Canadian Black Friday sales - meh

Its like anything else. You have to know what you're going for and know what is really a deal. Its like the people who assume everything at the bike show is a deal.

Over the past few years the deals at the bike show have gotten slimmer too.

I did notice that the phone (iPhone 6) I planned on buying was on sale for a significant amount off (almost $200) via telus at futureshop/bestbuy. Basically the phone was 1/2 price. I tried to give my current phone company the option to match but they declined to keep me as a customer. Even better was that futureshop was offering the deal today as part of their VIP sale. I had gone in to browse and look for any unadvertised deals that I might be interested in and had planned to come back tomorrow to get the iPhone deal.
Bought an external hard drive. I left happy today.

What external HD did you get and for how much?

I just bought a Seagate backup plus slim 2TB for $100, $30 off reg price. Still willing to return it if I can find a better deal.
What external HD did you get and for how much?

I just bought a Seagate backup plus slim 2TB for $100, $30 off reg price. Still willing to return it if I can find a better deal.
All i needed was a 1tb. I got it for 70 bucks. Was a seagate as well. I didnt save stupid amounts of money but i left happy to be honest.

They were selling the 4tb hard drive for 150... you should check it out its worth the 50 bucks in comparison to your 2tb.

I think its 100 bucks off reg price too, so thats a bargain
What external HD did you get and for how much?

I just bought a Seagate backup plus slim 2TB for $100, $30 off reg price. Still willing to return it if I can find a better deal.
I dont want to be a party pooper but if you google reviews, it'll say Seagate is not the most reliable HDs. They crap out pretty often & I've had personal experience with this.

For the price it's worth a try, but when it starts to fail make sure you back it up
I dont want to be a party pooper but if you google reviews, it'll say Seagate is not the most reliable HDs. They crap out pretty often & I've had personal experience with this.

For the price it's worth a try, but when it starts to fail make sure you back it up

Crap, that is my biggest concern, reliability. It was between the Seagate Backup Plus vs the WD My passport Ultra.

Bought it based off that comparison.
I suppose I could exchange it for the WD.
Boxing day was created due to retail stores trying to get rid of the extra inventory they were left with after Christmas, it was good for consumers because they were true discounts. Basically the public had the advantage as retailers needed to sell; but then they started to order more inventory to take advantage of consumers coming by the 1000's, gaining the upper hand due to their great marketing and taking advantage of the people's craziness for a bargain.

Retailers soon caught up to the fact that people will freak out for a sale and started making fake sale days like Black Friday, Red Thursday, Black Friday week and Siber Monday, the retailer has the upper hand on these sale days and what they do is:

- Advertise heavily their door crashers to get you in with a false sense of amazing deals, these items are great value but they are also very limited quantities and are sold within minutes of the store been open.
- Then they overprice most other products by 50% and reduced them just on time for the sale day at 40%.

..and people for some crazy reason still think they are getting amazing prices for stuff they don't need.

People need to forget about the presents and go enjoy each others company, stop giving presents and been on the phone and actually talk to people. Christmas really suck in North America.

If you want a deal, use the flyer, they are planned months and years ahead and get seriously financed by the suppliers, those are the real value items, not this ******** Christmas sales.

I was a manager at Future Shop many years ago, the biggest sale you can find is clearance items in February, basically the store is losing money by keeping that fridge/tv etc. there week after week, at some point they lose less money by selling it 20% under cost than by keeping it, so then is when you should be buying.
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Christmas really suck in North America.

Culture really sucks in North America.


Buddy went to CTC this morning for cheap TV. Surprised to find eco fee associated with that. Googled it. Implemented by Liberals. Could not find info about successful eco program. I bore the brunt of bitching at coffee today. He's gun nutz so have been down the bitching road many a time, screw the Liberals.
Culture really sucks in North America.


Buddy went to CTC this morning for cheap TV. Surprised to find eco fee associated with that. Googled it. Implemented by Liberals. Could not find info about successful eco program. I bore the brunt of bitching at coffee today. He's gun nutz so have been down the bitching road many a time, screw the Liberals.

Here's an idea. Eco fees for bullets. Make it $10 per bullet.
and this is why retail is such an ugly business, must retain market share, keep selling TV's at a loss incase they go somewhere else and get good service. Must keep customers. I get the concept of loss leader product to keep foot traffic, but doing the books at the end of the day to figure you worked all week to give it back on Friday is a baffle.

In case you didn't know, the retailer is not selling it for a loss - they are pushing that loss onto the supplier/manufacturer via contracts signed months in advance. Everyone else in the supply chain is taking it on the chin. Good ol Wallymart is maintaining a healthy margin.
Gotta love the liberals...
All Big box retailers do this. mom and pop don't have the volume movement to make those deals.

Smaller retailers belong to buying groups like Mega or Cantrax.

There are volume based rebates suppliers will give to those buying groups or large retailers. But make no mistake, merchandise that sits on a shelf has been bought and paid for. And is does sell at a loss to the retailer at times.

Manufacturers may give a discount on a new order of stock if they have a large inventory of old stock to help a retailer out but, generally it's the retailer's discretion where to price it.

The door crashes as pass along discounted items. Manufacturers can't supply large quantities at such a low cost.

The wiggle room is on the higher ticket items or accessories. Cables, audio, extended warranty, or higher margin items like furniture.
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