federal election - who are you voting for


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I voted twice in my life. I'm going to vote this time. I have never supported conservatives before but this time I'm voting for harper.

Never liked the guy but he did reduce the GST tax. This has saved me thousands since it has gone down. I don't see conservatives raising taxes. I don't care about income splitting.

I don't trust the liberals at all. I think they will end up being like Wynne. I really do think our taxes will go up. They already bought teacher votes with more benefits promised to them.

NDP is insane. I don't even want to go that route. I hope no one votes for them. They will kill small business.

Harper's message sounds like the most stable for Canada. He hasn't promised crazy things.
It's my right to not tell you :p
I don't trust the liberals at all. I think they will end up being like Wynne. I really do think our taxes will go up. They already bought teacher votes with more benefits promised to them.

They've already said they will so you can guarantee that whatever they said they would raise in terms of taxes, there is more where that came from.

NDP is insane. I don't even want to go that route. I hope no one votes for them. They will kill small business. .

Yes they are insane and yes they will kill small business, exactly at a time when they should be doing whatever it takes to help small biz.
NDP is insane. I don't even want to go that route. I hope no one votes for them. They will kill small business.

Don't be naive thinking that any political party can kill any business ..... It's the biggest nonsense in any campaign. It simply doesn't work like that in free western economy ..... This not Cuba or Russia. I always laugh when people expect politicians to create jobs or making life of small business man somehow much better .... BS
Don't be naive thinking that any political party can kill any business ..... It's the biggest nonsense in any campaign. It simply doesn't work like that in free western economy ..... This not Cuba or Russia. I always laugh when people expect politicians to create jobs or making life of small business man somehow much better .... BS

Some of the strongest and most stable countries and economies in the world are social democracies.... Maybe the NDP are not totally daff after-all.
Some of the strongest and most stable countries and economies in the world are social democracies.... Maybe the NDP are not totally daff after-all.

While I am not an NDP supporter -- actually I don't care much for any of the thieves, and this source isn't exactly non-biased, but this source suggests that NDP governments in Canada have been more fiscally conservative than the so-called conservatives:


  • NDP governments have balanced their budgets 40 per cent (or 22 of the 55) years they've been in office, compared to just 33 per cent for Conservatives and 23 per cent for Liberal governments.
  • Deficits under NDP governments have averaged 0.5 per cent of GDP compared to 1.1 per cent for Conservative governments and 1.3 per cent for Liberals.
  • Average debt-to-GDP ratios are similar for NDP and Conservative governments at 24 per cent, lower than the average under Liberal governments at 35 per cent, but Conservative governments have increased debt/GDP ratios at a higher rate than either Liberal or NDP governments.
  • Far from being big spenders, NDP governments have actually averaged slightly lower spending as a share of their economies than either Liberal or Conservative governments at 21.6 per cent compared to 22.2 per cent for Conservative and 24.6 per cent for Liberal governments.
  • NDP governments have also not been big taxers: their revenues as a share of their economies have averaged 21 per cent , similar to Conservatives and lower than the average under Liberal governments at 23.4 per cent.
The long reign of Conservative governments in Alberta significantly improved their averages, just as the NDP's short recessionary period in office in Ontario worsened theirs. If these two provinces are excluded, Conservative governments fare considerably worse and the NDP fare even better.
When only provincial governments are considered, NDP governments still average lower deficits, lower increases in debt/GDP and lower spending and revenue ratios than either Liberal or Conservative governments. Conservative provincial governments have averaged the lowest debt/GDP ratios, but that's entirely due to Alberta. When only federal governments are considered, Conservative governments have had worse fiscal records since 1981, with higher average deficits and larger increases to debt than Liberal governments.

If you aren't voting don't participate in this thread and don't post please.

I voted twice in my life. I'm going to vote this time. I have never supported conservatives before but this time I'm voting for harper.

Never liked the guy but he did reduce the GST tax. This has saved me thousands since it has gone down. I don't see conservatives raising taxes. I don't care about income splitting.

I don't trust the liberals at all. I think they will end up being like Wynne. I really do think our taxes will go up. They already bought teacher votes with more benefits promised to them.

NDP is insane. I don't even want to go that route. I hope no one votes for them. They will kill small business.

Harper's message sounds like the most stable for Canada. He hasn't promised crazy things.

Better make sure you are old stock Canadian first, otherwise you will be put in concentration camps.
The conservatives brought in a bill (C-24) which makes me a second class citizen with the ability to strip my citizenship....won't be voting Conservatives this time around.
The conservatives brought in a bill (C-24) which makes me a second class citizen with the ability to strip my citizenship....won't be voting Conservatives this time around.

You and your kids and their kids. They can appoint anyone of their choosing to be judge and there is no appeal.
You and your kids and their kids. They can appoint anyone of their choosing to be judge and there is no appeal.

Exactly. This is a big deal for me and my family. We are all immigrants, not terrorists, we all assimilated here while keeping our own culture yet somehow have become second class citizens because we kept our Polish passports.
I not sure the ability to strip a citizenship is a bad thing, your not going to loose it unless you've been a particularily bad man. Or girl. And sometimes these complete knuckleheads do not deserve a citizenship in my country.
I fear nothing from this legislation, and purging some individuals that don't deserve to be here is just fine.

I'm not ok with all of Harpers shenanigans, but I'm very concerned with the liberal agenda. I will go conservation in this go round.
whose legalizing the herb?? Like I can grow my own legalized, not some "we're going to regulate it and you can only get it from us" BS

Harper's demonizing it saying its worse than tobacco and all that, seriously?? What a ****ing clown.
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I not sure the ability to strip a citizenship is a bad thing, your not going to loose it unless you've been a particularily bad man. Or girl. And sometimes these complete knuckleheads do not deserve a citizenship in my country.
I fear nothing from this legislation, and purging some individuals that don't deserve to be here is just fine.

I'm not ok with all of Harpers shenanigans, but I'm very concerned with the liberal agenda. I will go conservation in this go round.

Harper has said he plans to expand this to any crime. If you read it it states "if you can be eligible for dual citizenship" not that you have it.
NDP is also the only party to promise to walk away from the TPP deal, which will kill jobs across the country much in the same way NAFTA has destroyed the manufacturing sector.. Never voted NDP in my life, this may be the first time.
TPP looks terrible for the Canadian worker. When you sign free trade agreements involving 3rd world countries you can kiss all of your manufacturing jobs good bye. Free trade forces your work force to compete against the lowest paid/regulated country involved. This only helps large multinational companies and does nothing for the majority of Canadians. Terriffs are the only reason many companies have had local manufacturing. Just look at all the auto and manufacturing jobs that have been moved to Mexico since NAFTA. Canada just can't (and shouldn't) compete with slave wages and loose safety and environmental regulations.
It's more about the future flexibility of what "bad" is. Right now it's terrorists. Of course terrorist is a flexible term too. c24 and c51 leave the definitions open ended. It's really scary.
It leave the door open for future governments to target groups just be redefining what the intent is.
Sure maybe Harpers been nice so far and only chases terrorists. How about the next guy? For all I know, Justin wins and decides he loves these two bills because anyone that didn't join the Liberal party could be branded a terrorist and so on.
There's no way to know, but the combo of these two bills makes for scary future if the wrong type of people get to wield them.

I not sure the ability to strip a citizenship is a bad thing, your not going to loose it unless you've been a particularily bad man. Or girl. And sometimes these complete knuckleheads do not deserve a citizenship in my country.
I fear nothing from this legislation, and purging some individuals that don't deserve to be here is just fine.

I'm not ok with all of Harpers shenanigans, but I'm very concerned with the liberal agenda. I will go conservation in this go round.
Recently, while I was working in the flower beds in the front yard, my neighbors stopped to chat as they returned home from walking their dog.

During our friendly conversation, I asked their little girl what she wanted to be when she grew up. She said she wanted to be Prime Minister someday.

Both of her parents, Liberal Party members, were standing there so I asked her, "If you were Prime Minister what would be the first thing you would do?"

She replied... "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people." Her parents beamed with pride!

"Wow...what a worthy goal!" I said..."But you don't have to wait until you're Prime Minister to do that!"

"What do you mean?" she replied.

So I told her, "You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and trim my hedge, and I'll pay you $50. Then you can go over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house."

She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?"

I said, "Welcome to the Conservative Party."

Her parents aren't speaking to me anymore.
Im voting NDP and here are my reasons:

Conservatives tore about our charter of rights and introcudes Bill C-51 which strip us of our right to privacy and 2 human right organizations from BC are challenging its that it is not constitutionals.
They also brought bill C-24 which makes many Canadians second class citizens and therefore will not have the same rights ans others specially when it comes to taking away your citizenship.
Thirdly, they have the worst record as far as the environment goes.
They also are negotiationg a SECRET trade deal which can harm many canadians. If its good for us, why is it secret?

Liberal will not get my vote because they are more or the same as conservatives in a nicer package.
They voted with conservatives and supported Bill C-51
Remember the anti terror bill which (while sounding great) means Canadians can now be jailed WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE and based on nothing bu suspicion. Government is no longer obligated to hold public courts and can convict you with no evidence and in secret courts. While this passed in 2013, the bill was first drafter by Liberals in 2003 (i think or maybe 2004)
Liberals also dont stnd for anything, the always position themselves like a perfect sneak politican in the middle on all issues. At least conservatives are honest about how they are turning Canada into a police state.

NDP is the only party who vocally challenged and oppsed both bill-C51 and C-24 while stating that they will not be bound by the secret deal TPP.

They will have my vote.

And no i dont think they are perfect but they are definitley less evil
I don't think there is a Libertarian candidate in my riding this time around, so I may be stuck voting for a major party. I would vote for Mulcair but I dislike Olivia Chow and the rest of the caviar left/champagne socialist crew.

Harper and his gang of sociopaths may as well be extraterrestrials to me.

That leaves Adam Vaughan and Justin Trudeau. *frown*

I'll see what other fringe party is on the ballot and go from there.
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