been stabbed to death because they let their guard down. So many of our decisions are based on perception and who is to say what Forcillo saw that caused him to perceive a situation that needed lethal force.
Police officers armed with guns have been stabbed to death because they let their guard down. So many of our decisions are based on perception and who is to say what Forcillo saw that caused him to perceive a situation that needed lethal force.

Letting your guard down is a long way from unnecessarily inserting yourself close to the knife wielder. Maybe the street car was on a tight schedule?
I have some experience dealing with people under the influence with PCP and other drugs. The cops have no idea what the mental state or what kind of drugs a person is on.

I can tell you, you simply can not predict how a person is going to react. Even when shot several times.

I'm not part of the jury and don't have all the evidence to draw a conclusion. The video does look damning to the officer's guilt.

If the person stepped out of the streetcar, there is a greater danger to the public and makes things more difficult to control and contain. If deadly force was taken after the person left the street car, a bullet could ricochet or miss and hit someone else.

It's tragic. No one should die like this.

I'm not take sides. Cops need to be accountable for their actions. And when they cross the line, they should face the consequences.

Citizens need to be accountable for their actions too. Taking drugs and brandishing a knife on a street car with others aboard isn't the same as tagging public property or shop lifting.

I feel for the victim and his family.

Hopefully justice is found but, nothing is going to bring the victim back.
This could have been handled in many different ways, they could have tried to talk to him and calm him down, lock him in the street car until he comes to his senses, pepper sprayed him, tazared him, instead the guy choose to empty his gun....
If this wouldnt have been filmed the police department / union / SIU would have swept it under the rug, and the headlines would have read something like "hero cop takes down crazy terrorist"
Everybody except you and I (and I'm not so sure about you) is a potential danger. Zero tolerance, call the cops, shoot everybody except me.
Everybody except you and I (and I'm not so sure about you) is a potential danger. Zero tolerance, call the cops, shoot everybody except me.

Nuke them from orbit. It's the only way.
So many cops with guns on 1 guy with a knife where the guy wasn't attacking, nor holding a hostage.... it just shows how incompetent majority of the cops are.
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