Fak her right in Pus**: feminists need to suck the big one!

Dreamy Boom Boom

Well-known member
what the hell is goin on with world?! feminists are taking over. sure, the dudes are dumb and they say stupid thing. but, why does the reporter take is like they against women rights?

and, shame on hydro one. if i were these men, i'd sue for wrongful dismisal.

i no likke these kind of woman!


PS-men should stop doig hard, dirty labour: building roads, bridge, building, police work. let the infrastructure crumble and see how the feminists think. they (feminist) would never do any of these dirty jobs. they only take after men have done hard work.
Good on Hydro One. I watched that broadcast and these guys were being idiots.

If you act like an *** in public remember that cameras may be rolling and you may be called to answer for your acts. Considering they had cameras running the guys are complete idiots for thinking none will come from their actions.
Wonder what their mothers think of their behaviour.
These guys are pigs and idiots. You can be sure I would fire any of my employees for this type of behaviour. Frankly if this is all that happens to them as far as I'm concerned they got off easy. If anybody yelled that at my daughter or wife and I was around, you can sure bet that they would not be facking anything for a very long time.
...engineers -_-
Sooooo... are their jobs available?
Big brother in action.

This is the real Orwellian utopia.
you are absolutely right! FemiNazis are taking over the world and men are loosing more and more rights on a daily basis. Men are falsley accused on sexual/domestic abuse all the time and women win with no vidance. Men loose their jobs for false accusations. fathers loose custody of their children all the time for no reason ot fault of their own. Men loose almost everything in a divorce. Boys are harassed at schools for even looking at a girl. Men are called pigs for trying to pick up a women WHICH IS IN OUR GENES and hence why our species is still on this planet (because men are wired to pursure women). Men are constanly shown as a bunch of helpless idiots in every t.v show and movie with a strong in control woman behind them to take care of them. Mothers are alwasy praised while fathers and their love and work is dimissed.

So men ARE in fact looking everything is our FemeNazi ridden world.

All that said and while in most cases men are dealt an unjust hand, in this incident, those guys were actually harassing her and Hydro had to let them go to save face if nothing else.

But yeah, if youre a man and you dont know how sexist and biased this society is against you, then you have your head burried deep in sand. Start looking at some (even government published) stats and youll see how deep they have shafted us all in Canada!
you are absolutely right! FemiNazis are taking over the world and men are loosing more and more rights on a daily basis. Men are falsley accused on sexual/domestic abuse all the time and women win with no vidance. Men loose their jobs for false accusations. fathers loose custody of their children all the time for no reason ot fault of their own. Men loose almost everything in a divorce. Boys are harassed at schools for even looking at a girl. Men are called pigs for trying to pick up a women WHICH IS IN OUR GENES and hence why our species is still on this planet (because men are wired to pursure women). Men are constanly shown as a bunch of helpless idiots in every t.v show and movie with a strong in control woman behind them to take care of them. Mothers are alwasy praised while fathers and their love and work is dimissed.

So men ARE in fact looking everything is our FemeNazi ridden world.

All that said and while in most cases men are dealt an unjust hand, in this incident, those guys were actually harassing her and Hydro had to let them go to save face if nothing else.

But yeah, if youre a man and you dont know how sexist and biased this society is against you, then you have your head burried deep in sand. Start looking at some (even government published) stats and youll see how deep they have shafted us all in Canada!

Get a grip, and learn how to spell.....
The star of the viral video these gentlemen were trying to emulate was wearing sunglasses and a hoodie. That guy realized that it would probably be best if he was not identified for his behavior. And he probably wasn't even an engineer!
In my opinion, She walks over to these potentially drunk guys, interrupts their conversation, and then solicits them to say something nasty.

Are you guy waiting around to ... On live TV . . . or something to that effect.

Is there another video?
you are absolutely right! FemiNazis are taking over the world and men are loosing more and more rights on a daily basis. Men are falsley accused on sexual/domestic abuse all the time and women win with no vidance. Men loose their jobs for false accusations. fathers loose custody of their children all the time for no reason ot fault of their own. Men loose almost everything in a divorce. Boys are harassed at schools for even looking at a girl. Men are called pigs for trying to pick up a women WHICH IS IN OUR GENES and hence why our species is still on this planet (because men are wired to pursure women). Men are constanly shown as a bunch of helpless idiots in every t.v show and movie with a strong in control woman behind them to take care of them. Mothers are alwasy praised while fathers and their love and work is dimissed.

So men ARE in fact looking everything is our FemeNazi ridden world.

All that said and while in most cases men are dealt an unjust hand, in this incident, those guys were actually harassing her and Hydro had to let them go to save face if nothing else.

But yeah, if youre a man and you dont know how sexist and biased this society is against you, then you have your head burried deep in sand. Start looking at some (even government published) stats and youll see how deep they have shafted us all in Canada!

Im with you on this brother!
I don't get it. What is the point of screaming an obscenity at a female reporter? It sure isnt funny.

I would have fired his *** too. And the security guy that stood there with a smile on his face
I don't get it. What is the point of screaming an obscenity at a female reporter? It sure isnt funny.

I agree, not funny at all. But lots of folks think it is so i guess i'm just getting older and more mature.
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