oil prices and prices at pump

Oil has gone down considerably. It's now at $78 a barrel. Anyone know what the price at pumps was a few years ago when oil was at $78?


I don't need to remember when I can look it up. Prices were roughly the same, but remember that we are paying HST on the prices now... Here is the link in case the chart is cut off: http://charts.gasbuddy.com/ch.gasch...Period=60&Areas=Canada Average,,&Unit=CAN c/L

Too f'ing much
social programming
they slowly raise the price year after year so when they hit you with a 50cent increase say gas went from $1.50 to $2 in 2 months then by month 6 they lower it to $1.75 and you feel better then 6 months later the price shoots up to $2.50 and months after than it drops down to $2 so you feel like you get a deal and less complaining. Remember a year ago or 1.5 years you started at $1.50 and now you are at $2.50.
Doesn't matter whether you think it's too high (most people think that). The whole system is cooked and based on heavy speculation. I don't worry about things I cannot control ... life is too short.
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