Too many bikes on road to wave these days

dont like to get waved at? ride a scooter. "real bikers" will never wave or even acknowledge your existence :)
unknowing shrug motion ftw
dont like to get waved at? ride a scooter. "real bikers" will never wave or even acknowledge your existence :)

Whenever I see something that looks like a bike I get ready to wave.

...when I realize it's a scooter, I avoid eye contact and put my hand down in shame. :sad:
I wave to everybody, if I'm not busy, otherwise it's the nod.
I always knew bikes and jeeps do the wave, but I recently began driving/operating a crane truck and found out they all wave to each other. All day long, running loads up and down the 407 waving to other cranes. It's kinda weird. Lol

I always wave to crane trucks while I'm out riding. It's kinda my thing now.
I always wave to crane trucks while I'm out riding. It's kinda my thing now.

If I see a guy riding a purple shadow with a Scorpioskulthingamajig on the tank, eating ice cream and waving at my crane, I'll be sure to wave back.
Maybe throw meatballs too. :D
^^^that was *wipes tear* beautiful
Maybe instead of these friggin' upside-down boot brushes some riders have on the helmet one could place a glove. Just bobble your head when someone passes. ;)

I wave, unless I'm switching gears, slowing down or mid-turn - in which case I'll nod. Enjoy the ride fellas/ladies!
What do we make of the same-direction wave? I never know how to react to that one. By the time I catch it, it's too late to nod.

Op. Get yourself a Harley or a BMW or a Ducati and then just worry about your pose.

Everyone thinks your a douche, wave or not. Just embrace it.

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