How fast do you go in HOV lane?


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I usually do about 6o km/h cause even though lane is clear seems like every other car of looking to cut into the HOV lane
Same speed as everywhere else on the highway. About 140.
I usually do about 6o km/h cause even though lane is clear seems like every other car of looking to cut into the HOV lane

I've only used the HOV once when the regular lanes were packed and I'd say I did about the same. As long as you're not standing still everything seems fast.I don't trust other drivers to do proper checks before swapping lanes.

Same speed as everywhere else on the highway. About 140.

You're not being serious are you?

Then i catch up to a taxi that decides that he has to go 60 for some reason . But when i go 100 i make certain that i'm not distracted and ready to change tire track in case someone doesn't look twice in his mirror before illegally merging in with less than 3 passengers.

I gotta say, I'm pretty sure the lanes will get pretty busy once they switch them to 2 passengers. Until then... it's gonna be smooooooth sailing
I go about speed limit if the rest of the lanes aren't really moving, but slow down after an on-ramp, and I stay on the left tire track to have more space and time to react in case someone pulls into the HOV lane.
As fast as the person in front of me and a little further in the middle than my usual blocking position in case some twat merges into me.
I think op means the temp dvp hov lanes. I go about 60-80 since there seems to be a lot of darters.
600 mph. Or sometimes I teleport to my destination if I feel lazy.
I think op means the temp dvp hov lanes. I go about 60-80 since there seems to be a lot of darters.

Drove the lanes the last two weeks .I must have seen 10-12 close calls from people pulling out . I`m in the 60-80 max speed even in my work truck.
You know, I was just picturing him going 140 when the highway is backed up with so much traffic that cars aren't moving. Seems a little risky for me.

Well no one said which HOV lane or what time.
Going about 90ish but need to keep well back. Lots of cars jumping out of the other lane especially after a ramp and darting back in just before ramps.
Was behind a guy today, cop in front of him. It was just the guy... is all I'm sayin.
So following cops is ok if you don't have 3+ lol.
The safest speed would be determined by the relative speed between you and those around you. As a rule of thumb, if traffic is moving I usually stick within a 15 km/h speed differential so that I dont get many surprises, with some exceptions depending on traffic flow and volume.
I might ride a tad bit more careful but not by much. I might drop 10-20kms depending on the traffic flow. This morning though, some Asian dude in a van was ahead of 5 cars and was doing 70km the whole way with no one in front of him! ********* kept everyone back! Wish i could cut in front of him but it was a parking lot in the 3 other lanes!
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