Julian Blanc - seminars on how to use physical violence to pick up women

This boggles my mind on so many levels.

Why would anyone pay up to $2,000 on seminars and bootcamps on picking up women?

I cannot even get passed that concept. Much less if it is a "method" deliberately based on agression or violence against anyone...
A fool & his $ is easily parted
There is tones of these pick up artists, the game, Social Ladder, Beta vs Alpha seminars out there its all snake oil that speaks to mens Egos and insecurities.
If you need someone to teach you how to pick someone up then maybe step back and reevaluate life before parting with money. I can't believe people pay for this kind of crap let alone a guideline based on aggression
Nice free publicity - there is even a campaign against him.

What these idiots don't realize is that no publicity is bad publicity and they are actually helping his cause.

How many of you knew who Julian Blanc was until today?

How many if the 'type' that will go to these courses will now actually learn they exist where before they had no clue?

Once again, the knee jerk reactors do more harm than help.
Nice free publicity - there is even a campaign against him.

What these idiots don't realize is that no publicity is bad publicity and they are actually helping his cause.

How many of you knew who Julian Blanc was until today?

How many if the 'type' that will go to these courses will now actually learn they exist where before they had no clue?

Once again, the knee jerk reactors do more harm than help.


Plus i googled this guys vid and i don't get what all the outrage is about.
Are we now gonna ban anything we don't agree with? Cause if thats the case i nominate religion to be number 1 on that list
There is tones of these pick up artists, the game, Social Ladder, Beta vs Alpha seminars out there its all snake oil that speaks to mens Egos and insecurities.
Not just men. From How to Lose Weight to How to Love Your Fatness, there are plenty of charlatans getting rich on the distaff's side as well.
Not just men. From How to Lose Weight to How to Love Your Fatness, there are plenty of charlatans getting rich on the distaff's side as well.

Not to mention the ridiculous "the secret" and quantum woo thrown about by Deepak Chopra and the like.
So we aren't supposed to beat them into loving us?
Nice free publicity - there is even a campaign against him.

What these idiots don't realize is that no publicity is bad publicity and they are actually helping his cause.

How many of you knew who Julian Blanc was until today?

How many if the 'type' that will go to these courses will now actually learn they exist where before they had no clue?

Once again, the knee jerk reactors do more harm than help.

Heard about him before, he was booted out of australia...
What kind of bs?
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